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Thread: Vid Trade? Got Baji, Pigua. Want Bagua.

  1. #1
    Braden Guest

    Vid Trade? Got Baji, Pigua. Want Bagua.

    Anyone interested in a video exchange?

    I'd be interested in anything on baguazhang, and potentially things on taijiquan or silat. I have for trade Adam Hsu's series on Bajiquan and Piguazhang; two tapes each. These are good tapes and in mint condition; I'm only parting with them because they're not my style. You can private message or email me (see my profile) if interested.

    Uncloned originals only; please do not contact me asking/offering to trade pirated tapes. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Chandler (Phoenix), Arizona
    Tell you what Braden:

    I'll trade you MY Adam Hsu Bagua videos for your Baji/Pigua videos.

    The trouble is that I have 3 videos, not 2. But if you can somehow come up with Hsu's "Chen Thunder Style" tape, I'll do a straight up even trade.

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