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Thread: Wing Chun in Madison WI

  1. #1

    Wing Chun in Madison WI

    If there's anybody who wants to learn Gu Lao (Pien San Kune) Wing Chun Kung Fu and/or Kombatan (Philipine Stickfighting) in Madison WI, leave a message!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Wisconsin, USA
    Hi Ben,

    I'm currently learning Wing Chun up in La Crosse. I'm not really
    interested in learning Gu Lao Wing Chun (at least, not right
    yet), but I've never seen it and am interested in seeing it

    Perhaps we can get together sometime and compare notes.

  3. #3

    Wing Chun in Madison

    Hey Marshdrifter,
    I am always interested in exchanging techniques and thoughts.

    Would be nice, if we could practice together one time.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Dahlonega, GA USA

    Question How far from Neena


    I will be in Neena, WI on business around the end of September or start of October. Most likely a weekend visit but perhaps we could meet up on one of the days I am there.



  5. #5

    wing chun in madison

    I am open for any kind of martial arts exchange, no matter what style...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Los Angeles

    Milwaukee Seminar

    I don't know how far Madison is from Milwaukee but I will be conducting a TWC seminar in Milwaukee the weekend of July 26th. Anyone interested can call, 248-224-6649.
    Sifu Phillip Redmond
    Traditional Wing Chun Academy NYC/L.A.


  7. #7
    May i ask pien san, who is your teacher??

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Boston, MA

    Good to see another Pin Sun practitioner on the net. Would you be kind enough to provide your lineage? Welcome to KFO!

    Leung Jan-Wong Sam-Fung Chun-Fung Chiu-Mui Wai Hun-Me


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Dahlonega, GA USA

    Coming to Milwaukee


    It looks like I will be in Milwaukee on October 4-6 if anyone would be interested in getting together. Most likely would need to be in the evening. Let me know if anyone is interested.



  10. #10

    Wing Chun in Madison

    to whom it may concern:-)

    Leung Jan - Fung Chun - Lee Shing - Austin Goh - Juerg Ziegler - Me

  11. #11
    FWIW - Fung Chun, as Jim pointed out, didn't learn from Leung Jan but from Leung's student, Wong Wah-Saam. Last I heard, Lee Shing learned from Fung Chun's nephew, Fung Sang, and someone named Fong Ming-Yee.

    Are you guys separating out your Gulao material now?

    BTW - Regards to Jurg.


  12. #12
    Thanx for correction, Master Ritchie!!

    BTW, why dont you send your regards to Juerg yourself??

    I am not a historian, my aim is Wing Chun. and I dont give a s#$t if it's pien san, gao lo or whatever. I know the wing chun I learned from GM A. Goh and M J. Ziegler is highly effective, and thats why I do Wing Chun!!
    I am so tired of this politics: my wc is better than yours, because I learned from this and that master...blablabla

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Anywhere, USA

    Re: Wing Chun in Madison

    So Austin Goh's style is Pien San? His structure (from watching him on video- and the streaming clips from his website) has seemed quite different, so this explains a lot.

    Originally posted by Pien San Kune
    to whom it may concern:-)

    Leung Jan - Fung Chun - Lee Shing - Austin Goh - Juerg Ziegler - Me
    David Williams
    Kim sut, Lok ma, Ting yu, Dung tao, Mai jiang

  14. #14
    Learn to read correctly...

    he learned from lee shing, so I guess it's lee shing wing chun, right?!

    plus, what he shows on his videos is not what he really teaches to his students. he doesnt want people to learn only from his videos.

    but I better go and practise on my wooden dummy, so maybe, one day I become as good as you guys...


    PS: so what does it explain planet wc??
    Last edited by Pien San Kune; 07-22-2002 at 04:06 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Boston, MA
    Planet WC & Pien San Kune,

    Planet WC,

    What Lee Shing taught his people first was Yip Man's WC with some different flavor/angles. After many many years he then introduced them to Pin Sun WC but for the most part they did it with YM methods which is fine as YMWC was their core. Joseph Lee has a nice article on Rene's site about their PSWC curriculum but I believe Austin teaches the PSWC in two sets but has the same methods found within. My teacher did this for his public class back in the 70's and as long as the movements/progression is intact it really doesnt matter much.

    Pien San Kune,

    Nobody is trying to start WC politics with you. All we asked for was a bit of information on a new person posting on this site. I introduced myself with the hopes to meet another PSWC practitioner and not start what you seem to feel is politics.

    For what its worth I have spoken to your teacher (Jurg) many times about his WC and what he preserves as Koo Lo/Pin Sun. Besides him I have been in contact with other Lee Shing pupils such as Joseph Lee. In the UK my friend, Robert Stevens, is training Pin Sun Wing Chun with me and he is also a Lee Shing practitioner with over ten years experience and his sifu Dave Preston is a pupil of Austin.

    Just to help you out I will list below your lineage;

    Leung Jan-Chan Wah Shun-Ng Chung So-Yip Man & others-Lee Shing-Austin Goh-Jurg Zeigler-You

    Leung Jan-Wong Sam-Fung Lim/Min/Chun & Koo Lung-Fung Sang-Lee Shing-Austin Goh-Jurg Zeigler-You

    Thanks for the chat and best of luck with your training!


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