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Thread: this is so stupid...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    this is so stupid...

    MCDOJO is amazingly stupid. no offense but kung fu (including internal and external styles) are just as effective as any other HOWEVER. one exception also WUSHU is a performance sport it's not really meant to be applied into fighting.

    on to my rant...

    kung fu is not a simple system. no offense but in general VERY few people attain high skill regardless whether you are chinese or non (i'm chinese but yeah no bias here). it's up to your intelligence, ability to learn, flexibility, and your HEART.

    oh yeah i'll talk about heart first. whenever fighting first thing is your heart. if you're heart isn't set and totally sure then you've already lost the fight because you've lost to youself. if you don't have a strong heart(not physically strong) you won't have strong intention and your movements will be cluttered.

    flexilibty and all that you know it's just not just physical. it's also the flexibility of your mind, how sensitive your body is and how quick your mind is able to adapt.

    enough about that because it's already been there. important thing i wanted to point out is kung fu is NOT an easy system to become proficient at. you may do the forms and everything well but without GOOD training fighting ability will never come. of course training forms trains good fighting ability but have to practise form well (depending on the style). kung fu is not an easy sytem compared to BJJ or simpler arts. long logn time ago the originators were invincible. their stances were fantastic (all masters of internal and external). this is because they had AMAZING basics. sometimes students would have to just practise horse stance for a year or so until their sifus were satisfied before they could progress in any of the art. by doing the horse stance so much they develop immense leg strength and grounding. those basics become the building blocks of their kung fu and that's how they become so legendary. it all comes down to the basics. using wushu as an example because it's the best i can think of. go to your regular wushu class and you go through kicks, front kick, outside kick, inside kick. in china they do the EXACT same thing but they do it so much harder and more intensely. that's the difference between people. a lot of people now are paying to learn kung fu without all the extremeties included. internal arts are a bit different but in general that is the trend.

    i konw one person who came from brazil to train with me at my school and he was amazing. he was about 40 and he didn't look like a fighter. he looked to be honest the first time i saw him some really old guy who was trying to learn. i was so wrong. he knew hung gar and mantis. he was amazing. he didn't rely soely on muscle at all. i know if one of those wrestlers on mcdojo took him on they'd get whoooped. that's because he understood things and did not cloud them with fancy pseudo words. he had a lot of internal power as well (not just internal arts give it). compared to today's people many just want to be able to fight on the street. this guy was wow. everyone was testing him out. this one guy threw a punch and he just blocked it but something in his block bruised the entire guy's arm. one also thhat guy was about a foot bigger than him and the hung gar guy (call him R) was about 20-40 pounds lighter i didn't measure.

    so how is kung fu less potent? the point is that it is NOT it's just that not enough people train to that level. they think that if the form is good, they do well in sparring then they must be good. once you think you're good is when you start to progress slower and eventually stop. so MCDOJO is stupid don't believe all that garbage. i saw that MMA vs. kung fu video and the kung fu guy in that was such garbage. even before the fight started just by ttrying to fake the wrestler guy out was stupid. this isn't boxing. that's the difference. that guy wasn't sure of himself because the boxer was a lot more bulkier than him. he already lost before the fight it was not kung fu vs. mma.

    it's 3:30am and 'm getting tired from training and writing this so i'm gonna finish it.

    to all those who get discouraged by other people being able to beat you easily don't despair. train harder and more intensely but train PROPERLY and one day the results will come. there are so many things to master and once you have them you can call youself good and show those d.icks at MCDojo how wrong they are.
    - "Why should the marathon go to the swift? Or the jumble to the quick witted? Because god gave them their GIFTS? Well I say CHEATING is the gift man gives himself!" - Monty Burns

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South West UK
    Totally agree with the 'heart' thing. When I saw that video I saw one guy with 10/10 commitment and one guy with 2/10 commitment. (Commitment maybe the wrong word: heart, confidence, belief, determination etc)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    good ole' Texas
    hmmmm, i'll avoid being witty, it way too late for that.

    I did tae kwon do, and for me and the school that was teaching it, and I say that so no one bit*ches, I learned nothing. Then I started kungfu, and it had everything that TKD didn't for me.
    There are very many "martial artists" in every art who train hard. But from what I have seen, once again pointing out its just my opinion so one gets cranky, it seems to me that people who study kungfu, have a greater understanding of what martial arts is all about.
    The are very dedicated and give a great deal of focus to what they do. And know that martial arts isn't just something to do whenever you have time its a lifetime learning process.

    anyways right about now ya'll are wonderin what in the H,ell i'm rambling about I am wondering myself. I'm off to bed, I have to run in the morning

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