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Thread: Al Colangelo? Insta-internal? Take any UFC fighter?

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Chicago, Ill.
    "I don't pay any attention to the facts because I already have my mind made up." Sound like anyone we know?

    Beginner is available
    for comment at:

    AT 6'2, 245, SQUATTING over 800, BENCHING
    AT 6'1, 190, 7 YRS. UNDER GJJ

    ALAN never met us. He learned how to defeat 2 Royce Gracie
    trained fighters with over 6 years of GJJ training at the same time, one a police officer at 6'2, 245 squatting 850, benching 600 and deadlifting 600 lbs. The other is 6'1, 190 under Royce for 6 years.

    Both have substantial fighting tournament experience with a ranking of what GJJ would equate higher than a Blue Belt.

    Alan learned this by following and mastering just several laws of the internal within a short period of days, not years.

    He is available for comment at

    I would like to share my fighting experience with the Wu Tong system. I have several training partners that I have trained with over the last 6-8 years. I am no match for the police officer at 245
    let alone 2 BJJ fighters at once.

    I have a training partner who is a Police Officer at 6"2' and
    weighs 245, he is not only strong but fast and flexible as well. He is has trained in BJJ and other submission styles since 1993. Suffice it to say he can ground and pound you... superb guard game or just break you with a number of submission techniques, especially leg locks. He can execute awesome take downs as well as full body lifts and slams. He has the heart of a Lion and hates to lose. The other partner is 6' 3" 190 pounds very fast, well trained and also proficient in BJJ he is well above Blue Belt level. He is also versed in other submission styles as well.

    ..The BJJ, ...we all did together under a Royce Gracie training
    association as well as some of Ralph Gracies State representatives.

    So their stand up is above average, they can dish it as well as take

    ... they are competent. They have sweat, bled been hospitalized as a result of their training and testing requirements and multiple competitions.

    We prided ourselves for pushing the limit,

    We have fought in many kickboxing , boxing, vale tudos, BJJ,
    submission, wrestling tournaments. Our training was worse that the fights we were preparing for.

    Yet, a teacher like Al can train you to achieve the skills he
    posses' as well as explain the how and why of the movement, thus the principles and concepts that we all are getting exposed to.

    If he does not explain them this means he doesn't trust you or want you to know as you might be a trouble maker.

    As I wrote in part One the monk sets made me realize
    I knew nothing about fighting, the internal is instantaneous,
    and grows daily so we get stronger as we get older.

    I let the 245 monster go first I did external only fought off for a few seconds and then slam, I'm on the ground.

    Yet, when I apply the codes and the manipulations there and no
    take downs successful against me, just a sore attacker as I drilled him with movements from Bagua.

    It's as if he was impaled by the attack and either stumbled away
    or was face down on the mat. I am feeling good at this point, like wow I have a clue. I try just the codes, instant success, and just the basic manipulation...

    instant results not as devastating as both manipulations
    together but I am standing up... no takedowns on myself.. I do them both
    together and my partners are like what the "F---" have you been doing.

    They are happy to be wearing hockey gear we modified for fighting and adds we need better headgear.

    just awesome!

    Now we try two on one, again, they both attack me...
    opponent #2 makes contact, a takedown tried, it is nullified and then he is's over for him. There is no order to the attack either one tries to leg dive, double leg, lifts, slams, nothing nada, zip. I am like awesome. I can't believe it myself because I am definitely mechanical in my movements.

    Next time I have several more principles to reinforce what I tried
    just more layers of training to add to the arsenal.

    Although I may sound barbaric in my training methodology, I am very grounded I just thrive on competition. I don't look for fights
    and I walk away from dumb *******s that try to draw you out.



    "If we do not explain how we do things...just means we don't trust you...don't want you to know...Besides, who are you that we need to explain anything or even answer to you? Hello?
    Last edited by Kungfu Bandit; 07-27-2002 at 02:36 PM.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Chicago, Ill.
    PART 2

    Alan only used basic internal energy against these two BJJ fighters.
    These are BJJ fighters with 12-0 records.

    I talked with the guys from the multiple attack training session the other day. The 245 lb. Police officer explained it's like being shot. You can't see the bullet you just feel the impact throughout your entire body. He described trying to take me down like being hit with a sledge hammer. My previous strikes were effective, maybe, like a mini sledge but all surface type blows without the full body impact.

    In regard to head shots he said without headgear it would have been a coma like knockout with possible facial disfigurement if I
    did not pull 99% of the strike.

    The 190 BJJ blue belt said it felt similar with the exception of
    having a solid base like a tree, rooted, immovable. He has an
    exceptional base along with excellent wrestling takedowns, so he is used to finding the flaw in ones base. He said he never had a chance to de-stabilize me, he said he felt like he was running into a wall.

    Instant pain stopping him dead in his tracks never having the
    opportunity to flow into a second takedown because he couldn't
    establish the first. Remember, this is with the above two individuals attacking at the same time.

    The only success they had was when I went pure external and not only did they strike me but also put me on the deck within seconds.

    We are planning a second training session later in the month,
    probably the first weekend of August as work and vacation schedules are a conflict right now.

    Talk to you soon


  3. #48
    Braden Guest
    So how much better is the Gimble 100 than the Gimble 80?

    Well... 20!

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia

    here we go again......

    i can't believe i read this whole thread!
    KC and ewallace - you guys are on great form!

    Talk to you soon

    Talking is having some form of dialogue and communication between both parties... that's not happening here...

    Last edited by dezhen2001; 07-27-2002 at 03:21 PM.
    Peace is not the product of terror or fear.
    Peace is not the silence of cemeteries.
    Peace is not the silent result of violent repression.
    Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all.
    Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity.
    It is right and it is duty.

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Chicago, Ill.
    Mark P. testifies to this after just months with just Phase 1. He's
    only 5'6, 150 and is defeating heavyweight NHB fighters with 18-0 records and 16-0 records in NHB tournaments including the Pam Am Games. Mark trains at a Gracie school. He says the heavyweights are running away after their first encounter with him.

    Some have fought in the Pam Am Games and have lost badly to Mark at this Gracie school.

    These Pam Am Game fighters tell Mark, who is 50 lbs lighter and some 5 to 7 inches shorter, after losing to him that he should go into the Pam Am Games and that he would win easily. Mark says he wants to go even though he is almost 40 yrs old.

    Imagine what will happen when Mark gets to Phase 2 fighting skill levels?

    Yet, he has never met us.

    Hi Al,

    I just wanted to give a bit of feedback on Phase 2
    Friday I worked 11 hours and then went to spar. I
    did a few reps of the internal sets before entering the school.

    I sparred 6, five minute rounds and I was ready to go. The rest of the younger fighters were exhausted. Thank you Monk Sets.

    During fighting, I varied between using the internal and then just
    technique. Some guys are just overwhelming, when I use just technique. But as soon as I use the internal they have no chance, I do anything I want to them and it's over. I mean quickly, no rounds, etc? At first they could not accept it and were upset and angry but too hurt to come back. It seems they now accept me after weeks of the same.

    They cannot take me down, perform any locks or bars, choke holds, etc. Before they can close I either knock them down or almost out. Sometimes, I wait and counter attack. They can't even recover after being hit and I'm 20 years older, they have 18-0 records, 16-0, 14-1, and they are Pam Am Game heavyweights. I mean externally they would clean my clock.

    It surely feels great.

    Thanks Al.

    For the rest of you, keep up with your internal work, the rest will fall into place.


    After being hit by Mark they tell him to be cool as they feel he is trying to kill them? He says he can't feel any effort.

    Mark reports beating two at a time as well. Mark is shocked by this as these two younger guys are awesome fighters. The younger fighters respect him after he proved this to them.

  6. #51
    Braden Guest
    Kungfu Bandit - I for one appreciate the testimonials you are typing up for us. But most people think you're making this stuff up, and by posting it randomly, it just makes it look like you're an informercial trying to sell your product. Why don't you tell one of these nice gentlemen that you'll meet them? You have someone from all three cities you mentioned you'd be in, saying they'll meet you anytime. If you could get one of them posting a testimonial after meeting you, I'm sure that would be much more effective than what you're doing now.

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia

    Thumbs up

    do u work in marketing Braden?

    Peace is not the product of terror or fear.
    Peace is not the silence of cemeteries.
    Peace is not the silent result of violent repression.
    Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all.
    Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity.
    It is right and it is duty.

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Chicago, Ill.
    I know, Braden, after we meet everyone, including your dream team of pro NHB? Then, you will wanted it video taped, huh?
    It never stops, huh?

    It's like this..."We train to stay out of trouble"...we know the facts will bring out the worst in those who do not want to be honorable.

    I'm sorry to present these facts. We have many, many more
    testimonials with e-mail addresses so we can't be making them up, huh? Just look for them on the testimonials.


    My corporate position is at stake as one 'wannabe' took me to court for what happened when he just had to prove to me he could take me out...and then brought my company into it after
    he pushed it. So please, no more, eh? If you like what you do stay with it. We did not push this thread, recall who did.

    "You are not the enemy...the enemy is within. When you fail to achieve at your potential then you realize who the enemy really is, huh?" We are NOT martial artists nor are we proud of our fighting skills. But we do recognize the value of regenerating. Now, that's the real key, eh? No one wants to hear that's the real art. Stay youthful, prevent disease, retain vital energy, don't keep going down hill like the rest...get a better job. Grow up. Quit arguing like kids do. The skills are like a chess game. Defeat the enemy in several moves? The pros do it. Why can't we?
    We are about helping others to achieve not beat each other up.
    I'm 51 and realize how important it is to have vitality, health and
    greater fitness. We just all have to grow up one day like it or not.
    Last edited by Kungfu Bandit; 07-27-2002 at 04:41 PM.

  9. #54
    Braden Guest
    Er... I think something got confused somewhere.

    No one mentioned any pro NHB team, video taping, or anything else. Also, I have a great job... though I thank you for your concern, and am unsure as to how that came up. And certainly no one ever mentioned anything about taking you to court or trying to "take you out"!

    You said yourself, "I would like to meet with you if I'm in Chicago but right now they have me flying to Texas and then L.A. for sometime. It is probably better I tell you the names of the Chinese masters he fought in person. It would be cool if I show you how and why these arts are so different."

    Since you said that yourself, I assumed we were just trying to iron out the details to make it work! We all understand you have other obligations with respect to where you have to be. But we are most fortunate in having reliable people who will be happy to meet you anytime in Chicago, Texas, and/or L.A.!

    What is the problem?

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    You are standing in my space.
    KFB - I'm not looking to pick a fight - I'm just looking to see this first hand. No offence, but most schools that use testimonials are the ones who are fraudulant. i.e. OYD

    You can ask around the board. Some of the guys on the board have met me, Water Dragon, Seven Star, Fa Jing, to name a few. I'm a pretty non-threatening individual.

    I'll be in Chicago on the 10 & 11th, and I live on the West coast. So send me an e-mail at

    I would love to experience first hand the 'internal'.
    "Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake."
    --- Napoleon

    "MonkeySlap is a brutal b@stard." -- SevenStar
    "Forgive them Lord, they know not what MS2 can do." -- MasterKiller
    "You're not gonna win a debate (or a fight) with MST. Resistance is futile." - Seven Star

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Chicago, Ill.
    Braden, send me your e-mail address. It will be a blast if you are honorable.
    Tom Marsh

  12. #57
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    isn't this the same person who used to advertise the broken mirror bagua? I'm thinking that it is.

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Chicago, Ill.
    Monkey Slap? What kind of remark is that? You have their e-mail addresses? What's the fuss? And Alan or Mark would die to entertain you...come on. Mark is in Chicago at this time. Alan would also be the man but he hails from Maryland. He would love to share this with you. We might even chip in for plane arrangements for you since he has a school. Can't be more fair than that, eh?
    Tom Marsh

  14. #59
    Braden Guest
    Kungfu Bandit - You should try to organize something with MonkeySlap Too and/or Knifefighter if you can. Both of them will be in town with you (and it's a long commute for me) and also have more experience than I do, so would be able to give much better testimonial; not to mention provide for a more productive encounter. I've spoken to them both for years, and also know people who have met them, so can say with confidence both would be reasonable and gracious people to meet in this respect.

    If you'll be out of town, maybe MonkeySlap can meet up with your friend Mark when he comes to Chicago? I'm learning some bagua myself, so I'm always interested in hearing about others who have an applicable approach to the art.

    My email is on my profile here.

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Davenport, IA USA
    Kungfu Bandit, you have to understand that the claims and "testimonials" made by the Mind Boxing group are a bit difficult to believe. I once talked to all about putting up some clips or some such to give people a little idea before spending their hard earned money on his products. His response? "I don't think this is for you", or something along those lines.

    I decided to bite the bullet and order one of his videos. The material was okay, but nothing groundbreakind and definetly overpriced. Nothing that would turn one into an unstoppable fighting machine as they would have you believe. You know the old cliche "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me". I'm certaintly not going to buy anymore from him unless I'm given a good reason to do so. Why should we have to pay $60+ to see that "multiple attackers" video?

    Something I don't get is how you claim that you can make people capable of beating down badass fighters within hours, then when asked why you don't have people competeing professionally you say they can't train full time etc. If they can become a whirlwind of destruction within hours why would they need to train full time?

    At any rate Kungfu Bandit, my intentions are not to insult you. I've
    always been quite skeptical yet still curious about the whole "Mindboxing" thing. I do live about 3-3.5 hours west of Chicago, perhaps we could get together sometime. I'm not looking to start trouble, but simply would like to find out if this stuff is all that some people make it out to be.
    "Courage is the moment when ordinary beings become extraordinary beings."-Brian Jacques

    "Our greatest glory is not in never falling but rising every time we fall."-Confucius

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