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Thread: I am soooo confused

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    good ole' Texas

    Unhappy I am soooo confused

    *DON'T LAUGH AT ME........well to hard anyways )

    I tried to read an article at about this germany attack thing and I have heard and heard what a hugh deal it was now I have tried several times to download it but my computer won't let me. Will someone please be nice enough to explain to me what exactly happened with the least amount of jokes about how stupid I am with computers

    thanx, much appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Behind you!
    The most unbiased way is:

    Guy A challenges Guy B at B's seminar. B says no. A threatens B. B says no and starts walking back to the seminar hall. A jumps B. Fight ensues. It takes a couple of minutes, with B being swept/slipping on the floor within a few seconds, A assuming an inexpert mount, and no definite ending to be seen on any of the versions of the video. Neither of them appears to use their own style of kungfu, or indeed exhibit much fighting skill at all. Neither appears to be an outright winner, but most people go with B.

    B is a self-proclaimed GM and lineage holder in the style, and a renowned teacher. A is a renowned teacher, self-proclaimed badass, 'top' exponent from another popular lineage (since disowned) and a renowned mouth-boxing specialist.

    Now some more facts. It was wingchun, but generally acknowledged to be a terrible display. A is a guy called Emin Boztepe, trained under Keith Kernspecht and Leung Ting in Germany, B is William Cheung, trained under Yip Man (?) and many other reputable WC masters in HK. the video was shot and heavily edited by Boztepe's people. It is also very bad footage, and it is very difficult to make out what went on anyway, in detail.

    The rest is opinion, and the whole affair is often used to claim the ineffectiveness of WC, and/or kungfu in general.

    If you search for it on the Wingchun forum, you may be able to find another downloadable version, and see a lot of nonsense talked about it. But at least it's marginally more informed nonsense from a lot of over-critical WCers, than the nonsense on the thread on this board.

    Cheung's reasons/excuses can be found at McDojo. They are interesting descriptions of situational disadvantages in a real-life situation, even if they don't seem to fit with what little you can see from the video, or even if you don't agree with them.
    Last edited by Mr Punch; 07-28-2002 at 12:54 AM.
    its safe to say that I train some martial arts. Im not that good really, but most people really suck, so I feel ok about that - Sunfist

    Sometime blog on training esp in Japan

  3. #3
    If you are specifically asking what happens in the video, here it is:

    Two guys grabbed each other and fell to the ground. One guy was a bit bigger and stronger, and seemed to have the upper hand. The whole thing (the one at lasts only a few seconds. There were some people standing around watching.

    There really is not much more information that can be clearly gathered from the video. It is that short and fuzzy. Two guys, a little grappling, a fall or throw to the ground. That's about it.

    Best regards,


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    good ole' Texas

    thats all

    now taken i could have missed something, but thats all?

    and thanx for explainin, you're my hero

    I know it was a stupid question , I just wanted to know what the HUGH deal was

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Alexandria, VA
    i haven't been keeping up, clearly. but didn't this cheung/boztepe thing happen a decade ago?!

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