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Thread: Is it OK to be a man?......

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    critical, mass.
    Just play it all cowboy-like and say, "yep" to all questions.

    As for the pussification of the US male- gotta agree there. Nobody knows how to be a standup guy anymore. We're either "d1cks" or "A ssh0l3s"..which makes me wonder: what's the difference?

    Are "A ssh0l3s" just louder "d1cks", or are "d1cks" just sneaky gits? And how do you navigate around either????

    Oh, uh, Martial one's asked me very much about it, and certainly not anything negative. Prob'ly an age-related thing- being older, no one much gives a dam n. They are more like, "you've got time for that?"

    "The gods be praised! My misfortunes surpass even my expectation!" -Jean Racine

    I have the copyrights for Ouing Xun(tm), Veng Stun (tm), & Yengxun (tm). If you use these, you owe me $

  2. #17
    Nobody knows how to be a standup guy anymore.

    This is because people get it confused with "pussification" or whatever nonsense they call it.
    If you want to be a "stand up guy" you need to take responsiblity for ALL your actions, be both in touch and in control of your emotions, strive to keep up good values, morals, and dignity, treat women with respect, stop being controlled by your d1ck, and have a little discipline in your life.

    Whoever isn't willing to do that stuff, don't complain. You made your bed, now lie in it.

    This isn't meant for anyone in particular, but if guys and gals want their images to change it's up to them to do something about it.

    "No judo! NO NO!"

    "One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

    Attain your highest ability, and continue past it. Emotion becomes movement. Express that which makes you; which guides you. Movement and Mind without hesitation. Physical spirituality...
    This is Jeet Kune Do....

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    However, in the US there is the pussification of the American male to deal with. Most guys nowadays have the emotional instability of a woman during her cycle and are insecure little girls
    Amen!!! This is true over here in Oz too. I can't understand all these wussy little biotches...why why why? I am horrified everytime our prime minister goes overseas to bend over for George W Bush. To think that people of other countries might see that pathetic snivelling piece of puke and think that he actually represents Australia is terrifying! God have mercy.

    I think Billy Connely (my favourite social critic ) summed it up nicely in one of his videos. He said something along the lines of the womens movement being a group of strong self organised women who demand this, expect that, require this, want that, they want it now, they want it yesterday, they want it full stop and they won't take no for an answer.

    He then said the mens movement was a bunch of guys sitting round in circles crying "My father didn't love me...". It only stands to reason that chicks don't respect lots of guys.

    But the ones that count do
    In combat you sink to the level of your training. You do not rise to the occasion

  4. #19
    What really makes me sick is the complete reversal that's going on. How many ads are there now with chicks treating guys like dirt and laughing it up, because now they're empowered. Things that would have had feminists foaming at the mouth if it had been the other way around.

    There was a billboard around for a while with this chick in high heels holding two big, naked, muscley guys on a leash. The guys were on all fours. Now, reverse the genders in that ad and see how long it would have lasted.

    Seems to me that chicks justifiably made a fuss because there was a definite mysoginist vibe happening. So things started levelling out, treating women like objects became frowned upon and a whole new balance was achieved.

    Now the bitches are throwing it back and acting up in all the ways that they had such a problem with before. Knee-jerk power trip with their new found equality. Yet still they call the sexism card at the slightest opportunity, riding the PC bandwagon for all it's worth.

    The result? Chicks with ego trips like guys used to have and guys that are pussy-whipped into scared little mama's boys.

    Pussification indeed.
    "i can barely click the link. but i way why stop drinking .... i got ... moe .. fcke me out of it" - GDA on Traditional vs Modern Wushu
    but what if the man of steel hasta fight another man of steel only that man of steel knows kung fu? - Kristoffer
    How do you think monks/strippers got started before the internet? - Gene Ching
    Find your peace in practice. - Gene Ching

  5. #20
    "There was a billboard around for a while with this chick in high heels holding two big, naked, muscley guys on a leash. The guys were on all fours. Now, reverse the genders in that ad and see how long it would have lasted. "

    That's disgusting, and I completely agree with you 100%, Serpent.

    Man..... I should quit reading these threads because all it does is get me POed sometimes. People just bicker back and forth, but in the real world no one takes a stand to do anything about it.

    Oh well.

    "No judo! NO NO!"

    "One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

    Attain your highest ability, and continue past it. Emotion becomes movement. Express that which makes you; which guides you. Movement and Mind without hesitation. Physical spirituality...
    This is Jeet Kune Do....

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    This thread is great.

    I dont mean to insult anybody personally, but a woman who says that martial arts is a neanderthalic thing is being simplistic and presumptuous from the start. On top of that, she decides that the only reason MA is okay, is because it "empowers" women? How is that not Neanderthalic? First judge something as being simple and violent w/out even knowing what youre talking about, and then do it yourself for more power?

    My apologies if she meant empowerment in the sense of women protecting themselves from attackers, because thats a great cause, but somehow I doubt thats what she meant.
    The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff has some excellent stuff in it about feminism. I suggest that as a good read.

    Has anyone else noticed that feminists possess the worst male qualities, which they so futilely oppose? Feminists are like a kid who was bullied at school and grows up to be a bully. Theres nothing noble about that.

    The world doesn't benefit from feminism, it benefits from respect.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    land o' sam
    honestly, i don't give a **** either way. if someone's a ***** and it's worth my time to point it out, i'll call them on it. often when i do and it's a girl, i get called sexist. and i say, "actually, no, i revere mature women a lot. i just think you personally are a *****."

    i like wu wei's comment on respect. who gives a nut if someone is an empowered girl or a pansy guy. are they acting respectably and respectfully? then mad props to them. are they acting like they deserve a swift kick in the nuts? kick 'em. and if they don't have the right kind of bits, certain parts of a girl wedged between a boot and pelvic bone can't be comfy.

    but i digress. in all honesty, put your concern where it matters. someone's coo, be coo. someone's not coo, let it go. period.
    " i wonder how many people take their post bone marrow transplant antibiotics with amberbock" -- GDA

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Davenport, IA USA

    Re: Is it OK to be a man?......

    Originally posted by DelicateSound

    Three months ago my lass was complaining about my MA. A "typical, male neandertholic thing" apparantly. However, when she found out that about 2/3 of the class were female, she thought that was a good idea, and that female empowerment etc. was a fundamentally positive concept of the late 20th century
    Sounds like you should find yourself a new "lass".

    Originally posted by DelicateSound

    Apparantly the idea of me getting hot and sweaty with a dozen lithe females wasn't so good.
    See above

    Originally posted by DelicateSound

    Anyway, my point is that over the last 30 years, this trend of role-reversal has grown steadily. Is it a bad thing for guys to do MA's now. You usually get a "typical male" comment from lasses, and a "so how hard are you then" moronic comment from most blokes.

    No matter how we justify our aims to ourselves [self-defence, fitness etc] a large proportion of the non-MA public will see is in a narrow minded stereotypical view.
    No big deal. I don't need to justify it to anyone. I prefer to keep
    it to myself, but sometimes it does come up. I've never really gotten any of those comments from females, though I have got
    some from the insecure, wannabe tough guys. Though a few
    days back some "lass" called me crazy for it, but immediately
    followed it up with, "just kidding".

    Yes the whole "Pussification of America" is true. Masculinity is
    becoming a crime, "feminists" who want "equality" (only in the
    ways that it will benefit them) and so on.

    I agree pretty much with what Ryu said about being a "stand up"
    guy. I'm not going to treat everyone with respect though.

    Now I'm not sexist, but I do have a certain concept of masculinity
    and femininity. I'm not going to be told how to think or act by
    "femi-nazis" or a public brainwashed by Political Correctness. If they don't like it then they can go find a shoulder to cry on, but it
    won't be mine.
    "Courage is the moment when ordinary beings become extraordinary beings."-Brian Jacques

    "Our greatest glory is not in never falling but rising every time we fall."-Confucius

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    critical, mass.

    There's a reason

    Why men don't protest and women do: we have jobs and they have to cook and clean. heheheheheh.

    Ryu: excellent. I quite agree. And so would a feminist by the name of Camille Paglia, BTW. She demands that women NOT whine, and she is what is called an 'equality' feminist, not a 'difference' feminist. Good terms for knowing the enemies. Difference types say, basically, women are superior in ___ ways.

    She also said men don't get credit for setting up a society that is safe and balanced ENOUGH to allow women the opportunity to make whiny protests. Wasn't easy, no, but we did, as a whole, relinquish significant power and shared it out, and have NOT on the whole complained.

    In my earlier post, I was making references to name-calling that is constant, yet males NEVER take women to task for it. They're immune. If you complain about this callous behavior, you're a wuss.

    And, IMO, women conduct relationships with casual emotional brutality as a matter of course. Just the way it is. Not like I'm bitter or anything.
    Last edited by {i^(; 08-22-2002 at 12:04 PM.

    "The gods be praised! My misfortunes surpass even my expectation!" -Jean Racine

    I have the copyrights for Ouing Xun(tm), Veng Stun (tm), & Yengxun (tm). If you use these, you owe me $

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sub. of Chicago - Downers Grove
    we all know that MA are misunderstood by the vast majority of non-MA people,

    Heck, MA's are even misunderstood by many M's!!!!!
    Those that are the most sucessful are also the biggest failures. The difference between them and the rest of the failures is they keep getting up over and over again, until they finally succeed.

    For the Women:

    + = & a

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Kansas City, KS
    This thread is cracking me up.

    You're all whiney b1tches, except {i^(, who is bitter, but correct.

    If emotional abuse were a pusishible crime, I think a lot of women would be in prison.

    And more women in prison means more movies about women in prison.

    I think you all see what I'm getting at here.
    I would use a blue eyed, blond haired Chechnyan to ruin you- Drake on weapons

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    minneapolis, mn
    DS, I havent had time to read response to your post but here is my take on it. If someone thinks its Neanderthalic or whatever, I know they are mistaken. I know my art takes alot of mental skill as well as physical. There are a bazillion reasons why people do it, some rare few assume we do it so we can beat others up. To those people I say fukk off.
    There is a tkd chick at my work here and we were out in the courtyard talking about our arts, and one of her freinds turns to me, not both of us, ME, and says something along the lines of "Great, another testosterone filled bully." My jaw dropped and then so did the hammer, I hit her twice in the chin before she knew what was coming and managed to get my right leg onto her kneecap, pressing her leg backwards and popping the joint. She yelled a little which was the opening I needed to get hold of her larynx and put her on the ground. I said next time she said something so ignorant or idiotic I would tear it out. Or something like that anwyay, I am sure you get the point
    I'd tell you to go to hell, but I work there and don't want to see you everyday.

  13. #28
    Can I be the warden?

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    minneapolis, mn
    Whats this pussification of the american male crap? I am american and male and no one ever accused me of being a pu$$y. You girls have got to pull up your slips and be men without worrying about it. Most men arent knuckle dragging bags of testosterone waiting to pop. If you are one of these guys who has be pussified then thats your own fault!
    Seriously why worry about what these guys and girls think? Most people dont care or dont have any real opinion. Most of the people I have met think its kind of neat. Regardless you wont see me cradling some sort of milquetoast who thinks I am a thug because I practice a martial arts, it just telle me he/she has to get out more.
    I'd tell you to go to hell, but I work there and don't want to see you everyday.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Kansas City, KS
    ...cafeteria cat fights...rioting women getting the hose...
    I would use a blue eyed, blond haired Chechnyan to ruin you- Drake on weapons

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