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Thread: Henry Po Yee started in 1978

  1. #1

    Henry Po Yee started in 1978

    Henry Po Yee actually started kung fu in 1978. His website says he started in 1969 or something. Many sifus went to high school with him and while they were practicing kung fu, Yee was playing volleyball.

    I'm not knocking Po Yee's skill because he does have some skill and did put time and effort into his training. However, he started in 1978.

  2. #2

    gou z moron

    great stuff?

    nobody on this forum is stupid enough to be your ally,
    the multi faced jack springer.

    this is your idea of having fun,you started it.

    be a good little troll boy jack, and post some more great stuff for us,tell us more about your adventures at the beach,

    why don`t you tell us about your training in new york,
    we all know who you are,don`t be afraid son,
    it`s alright.

    you are hideious.and as far as canibalism goes did you notice where your mouth is?
    Last edited by redfist; 09-03-2002 at 03:07 PM.

  3. #3

    Control your anger and personality. I don't train in New York,. Where in my post does it say that?

  4. #4

    urban tea

    the post you are refering to was not written to you but to a member of this site who went by the name of gou zi yi,
    you should disregard this post.

    for some reason all of gou zi yi`s posts where deleted.

    as a matter of fact it does not say anywhere in your post that
    you trained in new york however,gou zi yi did,

    your information about sifu yee is inaccurate as he began his training in 1955.

    since you have an intrest in nan tong long please list for me the
    "many sifu`s" that have made this erronious statement as stated in your original post.

    it does refer in your post to"high school",

    since the "many sifu`s"that you refer to would have resided in the same area,that would be new york,

    while you are busy getting that list of the "many sifu`s" together,

    could you please state for us here at kung fu on line what branch of wing chun you draw your lineage from?
    Last edited by redfist; 09-05-2002 at 06:38 PM.

  5. #5
    My information is accurate is Yee started in 1978. I"m not here to try to prove or disprove anything. I simply put the post to put the right info out there.

    I've done my job. I can name a few sifus but that would only start unecessary problems. Yee makes a living off of kung fu so it wouldn't be good to try to ruin that.

    He put his years in training and I wont' take that away from him.

    That's all I gotta say. Relax redfist.

  6. #6

    Red face the truth

    Hi urban tea. I applaud you for your honesty and integrity. Don't let redfist dissuade you from putting the truth out there. Just facts baby, just facts. Let me help you with this honorable task. Yee learned for only about 6 months. Like you, I can't reveal my sources because they are secret. I can tell you one of them though, Jack was actually there in the 50's when Yee supposedly began training. He can verify exactly what Yee learned and didn't learn like the sifu's you talk to.

    I have met several other of Lam's disciples who, for some unknown reason, say that Yee did begin when he says he did. But they are not to be believed. Some of them don't appear in any of the group pictures with Lam and, therefore, they can't possibly be real disciples. Also their forms, like Yee's, are not exactly the same as Lam's. Everybody knows that if the forms deviate just a little, they are deviating from tradition. All the real disciples perform the system exactly the same as Lam. Jook lum in particular had many secret handshakes and the like, Jack is the only nonChinese to get them. He tried to correct Gin Foon Mark 20 some years ago but Mark made up his handsets anyway. The real kung fu men know that making up forms, even if they follow the system's maxims, are NONtraditional. What a hoot!

    BTW, anyone at the kung fu magazine benefit gala? Did Yee need help getting on stage as sickly as he is? Did you go, Urban Tea? That would have been a good time to correct him. Likewise, Jack will be appearing at Yee's seminar in NJ to correct him as well. Part of our tough job is to not only put the truth on the internet but to directly correct them as well. Otherwise, people will just think we are anonymous gossipers afraid to confront the people we are publicly correcting. Keep up the good work.

    I agree, to hell with mo duk. I'm glad you came out and corrected a sifu of another system other than you're own. Nowadays, it's our job to bring out the facts. So while we're at it, several sifu's I know were training in HK under the famous Leung Shung. They said that Kenneth Chung began learning in 1974, not when he claims on his website. Several sifu's I know trained under Leung verify this. I don't want to take anything away from him, because his wing chun looks quite good. I can't reveal my secret sources because I don't want to cause trouble. But I have to do my job which is to put the FACTS out there.
    Keep up the good work Urban Tea!

  7. #7

    urban pee

    doing your job?

    who are you working for pee boy?

    guess what?you are not as anonymus as you think.

    does it make your sifu proud when you stick your nose into places
    that it does not belong,

    belong,now i beleave thats the operative word here wanna be.

    so just relax urban p,and lets not forget who started this thread,

    in the past on this message board you have made racist remarks about white people,on 6-20-02 to a member named hideous.

    oh yea,thats right,you where just joking.

    it doesn`t surprise me that sooner or later you would get around to cannabalising one of your own.

    what really demonstrates what a low life pee boy you are is that there really is no stake in it for you but to be accepted.

    so,tell us,how does it feel to be someones pee boy?

    on that i`m sure you can speak with authority.

    just relax,thats not all i`ve got to say.
    Last edited by redfist; 09-05-2002 at 06:44 PM.

  8. #8

    You have a lot of hatred in you that you have to let go of. I don't know what has happened to you in your life, if you're from the ghetto projects and like to talk sh*t, if you're from comtpon or crenshaw, or just hold certain insecurities in yourself'll be okay.

    The sun will rise tomorrow and the grass is green. Smile. I love you.

  9. #9

    tea anyone?

    it was from hatred that you started this thread in the first place,
    you figured since good old gou z yi was trashing nan tong long you`d jump right in anonymously to help work that hatred out.

    i`m sure now you feel much better,

    this is another area where i`m sure you could prove to be an expert.

    i don`t have to lie to make myself feel good or to be accepted by others as you have done,

    how many brownie points do you think you scored?

    did you print out the posts to show all your friends what a great kung fu man you are?

    smile,your on candid camera.
    Last edited by redfist; 09-05-2002 at 06:42 PM.

  10. #10
    I forgot to add one more thing. Po Yee said that he used to go fight all those black people back in high school.

    This is also false because the sifus i knew that went to high school all hang around each other. When they would go fight weekly, they asked him to come but he wouldn't. He would rather play volleyball.

    I started this thread when I felt like it, not because of Gou Zi.

    Redfist, you grew up in Compton didn't you?

    I love you.

  11. #11

    what ya been drinkin? tea

    what the heck are you talking about?

    first you got something against white people now you got something against blacks to?

    let me get this straight,you`re saying that the fabled
    "many sifu`s",while they where in high school,used to go fight black people "weekly"and sifu yee prefered not to indulge in this type of behavior but played vollyball instead?

    and of course you see something wrong with NOT participating in this type of behavior with the "many sifu`s".

    you jumped right on old gou`s bandwagon tea,we all know that.
    to state otherwise at this point is foolish.

    compton,are you trying to put me down by insinuating that i may
    be from there?i got no problem with compton.

    but it`s plain to see that you do.
    Last edited by redfist; 09-03-2002 at 09:00 PM.

  12. #12

    You got issues.


  13. #13
    Redfist, Springerfist, Springer-whatever, Hideous etc, all as bad as each other. They use the same methods, same insults.

    Trolls all of them.

    Hideous and his Cannabalism - yeah they are ALL doing that to themselves as well as each other.

    To destroy their systems reputation in public is shameful.

    Maybe it amuses people from other styles, but they just ruin their SPM's reputation.

    Ignore them Urban Tea.
    Get The Point?

  14. #14

    I agree. You know one day I asked a friend of mine what he thought about the internet war going on in the SPM world.

    He replied, "What does it have to do with all the training and effort put in a such highly sophisicated system of fighting. From what all the masters have taught over the generations and passed down and means so little to what really matters and that is preserving the art for what it is and putting that time in to earn the skill..."

  15. #15
    True, Urban Tea does not fit the definition of "troll." Don't we all agree on that, my friend? Just look at his initial post- all facts, right? Just as factual as mine is about Kenneth Chung. After all, you've been trying to prevent an SPM internet war all this time, not start one! That's clear! So forget mo duk, keep up the good work!

    Now back to Needlefist,
    So glad to have you back, Jack. Nice that you, me and Urban Tea can combat trolls together. Birds of a feather... Also looking forward to more discussion of your Toison Hung Gar from the 70's and William Chung's needlefist.

    Keep posting, glad to have you back. Bring your friends too. They seem to have left...or been banned.

    PS. "needlefist" is just as cool an alias as "gingerfist" but not as cool as "springerfist"!
    Last edited by springerfist; 09-05-2002 at 02:09 PM.

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