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Thread: Attn: Xebsball (or other brazilians).

  1. #1

    Attn: Xebsball (or other brazilians).

    Hey man i was just wondering if you had some basic info on brazil for me I am interested in going there next year to train some.

    Basicly i was just thinking if most people there speak english (i dont think they do but i guess it's worth asking ). Also about hospitals there, is it set up like USA (gotta have insurance) or is it paid for by taxes? Are there any specific hospitals i should look for should i have some injury happen out there (just wondering if that's something i'd have to worry about beforehand or if i can just go tehre and then check into a hospital if something happens). Also about accommodations, is it a big problem finding a small studio apartment or something similar in Brazil? Maybe just renting a room at a small hostel or motel would be cheaper? And how much would you think something like that would cost?

    Sorry for all the questions just trying to figure out if it's a realistic choice or not

    Btw if it helps any the city i have in mind is Curitiba.
    Free thinkers are dangerous!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    xebby is no more, his creator dwells elsewhere
    Hey qeysus, i saw you wanna train with Chute Boxe

    Few people speak english, and very few can talk fluently.
    For hospitals there are both types, the public ones (taxes) and the private ones (insurance, cash). Also note that since the goverment doesnt have much money (or it gets "lost" in the process), some public hospitals are in really poor condition.
    If you get hurt or anything your best bet is getting info/help from the locals, they will know wich hospital to take you to.
    Finding an apartament probably wont be too hard, might depend on the aera, wich part of the city.
    Im guessing staying at a hotel would be more expensive, but you would better contacting someone living in Curitiba to make sure.
    BTW, here motels are small hotels where couples go to **** those are ****-hotels.
    "If you're havin girl problems i feel bad for you son
    I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one"

    "If you can't respect that your whole perspective is wack
    Maybe you'll love me when i fade to black"

  3. #3
    lol yaeh Still waiting for Eduardo to ask master Rudimar how he feels about people coming in for a limited time from abroad.

    Yeah your propably right, i might be able to contact someone over there to get a room somewhere. Guess i'll have to try and learn me some basic portuguese!

    Thanks for the answers man
    Free thinkers are dangerous!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    xebby is no more, his creator dwells elsewhere
    no prob
    "If you're havin girl problems i feel bad for you son
    I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one"

    "If you can't respect that your whole perspective is wack
    Maybe you'll love me when i fade to black"

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