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Thread: Check this video download out

  1. #16
    TIger Hand Guest
    Modern wushu-

    Yes i admit, i despise it. An it is not because i hate what i can't do. Besides why would i want to do 2 cartwheels and then back flip onto my stomach?

    I hate wushu because it is not kungfu, and before everyone get technical about "how you can have kungfu in everything stuff"; i mean kungfu as in traditional FIGHTING arts. I done some wushu and i have seen lots of wushu people train, and it is not about fighting. Wushu is the stuff the gov't of china sells and exports to the rest of the world, ie.Olympics. An it is wasting the talent of these fine atheletes into something that can amount to nothing more than a fine acrobatic show.

    Being a trad.CMA I know the possibilities that proper training in kungfu, coupled with natural talent can produce. Imagine the beijing kungfu team, supported and funded by the gov't, each with special skills that some of us spend a lifetime trying to achieve, some never because of constraints of modern life (iron shirt, iron palm, dim mak, golden bell...etc). Would these NHB, bjj people keep saying kungfu is useless?? Would these skills only be regulated to the very, very few to see? and for most of us mere legends?

    That is why i despise modern wushu. It is because of wasted talent. UNLESS, you like doing acrobatic movements that has martial flavor. If that is the case then I wish you all the best in your training.

    But I think the gov't of china is doing a great disservice to her own unique fighting style.

  2. #17
    firepalm Guest

    acrobatic shows only...

    Modern wushu is just a different direction for martial ART, period. China is also promoting the fighting side ie; san shou/da. However to what you said about wushu being only good for acrobatic shows it depends where you place value! You acquire gold bell shield, iron shirt, etc... so what??? A lot of this stuff is antiquated & often unhealthy (if done incorrectly) and what can you do with it ultimately? Side shows maybe? Flip side a lot of wushu athletes in China are actually moving onto very lucrative careers working in the Asian film industry. So there's some thing outside of 'acrobatic shows'. If & when wushu goes to the Olympics then chances are wushu will become much like gymnastics where it will be possible to run schools on the same professional level as gymnastic schools.
    Just my thoughts don't take em too serious... :D

  3. #18
    dooder Guest
    I'm glad those links we're posted, thanks. My teacher teaches a mixed curiculem and does teach wushu and the beijing wu shu team certainly is a amazing, but those we're just the highlights to sell the video and I'm sure there's less flashy but equally awsome stuff on that video. We don't do all those techniques in fighting and some of it is just acrobatics without much applicaton (buterflys, flips) but those skills have values that transfer over to fighting. Some techniques are to train certain skills like the explosive power you learn from doing jump kicks. cool stuff

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