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Thread: The myth of todays kung fu fighting exposed

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    syracuse, ny , usa

    This has gone too far.
    It’s like this,
    1st, I think you lying you’re a$$ off. To begin with if you were serious in the first place you would have e-mailed us directly instead of putting it up in here or both. But I’ll get back to that.

    If you had anything to do with that event, why don’t you know the name of the kung fu guy? Also, We only spoke on the skill of the kung fu guy.

    Next, Why should we put up any money at all? You challenged us. So let’s make this clear, as the senior I’m telling you we will not put up a dime. You challenged us. We don’t look for fights. We just stand our ground.

    (As Phantom Menace asked, "Where are the videos?" The San Soo guy stepped up and put it on the line against John Marsh, a top MMA fighter. If you are going to criticize him, it begs the question, "Where is the video of you fighting a top MMA guy?" As a matter of fact do you have any videos of your supposedly beating these internal people?)

    I don’t know what you thought, but that’s not why we started learning the martial arts. All the fights we’ve had were our experiences along the way. We learned for our selves, not with the thought that we were going to be commercial teachers and needed proof of our experiences for other people.
    On the sports circuit, most of the critics have never even had a fight. Do they need a video of themselves?

    The points made about the San Soo guy stand. We don’t need to have our own video to see that that was a horrible display. None MA’s could see that as well.

    (Do YOU have enough skill to put $5,000 on the line?)
    Why should I? Again you came at us. Who ever heard of the challenged putting up the money? Look man, we’ve already got a history of dealing with this subject.

    (So with your knowledge of ground fighting, maybe you can critique the San Soo guy’s technique on the ground. What do you think he did wrong on the ground? Did you see him doing anything right on the ground? What techniques would you have used to keep John from attaining side control? What would you have done if John did get side control on you?)

    He had no ground technique. He had no attack period. The BJJ guy just waited and swallowed him up like a baby. He just ran at him with some weak attempt to fake him out and just got took out. That wasn’t even a fight. The BJJ guy didn’t even have to use his technique. He simply snatched his ass up and put an end to it.
    He had no strategy at all. True training teaches you how to deal with weight and height differences. You just don’t run at a man that’s got a distinct advantage on you. You have to think. This shows his lack of experience.

    (You are an accomplished ground fighter? OK, so let’s hear your technical critique of the San Soo fighter’s ground work, since you were the one who originally stated he had no skill.)

    As I said before, he had no skill. What’s to talk about?

    (Based on the above quotes and considering the fact that there were no high kicks thrown in that fight, what might that suggest about blacktaoist as a fighter?)

    First of all, if that wasn’t a high kick that he was attempting, he’s got some weird body mechanics. While the kick didn’t go high at all, even if it was a low kick it didn’t matter, because the moment he lifted his leg the BJJ guy was on him. But it doesn’t matter anyway. He stopped him cold.

    ( It always amuses me the claims people like blacktaoist and Maoshan make about defeating grapplers and groundfighters, but when asked to comment about the technical aspects of grappling and groundfighting, either cannot do so or have no clue when they do try to comment on what is actually going on.)

    What are you saying here? There was nothing to discuss. That was no quality match. And you can see what is going on. What, you wanted a description like what CD Lee gave? Why? That’s a waste of time. And as far as my knowledge goes I’ll tell you this,
    There are a lot more methods to ground fighting then the BJJ’s use. Grabbing and locking is not the end all be all of close fighting, it’s apart of it.

    (Most of the people who ridicule the San Soo guy have never fought a real fight and those that have never have gone against a quality opponent. These people don’t realize that fights don’t happen the way that they happen when they are choreographed in the movies. Most people who fight in the high stress situation of a challenge match or real fight, especially if they aren’t used to doing it regularly, will lose 30 to 80% of their skills, no matter how highly trained they are.)

    Man, You don’t know what you’re talking about. All of my fights have been real. F**k tournaments. This is not a game for me man. No hobby. Anything that has rules is a game, that’s your premise, not mine. I’m not trying to be a sportsman. You act like we’re new to this or something. We’re old school man. I’ve been doing this for 33yrs now. In the ghetto’s of NYC, which was my testing ground, you win or lose, live or die. This ain’t no movie. We speak from knowledge and experience. Bring you’re a$$ to NY.

    (The reason I ask about videos, is that these people make claims about being such great fighting machines, but there is absolutely no evidence to back it up. The most you might see is one or two of them playing patty-cake on their web site. At least the San Soo fighter has actually fought a quality opponent, something 99% of those putting him down have never done. Not only that, he has the video to prove it.)

    Patty-cake? You don’t know what you’re talking about. My Brother fought and won against the Beijing San Shou champion and it was video taped. My matches were privet. But forget that, you want proof? Come to NY. All the info is there. We’re not hiding. As I said if you we’re real you would have e-mailed us directly. We haven’t been on KFO for a minute. You already mentioned that you’ve come to our site. Why didn’t you post this crap there? Simple your trying to start some S**t. My brother wrote you directly, it took you a bit of time to respond because you were shocked that you got a response.

    Also, I know your full of sh*t. First you said that you had a part in putting that fight together. Now your saying that he’s not apart of your camp. You said these two guys on the clip. Now you’re coming with a whole new crew. And you want us to pay for it.

    Yo, you think we’re stupid and you’re the grand manipulator. It ain’t happenin man. You won’t use us to get paid. You don’t have the money to begin with. You want a guarantee from us so you can use it to get some other guys to put it up and get yourself a nice cut.
    Let me make this clear for you.
    You challenged us; We’re not putting up a dime. Outside of that what you sent my brother is cool with me too. I’ll sign. But, only with the two guys you mentioned to begin with. You think your slick. It ain’t working.
    But remember this. You came to us not the other way around, if you want this to happen then make it happen. See we don’t have it like that to just take money that could be spent on our families or ourselves to put on this type of thing. Besides I don’t trust you. If you were serious, you handled it wrong from the start. My brother has told you where he stands now you know my stance on this. You’re trying to make a name for yourself off of us. We will not be used. Nor will I Come back up on KFO to respond to you. This is the only post I’ll make.

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Porto Alegre - Brasil

    A half true

    Hy guys, this is Bruno LIma Rocha, instructor of si-fu Marcello Teixeira talking from Brasil. I've read what you say in your post and saw the clip with a panther fist (ps: a strike that I love and do about 80 push ups with panther fist everyday). Man, the only thing I would like to tell you is that you can't throw the water and kill teh baby in the same time. 90% of what you said is what REALLY happens in NY, here, in Rio, In Sao Paulo and I suppose also in mainland China. The Nei Jia is a name, nothing more than a name and a coalition of teachers, real-fighters, but only a coalition of people who had the same concepts.
    We, I say, all of the serious people who pratices CMA must specialize in his/her art, kill this nickname kung-fu, develop every art and try to achieve the notion of how the other guys are fighting nowadays. I say, the same surprise of eing taked-down by a BJJ (and I train this 4 times a week also) is more suprising to him of being hitted by a SERIOUS beng-chuen with all of the body moving on, in the same time, with an explosio combined with the breath. But, in other words, you're sadly right, **** right, but not for all of the "internal" people. Many "internals" asked my si-fu a question like this: - Hey Marcello, for which war you're sending your boys? And so, why do you train like if you live nowadays in a northern China village during the Boxers Revolution?
    My teacher always says: in a fighting art, there's only one sincere and true way. Every man must find the true way of his martial art.

    Thanks for the attention, send my regards to your hood (I live in a hood too), best regards

  3. #123

    BT your chance is here

    BT--If you beat that MMA dude you got all the props by any Mother F out there.You would be an MA icon. No question of that.

    I don't care what you train. That MMA dude is big as sh*t. I doubt ANYONE on this board could beat a John Marsh. First off he's a pro fighter training full time. Second he's big as crap and can take a blow a man of his size with ease. Third my man has skills.

    Against a John Marsh, I doubt you could even get off a shot. All those stories of Dung Hai Chuan are nice but they never went up against a f*ck'n hulk that knows his sh*t. You have to get real about that too.

    $5000 doesn't stop the John Marsh's of the world because he knows he's going to beat down the other guy.

    Against the san soo guy I have no doubt that would be a match. But Marsh is in a different class.

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Chandler (Phoenix), Arizona
    Since when did blacktaoist say that he could beat Marsh?

    All blacktaoist has done is criticize the technique of the kung fu man. Nowhere has he proclaimed himself as the destroyer of MMA fighters.

    Since "you don't care what blacktaoist trains," paperweight, why don't YOU go fight blacktaoist yourself?

    As that's the case, one like you needn't hide behind Marsh when it comes to putting down blacktaoist's kung fu.

    I'm sure that you'd do fine against blacktaoist, given that you feel that he needs to "get real".
    Last edited by HuangKaiVun; 11-28-2002 at 06:46 PM.

  5. #125


    Yeah, BT implies that he is the real sh*t. He trains hard core "for real" "not a joke" "SIZE DOESN'T MATTER" "seeks out the "REAL masters who kick ass" "flies to dam China to learn" "trains like crazy" and rants about how everyone doesn't learn the real nei ja arts. He rants how he beats down masters in China but saves them "face" and how many masters in the US are "FAKES" and beats down their students.

    If you say all this sh*t back it up. I'm saying show this skill and what all this training from "authentic teachers can do," show us what trips to the "source can do," claim the $5000 and become a MA icon who saves kung fu. Notice how he backs down from that.

    When it comes down to it, BT is a professional hobbiest of MA. He may be able to hold his own in a street brawl, or a mugging...but against a trained PRO fighter like Marsh he has NOTHING, ZERO.

    BT's motto should be "keep it real but NOT too real."

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Texas, DFW
    Good time to bring this up I guess, but are not challenge matches for money, or fights for money like, totally illegal??? I thought they were for some reason. If they are, this forum could be used in litigation to show intent on both parties. Just a thought.

    Also, the whole MMA TROLL thing is so old guys. Give it up. Saying a guy is 230, a hulk, and a MMA wrestler and you don't have a chance against him, well no YOU personally might not have a chance, thinking like that. That will get you killed in a mugging thinking like that. See, whether a guy like that can win or not, makes no difference. You have to believe you are going to win, damage, destroy him utterly. Otherwise, you best offer to be his little cabin boy and save yourself the trouble.

    I don't see why it bothers you guys that some people are just not afraid of a guy like Marsh. Yeah he may win, could win, should win, whatever. All I am saying is that some of you guys have a very small mindset, almost guaranteeing you will lose fights against certain guys that you practically worship. You just cannot think that way and expect to have a chance. Trust me, you always have a chance. You always have a chance against anybody. Anybody.

  7. #127

    I’ve e-mailed BT several times, as you obviously know, based on what you mentioned further down in your post.

    Anyway, as I said in my e-mail to BT, go back to the thread and read my original post regarding the fighters, the $5,0000, and who goes where. Take it to someone who has above a third grade level in reading comprehension and have them help you out if you need to. You can have him or her explain the how the phrases "I believe", "your lodging", "your plane ticket", and "to go home with" are usually interpreted.

    Your reading tutor will probably explain to you that "…put up the $5,000…" means that you have to put up money as part of the deal. The tutor will probably also explain that BT e-mailing me first about the match would normally be construed as you coming to me, not the other way around.

    As far as who fights whom, I explained to him about upcoming fight schedules, other MMA fighters who might be interested in fighting him, and told him about the kung fu guy and his backers (whom I have never been associated with, other than in negotiating for the challenge match and some correspondence afterwards regarding future matches). This might make more sense after you have your reading tutor help you and you have read my original post a few times more.

    In terms of what actually happened in the fight, why is discussing the particular techniques a waste of time (assuming you have a clue about what was actually going on)? Don’t you think you could learn more by discussing how and what blow landed to cause John’s nose to be bleeding so profusely (or did you internet video analysis experts miss that because it happened too fast for you)? Wouldn’t it be a better learning experience to find out why John didn’t get the mount or knee ride (or don't you understand that a groundfighter is usually looking for these positions) and why he didn’t use headbutts? Couldn’t people learn a thing or two about defending against groundfighters if you talked about how the finishing Americana arm lock could have been defended and countered (or maybe you didn't understand how the arm lock was set up and that there was ample warning that is was coming)?

    Or is it more productive to just b!tch and moan about what crappy technique the guy had and how tough you are and what invincible short power and rooting you have?

    And long as I’m talking about productive use of time here, since you supposedly have the video display of BT’s awesome fighting prowess, why not post it for everyone on the internet to critique, just as the kung fu practitioner posted his.

    CD Lee:
    You're right, once again. Mindset is important. However, unless you've faced someone with John's size, skills, and overall athletecism in an NHB fight, I guarantee you will be surprised at how hard it is to keep your "winning" mindset in that situation.
    Last edited by Knifefighter; 11-28-2002 at 09:02 PM.

  8. #128
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Texas, DFW
    I don't care what you train. That MMA dude is big as sh*t. I doubt ANYONE on this board could beat a John Marsh. First off he's a pro fighter training full time. Second he's big as crap and can take a blow a man of his size with ease. Third my man has skills.
    While I am on this...I just want to say again. This kind of thinking is what will lose you the fight before it ever starts. Think of what your mind will tell your body once he moves at you. It MUST tell you to tighten up, to cover up, to panic. Your mind thinks, your body acts. Your @ss hits the pavement.

    Even professional fighters have been killed and beaten in street fights. Check boxers for a history on that. Do you think the pro boxers scared the guys who beat them on the street or shot them or stabbed them. Look, the guys that have intent, have a lot going for them. This goes both ways. Bad guys can beat good guys with a lot more skills by having extreemly violent intent. Intent to kill. This is difficult for decent people to comprehend. But rest assured, FEAR coupled with DOUBT and DISBELIEF in your ability to win or live, will cripple you before you start in a fight.

    So you see, it means nothing that you will actually win or lose in a fight or mugging. It has no bearing. You MUST believe you will win or survive. You must know this right now, so you don't ponder it later when you are surprised in the dark. Otherwise, your MA skill is chained up in a little room. We have to train our minds as well as our bodies. Hey, my rant, but I believe this is important for all of us. Don't sell yourself short.

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Texas, DFW
    CD Lee:
    John scares the crap out of me and I fight NHB stickfighting matches.
    Hey, I understand believe me I do. I don't want to fight John Marsh thank you very much. I don't want to fight anybody frankly. However, if I DID fight him, it would not be in a challenge match, and there would be no pads for us to land on. It would have to be real. And I would not give it to him out of fear. That is 100% stupid. I would fight like an animal, and believe me, anything would go. This only helps me. I figure he could snap all my joints regardless, but when I start biting, and tearing ears, and well, you get the picture, it is not fun or sport anylonger. Hehe, you don't think I would try to wrestle him do you? Or knock him out with a chi blast as he shoots in?

    You know, the fights I have seen in person, do not resemble any sport or sparring match I have ever seen even remotely. At least the ones I personally have seen. They have been disturbing mentally. It is shocking what happens in a street fight.

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    in the belly
    You have to believe you are going to win, damage, destroy him utterly.
    CD just dropped a gem's worth of advice. That is Yi. That is intent. So many martial artists don't have that. So many will read that and say, "But of course" and still not have that mindset next time they spar.
    Good sh!t CD Lee. Good words. But I don't think alot of these people reading this thread truly grasp what you dropped.
    Last edited by Justa Man; 11-29-2002 at 01:27 PM.
    only gin and tang guzzle out a rusty tin can, me and this mic is like yin and yang

  11. #131
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Chandler (Phoenix), Arizona
    We have a saying in Taiwanese:

    "Kong bu loy yeung".

    It translates to "Talk does not matter".

    If anybody here doesn't like blacktaoist, let HIM fight the challenge match with fists and not words.

    That means YOU, paperweight.

  12. #132
    Isn't there some rule so that pointless threads are ended by the moderator or are deleted altogether? I'm sure they could use the disk space for something else...

  13. #133
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    "Isn't there some rule so that pointless threads are ended by the moderator or are deleted altogether? I'm sure they could use the disk space for something else..."
    * This thread is NOT POINTLESS!
    Its an avenue for us to inflate our fledging ego's in an enviroment where its fairly obvious that no actual violence or real reprocusions can come of it - the internet
    Up and down, forward and backward, left and right, its all the same. All of this is done with the mind, not externaly.
    Shaped dragon and looking monkey, sitting tiger and turning eagle.

    "I wonder how they would do against jon's no-tension fu. I bet they'd do REALLY WELL."
    - Huang Kai Vun

  14. #134
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Xi'an, P.R.C.

    Thumbs up

    Just wanted to drop in and say:

    Jon is correct

    This is my favorite thread right now. I even went back and read the old posts from before I noticed this thread. Sometimes I'm starved for anything entertaining in my mother tongue and this definately qualifies.

  15. #135
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Texas, DFW
    CD just dropped a gem's worth of advice. That is Yi. That is intent. So many martial artists don't have that. So many will read that and say, "But of course" and still not have that mindset next time they spar.
    Good sh!t CD Lee. Good words. But I don't think alot of these people reading this thread truly grasp what you dropped.


    Just a Man - Thanks for the kind words. Yes, Yi. You have understood extactly my message. Yi. Yeah I don't think the message gets through either, but hey, this is the way it is. But yes, Yi, intent, is so very powerful. It is what you will DO when the 'you know what hits the fan.'

    We all think we will act a certain way when the real deal hits us. And I do too. But the terrible truth is this; When it does happen, our Yi, will tell us what to do, ready or not, we will do as our mind commands us. And I am training my mind to win in all situations. Yes, I can lose to better or more lucky persons. But my Yi, it thinks I will destroy anybody in my path. Objectively, I know I cannot always win. Subjectively, my Yi, says, I will always win. In fact, it is not even winning, it is living, it is surviving. It may involve gross violence, it may involve words. It is Yi.

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