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Thread: one against twenty

  1. #31
    Originally posted by neptunesfall
    wearing a martial arts uniform makes you more of a target for this crap. change your clothes and stop trying to look tough.
    Man you must be from a different planet. Here in Dallas alot of people wear their MA uniform in public. I did it too for a while because the locker room was infested with contageous foot fungus. Other people just like to change at home, what's the problem anyway? It sounds like you guys think a person should be ashamed to be a martial artist. "trying to look like a badass"? What about the military guys you see wearing their uniform in public? etc. etc. You must be arrogant to think people should all change their tune and dress like you, to please you. It's a matter of perception. I doubt the "baddass" thing even crosses the minds of most people who wear their uniform outside the dojo, military, security post, etc. Why should a martial artist change clothes just to go home? Why do most people put their work uniform on in the morning before they even leave their house? Why do people who train in a gym put their shorts and muscle shirts on before they leave the house? I think common sense would tell you it's a matter of convenience. Why would you change clothes before you left the dojo if you were only going home? Ask yourself this question, "Who are you trying to please" by doing so? That's a lame load of self righteous bull. Tell that to the people in China and other far eastern countries, where in some areas, 25% of the people you see in public are wearing what appears to be some kind of kung fu uniform. Why don't you go tell them how to dress.
    Last edited by jointlock; 11-10-2002 at 09:25 AM.
    Train for precision. Speed and force will follow.

  2. #32
    I like to do my grocery shopping in speedos and wrestling boots.
    "This amazing video will cover several never-before-revealed secrets of Combat Conditioning as well as the master keys to George W. Bush being able to stand proud and tall after defeating Saddam Hussein in a no-holds-barred fight. Order your copy today. Only $29.95 plus $7 S&H U.S. "

  3. #33
    Originally posted by jointlock
    Tell that to the people in China and other far eastern countries, where in some areas, 25% of the people you see in public are wearing what appears to be some kind of kung fu uniform. Why don't you go tell them how to dress.
    where did you come up with the figure 25%? oh that's right, you yanked it out of your orafice.

    'wearing what appears to be' would mean you are a dope who is imposing your Saturday-afternoon-movie-fest menality on the real world.

  4. #34
    Originally posted by jointlock
    What about the military guys you see wearing their uniform in public? .
    why don't you show some respect and not equate MA duds with the uniform of the armed forces?

  5. #35
    Originally posted by chingei

    where did you come up with the figure 25%? oh that's right, you yanked it out of your orafice.
    No sir, that's a conservative estimate. My teacher used to live in china and he says that in some places he went, at least 1 in 4 people wear traditional Chinese clothing that is identical to or similar in style to kung fu uniforms. And if he says at least 1 in 4, he means AT LEAST ONE IN FOUR.
    Last edited by jointlock; 11-10-2002 at 02:06 PM.
    Train for precision. Speed and force will follow.

  6. #36
    Originally posted by chingei
    why don't you show some respect and not equate MA duds with the uniform of the armed forces?
    I think it is you who needs to learn some "respect". I don't think you know the meaning of the word. Telling someone they pulled a figure out of their "ORAFICE" because you disagree with them, and calling them a "DOPE" for the same reason is not "respect"ful.

    Let me refresh your memory as to your level of "respect":
    Originally posted by chingei
    Where did you come up with the figure 25%? oh that's right, you yanked it out of your orafice.
    'wearing what appears to be' would mean you are a dope who is imposing your Saturday-afternoon-movie-fest menality on the real world.
    Train for precision. Speed and force will follow.

  7. #37
    Originally posted by jointlock

    No sir, that's a conservative estimate. My teacher used to live in china and he says that in some places he went, at least 1 in 4 people wear traditional Chinese clothing that is identical to or similar in style to kung fu uniforms. And if he says at least 1 in 4, he means AT LEAST ONE IN FOUR.
    You need to go ask your teacher for clarification. Some part of an ensemble that contains elements of traditional 'clothing' style is not the same as a MA uniform by anyone's standard. 1 in 4 is questionable in any case, unless your teacher lived there prior to 1949.

    The very few people I ever saw wearing identifiably MA uniforms in China were the subject of strange looks by adults and taunts by youngsters, just like anywhere else.

  8. #38
    Originally posted by jointlock

    Telling someone they pulled a figure out of their "ORAFICE" because you disagree with them, and calling them a "DOPE" for the same reason is not "respect"ful.

    You received a response to your own words. Reference to any others was not a part of the post. and if the orafice fits........

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    There was an YOUNG ASIAN guy wearing YAMASAKI BJJ jacket going to a club. He seem very very comfortable with it on. He was a target for some heckling...he stepped to the hecklers and quickly got JUMPED. Bouncers saved his LIFE. Don't make yourself a target by wearing MARTIAL ARTs stuff. It's's like wearing a sweater saying "I'm a badazz!". People will try to test you. And when I mean PEOPLE...more that one.

  10. #40
    "one against twenty" ???

    What would I do.

    NOTHING, changes of it happening are very slim and if it does happen guess what the outcome will be like.
    And I don't care who you are or how many people past masters of your style beat it will still be the same more or less.

    As for wearing MA clothing in public, why not but be prepared for whatever happens.

    Have fun.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    I think people who weres martial art clothes in public are EXTREMLY geeky And they deserve too get their ass handed to them. And yeah that includes those 'one in four'
    hrmhrmBULL****hrmhrm asian guys. I see youve never been there?

    and 20 on one, only a bad martial artist would try to fight his ground. nuff said
    All right now, son, I want you to get a good night's rest. And remember, I could murder you while you sleep.
    Hey son, I bought you a puppy today after work. But then I killed it and ate it! Hahah, I´m just kidding. I would never buy you a puppy.

    "Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch watch which Swatch watch?"

    "Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches. Which switched witch watch which Swatch watch switch?."

  12. #42
    i'm not sure whether anyone reads this thread anymore haha lazy me didn't even check the date of the last post.

    thought i'd add my part

    during an intense training period in hk, i'd go training and sometimes i'd stay till about 10pm to 11pm at nite at my sifu's kwoon. i'd wear my uniform and training gear home. my sifu actually told me it would be a good idea and would offer me some protection when i left the kwoon so late. anyway no one ever tried to start trouble with me which was good. apparently it has something to do with respect and 'face' to my sifu. so if anyone tried to start something with me (gangsters etc) they'd get busted for it.

    when i came back to Australia i don't wear my training gear home if its got the school name etc.

    i'd expect to get heckled in Australia if i did that .

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Washington, DC, USA
    I wear my school shirt all the time, but it's just the name of the school in chinese characters, and some of the newer shirts have the website on the back. I just like the shirts. No one really knows it's a martial arts shirt, except one day a while ago I had it on and a guy came up to me and told me he did xingyi, and I told him I did taiji and we talked for a bit.
    People who wear full-on karate gi's in public are d o r k s. It's just really weird to see a guy in a gi. That is really advertising yourself as a badass and would probably invite trouble.
    "Duifang jing zhi meng ji, wo fang tui zhi ce fang xi zhi."

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