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Thread: Ykm Clips

  1. #106
    You flatter yourself Sui pretending as lonely cloud. Running dog and running foul mouth aren't kungs worth having & mocking not the same as riled.

  2. #107
    this is where you get wishy washy.if indeed then cloud would have the same ip address,there are programs out there which tell you what ip adresses are and where abouts in the world you are.i have mds and yours too,theres always gene ching to verify it?

    md and i in a wedding,you wankolos,lol.all of you.i'm sure shes nice but getting her and me in the same room no way i'm scared of her,haven't you seen those pictures of bigger than me not hieght but width ways especially her si-fut,ahhh her si-fut is more my type,he could do with a drilling might give a smile on his face.hahahahahahaha

    cloud you know his center is exposed,how foolish he

  3. #108
    Ignore running dog & running foul mouth list works good & lonely cloud Sui is on it too with first Sui. So easy is this thing to not be bothered with childish nonsense & rude words by no skill & coward people.

  4. #109

    Oops shut the gate!!!

    Certainly sui, one of his 'danger doors' is wide open or maybe unhinged.

    Number 8 or figure 8? You make your mind up!!!

    Diamond Talons you come right out of a pantomine.
    (wishy washy) LOL.

  5. #110
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    HK, SAR, PRC
    Hi boys, yes, soon I will be eligible for real. Seems that kung fu and marriage sometimes don't mix.

    Snake in the grass,
    Do you forget that when you joined KFO, several of us were the admins? Do you forget we exposed your college IP with Cloud's?

    How often you visit my school's website is recorded too.

    You think have my IP? Wow, good for you. I wonder why, then, the only way you could attempt to damage me was a pathetic little attempt at a virus sent to my school's mail.

    Bigger than you? Hahaha, thanks. Baby got back. Of course my sifu is more your type, you're gay. But the only way he'd turn his back to you would be after you're in the wheelchair, baby.

    Now, I know that you CAN get hostile... even downright mean. Come on, you little poseur. Show us what you've got. Send me your headless pic others have (it must have been taken at the wedding). Now I wish I'd have accepted your offer of peace; that picture would be good for a laugh right about now. Nameless, masterless, and now headless stray dog. Come on, babeeeeeee, is that all you've got?

    Oh, and i do prefer Asian men, but the only yellow in Sui is that streak down his back. Or that banana in his mouth.

    So, where do you live?
    Who is your master?

    Thought so.
    East River Dragon Style, Lam Family
    東河龍形 - 林家拳, 林志平,師傅

  6. #111
    md your the best one
    don't you get tired beating me all the time?i don't think that you a check now with gene ching and ask f.t,but whatever makes you secure?

    its not that i'm g@y but instead he's more attracktive than you,he looks like a bankok chick boy and you look like a wrestler of course i would go for him over

    well i'm glad you didn't because the last thing i want is for you to see my kung fu.its because its worse than your as it always has

    you may prefer aisen men but they don't prefer you,so i guess rejection is all that you'll learn.poor little i mean huge md.

    if i tell you where i lve do you promise not to drive a truck through my house?cause thats what you do for a living isn't?truck driver.hahahahaha

    you loos you cry,you win you cry,lol **** theres no p[leasing you,give you a truck and your happy as larry.hahahahaha

    hey,wishy washy,oh it doesn't matter you'll only ignore me,so

    sui still smiling

  7. #112
    MD smokes Sui & lonely cloud Sui like a cheap cigar & nothing left but ashes for headless running dog & running foul mouth Sui coward with no skill. MD if you have Sui IP I would like to have it too & I will give it to some nice young guys in Hip Sing. They're not gay & they need to make reputation so Sui can be visited by them & show them his hand & they not take no for an answer. Young guys always eager to impress old men like me & I was that way too once so this is good.

  8. #113
    oh yes please do i could do with a thrashing but tell them not to hurt me to bad as their si-fu[you] can'
    so you aren't impressed when they drill your axx,nevermind you may get a big d!ck one

    cya wishy washy,and stop going to those websites you sick old man!


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