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Thread: Shaolin In Music

  1. #31
    HuangKaiVun Guest
    Shaolinmaster, we are on the same wavelength.

  2. #32
    8stepsifu Guest

    Thanx for clearing that up....

    By the way, what does "Namaste" mean? What language is it in?

    Also in John Steibeck's "Of Mice and Men" the big retard wouldn't have been guilty of petting those animals to death because he was stupid because his intent was to love them.

    Various people view the whole evil and intent thing differently. Some people would view a well meaning person that does great harm as good, while others consider a scrooge that picks up a baby to make it shut up to show "love" for the child through action. Two different views, best not to be too attatched to either of them.

    Namaste- cuz its nasty

    8Step Sifu

  3. #33
    Taijimantis Guest

    I honor the divinity within you.

    Namaste is the sanskrit greeting/departure translating roughly to "The divine spirit within me bows or honors the divine spirit within you."
    Perhaps someone else has a better way of wording it.

  4. #34
    Taijimantis Guest

    The Words of a simple Monk...

    I was thinking about this post the other day. The way the conversation turned to what is appropriate behavior for a Buddhist... Something about the whole vibe of it does not sit well with me. Believe me brothers and sisters I do not do this to be "right" and prove others "wrong."

    No matter how much one claims to (or for that matter actually does) study the Dharma, that does not make the killing of sentient beings any less an atrocity. I have been very saddened by the posts that I have seen here on occasion. and it is with this state of mind that I write this.

    There is a simple monk who once said:

    "There are cases of people who are very intelligent and have great knowledge of the Dharma, but this knowledge does not affect their minds. They do not put what they know into practice. The teacher becomes a role model and source of inspiration for our practice. It is possible to develop strong convictions by reading texts related to the practice of compassion, but when we meet a living person who has practiced it and can who can teach us the practice of compassion from his or her own experience, it inspires us more powerfully."

    This whole debate on what is right and what is not right for a devout Buddhist or monk should not be the issue. We should not be defending our positions. What I see is the same arguement I get whenever someone tries to tell me they are right for doing whatever it is they do in their lifestyle that injures a sentient being, be it eating meat, partaking in the use of controlled substances or whatever. It simply means "I dont want to change my behavior, and I am not going to."

    I beg you to meditate on these things. Those of you who profess to be practicing Buddhists please remember that there is more to being a buddhist than wearing beads and saying "Om." It appears as though there were egos that got involved,(mine included)and were concerned about who was going to be "right." Buddhism is a path. It does not need to be a path littered with dualistic chanting and ritual, nor does it have to be a path cluttered with aloof apathy of total detatchment. Detatchment does not equal love, and one does not need to be detatched from love to achieve freedom from suffering.

    Remember that we are here to gain release from this life of suffering, and to aid other sentient beings in doing so. The same simple monk taught that One does not have to be a master to be a teacher. One should always be humble enough to learn from those less wise then themselves.

    That Simple Monk is the fourteenth Dali Lama.

    May peace be your guide and serentiy light your path.


  5. #35
    8stepsifu Guest

    I'm not buddist.

    I come from a long line of meat eaters. My culture and religion permit and encourage me to eat meat. I don't like too much red meat, but I got to tell you that thanksgiving turkey is still in the fridge and I love grippin some flesh and tearing it off the bone like a bird and devouring it. Sentient being or not, birds are retarded and decendents of dinosaurs and deserve to be punished. If we don't show em whose boss, they might evolve back and we all know how that would be thanx to Jurrasic Park. I am always thankfull to the animal that is becoming part of me. I know someone said, What good will that do, it's dead. Well thats at least respectfull. Sentient or not, we are not seperate being and are all part of the whole, I'm just stacking up some energy here before I die and release it back into the universe. You can say our four legged friends have souls, but trees hurt when their cut and if you step on bugs, your just as bad as someone knifing grandmothers in nursing homes according to karma. Lets be realistic, get back in our minivans, get on the car phones and run over slow children at play

    8Step Sifu

  6. #36
    Shaolin Master Guest

    True True.....Zhen Shi Zhe Yang ..Brother TaijiMantis

    Brother Mantis thank you for pondering and providing us with a touching and realistic view (This is now Ponder in one's mind and understand through thought rather than regurgitation). Your Teachers have placed you in the correct mindset to follow the path, one day you will develop the understanding of that path as no path but the path built before building the road that leads to it even though indeterminably it cannot be found.

    My respects to you, fellow brothers and Buddhist teachers

    8 Truths

    Buddhist Disciples! At all times, day and night, sincerely recite and bear in mind these eight truths that cause great people to awaken.
    The First Awakening: The world is impermanent. Countries are perilous and fragile. The body is a source of pain, ultimately empty. The five skandhas are not the true self. Life and Death is nothing but a series of transformations—hallucinatory, unreal, uncontrollable. The intellect is a wellspring of turpitude, the body a breeding ground of offenses. Investigate and contemplate these truths. Gradually break free of death and rebirth.
    The Second Awakening: Too much desire brings pain. Death and rebirth are wearisome ordeals, originating from our thoughts of greed and lust. By lessening desires we can realize absolute truth and enjoy peace, freedom, and health in body and mind.
    The Third Awakening: Our minds are never satisfied or content with just enough. The more we obtain, the more we want. Thus we create offenses and perform evil deeds. Bodhisattvas don’t wish to make these mistakes. Instead, they choose to be content. They nurture the Way, living a quiet life in humble surroundings—their sole occupation, cultivating wisdom.
    The Fourth Awakening: Idleness and self-indulgence are the downfall of people. With unflagging vigor, great people break through their afflictions and baseness. They vanquish and defeat the four kinds of demons, and escape from the prison of the five skandhas.
    The Fifth Awakening: Stupidity and ignorance are the cause of death and rebirth. Bodhisattvas apply themselves and deeply appreciate study and erudition, constantly striving to expand their wisdom and refine their eloquence. Nothing brings them greater joy than teaching and transforming living beings.
    The Sixth Awakening: Suffering in poverty breeds deep resentment. Wealth unfairly distributed creates ill-will and conflict among people. Thus, Bodhisattvas practice giving. They treat friend and foe alike. They do not harbor grudges or despise amoral people.
    The Seventh Awakening: The five desires are a source of offenses and grief. Truly great people, laity included, are not blighted by worldly pleasures. Instead, they aspire to don the three-piece precept robe and the blessing bowl of monastic life. Their ultimate ambition is to leave the home life and to cultivate the Path with impeccable purity. Their virtuous qualities are lofty and sublime; their attitude towards all creatures, kind and compassionate.
    The Eighth Awakening: Like a blazing inferno, birth and death are plagued with suffering and affliction. Therefore, great people resolve to cultivate the Great Vehicle, to rescue all beings, to endure hardship on behalf of others, and to lead everyone to ultimate happiness.

    These are the Eight Truths that all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and great people awaken to. Once awakened, they even more energetically continue to cultivate the Path. Steeping themselves in kindness and compassion, they grow in wisdom. They sail the Dharma ship across to Nirvana’s shore, and then return on the sea of birth and death to rescue living beings. They use these Eight Truths to show the proper course for living beings, causing them to recognize the anguish of birth and death. They inspire all to forsake the five desires, and to cultivate their minds in the manner of Sages.
    If Buddhist disciples recite this Sutra on the Eight Awakenings, and constantly ponder its meaning, they will certainly eradicate boundless offenses, advance towards Bodhi, and will quickly realize Proper Enlightenment. They will always be free of birth and death, and will abide in eternal bliss.

    [This message was edited by ShaolinMaster on 11-28-00 at 12:09 AM.]

  7. #37
    Shaolin Master Guest


    Has anyone ever Heard that Red meat according to some thought in excess would place the organs in disharmony where the Liver (Anger) <Wood element> is placed under stress thus causing anger frustration and even violent intent at extremes.

    Anyway it is up to whoever to do whatever (As buddhists we accept all and provide compassion for all as well be it from non understanding suffering or delusion.....only you are responsible for your actions and outcomes from this life and past lifes.

    Shi Chan Long

    [This message was edited by ShaolinMaster on 11-28-00 at 12:12 AM.]

  8. #38
    brokenfist Guest
    I just get angry when I don't get red meat, or beer.

    "I got no dukes" -the goat

  9. #39
    Taijimantis Guest

    8 step sifu...

    I was very dissappointed in your response.
    I am a native American. My ancestors too lived from the flesh of the land. And while it is my opinion that we have evolved to the point where we no longer have to do it(as you said lets hop in our minivans) because we can simply drive to the grocery store or what have you, that is not where my concern lies...

    Whether or not you eat meat isnt the issue. It was my concern for Buddhist principle being misunderstood.

    You however seemed to take great pleasure in being as graphic about something I feel strongly about as possible. And your casual use of words used to describe people with disharmonies was very disheartening. I make no secrets about having a disabled daughter. Firsthand I can tell you "retarded" people are not "stupid" people. Thus to compare someone like my daughter to a bird in intelligence is quite offensive, and innacurate.

    My skin is thick, and I recognize tht you are probably not old enough yet to realize what you are doing.

    As Shaolinmaster said, we determine our own Karma. Whether or not you believe it, thats the way it goes. You or I have little say in the matter.

    Something to consider

    Taiji Mantis

  10. #40
    8stepsifu Guest



    I didn't mean to offend your daughter. The truth is that I forget that there are people behind this forum. This place is a tool and I've used it to offend people in a way that I would never do in real life. Again I apologise. Yes, I did make a desriptive sentence of eating meat. Animals can eat meat and I am an animal. I feel deep regret whenever someone wastes meat or if my eyes are bigger than my stomach, but I like eggs in the morning and fish in the evening and it's good. Being a vegitarian is ok, but it's not for me. Personally a peacefull spirit is more important to me than following any kind of dogma. When a mosquito bites me, she risks getting slapped and I expect that any animal I hunted......oh yeah their defenseless and caged inhumanly, ok you got me thinking, I'll stick to fish from now on.....and lunch meat because it didn't come from an animal anyway.

    BTW- Too much red meat makes you like Rush Limbaugh.

    8Step Si

  11. #41
    Taijimantis Guest

    No problem 8step...

    I stopped coming to this place for several months because I found myself becoming to wrapped up in the flaming and found not enough of what I felt was legitimate debate and conversation.

    After some reflection, I have returned. There were some events in my life that taught me patience, and I forgot that just because I cannot see any of you on my monitor, does not mean that I am not interacting with you firsthand. Since then I try very hard not to take anything too personally. However, when it comes to certain things, I take it upon myself to remind others that they do the same too.

    My daughter was born completely normal. She scored high an all of her tests, and began to develop words and recognition skills like any other "normal" child.
    Immediately following her first string of standard immunizations, Marissa began to have seizures.
    Because we didnt know any better her mother and I allowed more immunizations to be given.
    Marissa went into status (seizing without stopping) with each seizure we lost a little bit more of her. Her body ceased to follow the directions her little brain was giving. The anti-convulsant drugs damaged her liver and kidneys.
    Through all of this she mantained significant development mentally and emotionally. She is quite aware that she is different than other children, and often gets frusterated because she cannot do the same things.
    Now at age three, the little girl doctors said would be nothing but a "vegetable" can crawl, climb steps, and even fed herself for the first time. Unfortunately it was only once. She cannot talk, walk, use the bathroom or feed herself regularly. And sadly she knows it.

    Retarded is an ugly word. It is often used as slang for "stupid" much like "gay" is often regarded. I too was guilty of using expressions like this frivilously. But with my child, I suddenly became aware that you never know who you are talking to.

    Like I said, I dont care if anyone eats meat or not. My concern was with the possibility that people were not understanding Buddhism's ideal of compassion. I have contributed in act and spirit for my Native Brothers and Sisters to regain their Tribal fishing rights, and to live in the "old ways" should they desire. I have no problem with that. And I apologize to you, for after reading your post again, I see that much of it was written with a humorous (allthough a bit sarcastic) flair. I should have seen it.

    Do not worry about offending my daughter. For one she isnt allowed to use the computer (cept for her Mr. Ptatohead and "Lil Critter CD's) so she wouldnt see it anyway. And I am not really upset or offended. I realize the harmful intent wasnt there, you were not trying to be mean.

    No hard feelins'


  12. #42
    8stepsifu Guest

    I'll keep that in mind

    But I am a little ****ed, after thinking about animals being unessisarily killed, I began to get sad and I at a completely vegie lunch. Curse you! For Dinner I had fish (at least it wasn't a mammal. Anyway I'm like half vegitarian now thanx to you, I'm hoping I'll desensitize and snap out of it, but for the time being, no more mamals for me. Or birds..hmmmph Not to say that I'll never eat meat again, I and many others just eat too much of it for it to be beneficial or justify killing something else. (Oh god! I'm one of them

    8Step Sifu

  13. #43
    Mr. Nemo Guest
    Back to far as I know RZA still studies with Shi Yan Ming. Method Man and ODB both studied northern shaolin at one time, I hear, but not with Shi Yan Ming.

    What's wrong with a shaolin monk posing with Wu-Tang?

  14. #44
    Taijimantis Guest


    same as above...

  15. #45
    RokKyu Guest


    I'm a christian and i don't eat meat....thought you could use a vegetarian in the conversation.

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