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Thread: The Universe Speaks

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    where the unconscious speaks
    eulerfan, you seem like a nice person. I have gone thru times when I have thought some of the things you are considering.
    The "conclusions" which I work with now are that while I do strongly believe in the possibility of reincarnation, I regard that as unknowable. I have no religion or belief in a diety, and am not comfortable with deterministic philosophies.

    On the other hand, there are instances when we are approached or meet with a person or situation that almost seems set up by something outside us. I think that our deepest wishes might guide us, even unconsciously to the closest approximation of them, as an act of personal will. I think this view has validity, but is far from complete. (It's important to remember that we function with others who exercise their wills in this world. It is from them that at least some of the external force might be originating.) Sometimes our proximity to them is a dream come true, and sometimes it makes no sense or is a "ho hum" yawning interaction; some exchanges can appear as random acts of kindness or of violence.
    It might be as if the universe smiles down one minute and does the opposite the next. I attribute nothing to a universal will, which I don't believe in to begin with. There can be other wills which can be very strong, wills of people, even one person, which can drive others, one by one or by the thousands.

    When one is young and "stumbling" thru options which abound, there can be this feeling of discovery of what was meant to be. Yet, it can be, in my view, a stumbling into what one wanted (a positive feeling about the subject, the place, people) without consciously knowing its roots, or even a random occurrence.

    When one finds the "right" people or the "right" activities, it can feel like a bonding on the molecular level. It fits. By "right," I mean that which makes one feel alive. I see that feeling of rightness as a mutual fitting of compatible interests and needs. Whether it might be also a reunion of spirits who have known each other in previous lives is open to question. Besides, live for now. I hope you never run out of fulfilling options, for that is a sad place to be.

    Keep going.

    "The truth is more important than the facts." (Frank Lloyd Wright)
    "The weight of the sun doesn't keep it from rising." (Cody)

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Originally posted by MonkeySlap Too
    But really, Eulerfan, no offense, but your response was both circular, non-sensical, and frankly egotistical. Get over it. There are no 'sages' hanging out here.
    If it didn't make sense, how did you figure out it was circular?

    I wasn't really offended, I found one of your remarks patronizing. True. So I retorted. But my whole response wasn't angry. Just that one retort.

    The rest of the response was my honest opinion. To which you respond with insults and running away. You seem like the one with the panties in a twist, to be quite honest.

    I'm still not really all that bothered. Seriously. If you really found my response that nonsensical, tell me why and I'll try to be clearer.

    If it peeves you that much, I'll just ignore remarks that rub me the wrong way. I can do that.
    He who establishes his argument by noise and command shows that his reason is weak. - Montaigne

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    hi kung lek

    im trying to not really go there so others can jump on the bandwagon about my beliefs again as it will inevitably happen.

    for me sometimes things can happen because we made a mistake and dug our own hole, other times things happen unexpectedly and from outside our control.

    In my experience really it can be difficult to deal with them in the correct way, and learn the lesson from them. thats what i mean when i say i think they happen for a reason. not neccessarily cause and effect.

    if i dont know depression and sadness, how can i truly know happiness? if i have never been angry and irrational, how can i underestand how to remain calm and centred?

    this is just what i think at this time from my own experience

    Peace is not the product of terror or fear.
    Peace is not the silence of cemeteries.
    Peace is not the silent result of violent repression.
    Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all.
    Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity.
    It is right and it is duty.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    I absolutely agree that the reason things seem that way could be that a great deal of our decision making goes on on the subconscious level.

    I definitely do a lot of thinking subconsciously. Lots of times, I'll be stuck on a math problem and just get away from it. Then the answer just comes to me. Magic? Probably not. The only reasonable explanation is that I was thinking about it on some level I wasn't directly aware of.

    Our biggest choices are being made on a level we're not aware of. Hmmmm. It would sort of make sense that I put myself in this predicament where I have to leave my school. It is not something I would have consciously chosen to do.

    Good point.

    Very nice.
    He who establishes his argument by noise and command shows that his reason is weak. - Montaigne

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    where the unconscious speaks

    eulerfan, and dezhen2001

    Yes. Subconscious problem solving and, making more permeable the boundaries between states of consciousness (Especially those most on the surface) is part of my way of life. Besides, it works.

    I think that the getting into predicaments can be one big mixed up mess.

    Okay. Yes, it is possible to sabotage your own efforts. This can happen with people who have poor self image, and don't feel they deserve to succeed. They make sure they don't too. That's one example. I don't think that's where you are.

    Then, there's the situation where you're really bored, but it's easier to stay where you are, but you really do want to go. So, you unconsciously set up a situation where you have to go. Maybe you're there, maybe you're not.

    There's more, having to do with effects of other people's severe deficits, or cruelty. This is tangential, but I'm including it cause I wish to caution regarding times when our will is direct and clear to us, and is not compromised by subconscious needs or conflict, but by conflict with people around us. And, in fact, they will wish us to believe that we are at fault for their problems as well when that is not so.

    There are times when we are truly happy where we are and want to stay and grow there. This very happiness might give rise to jealousy in others, who fear for their own positions. They might seek to undermine your standing. One can be set up. The same qualities which make you a good student, a good friend, a defender of the weak in mind or body, are used to put you in a bad light. A central player's flaws, along with jealousy on the part of an associate of that person can lead to ruination for a follower. Poor judgment calls (based on inadequate info, and double signals in opposite directions from a leader) can lead even the most determined student or friend to failure.

    So, what I wish to communicate to you is that I respect your introspection. I share that quality. Yet, the complexity of how people move on or are uprooted from where they planned to stay with total commitment, without reservation, can also be determined, even on a small scale, by how one's will interacts with those of others.

    It is wise not to assume sanity in anyone. ha. Would you believe that I thought for a long time that at the last possible moment almost anyone would find the goodness (honesty, compassion, love, tolerance, fair play....) to behave rightly?

    This has gone off topic. Yet, I thought it was relevant as a tangent. how people get where they're going as affected by other people getting where they're going. It's like a dance.

    take care,

    If one is in joy and happiness, then one will know that state of being. It is not necessary, imo, to compare opposites. The knowledge of joy can be knowable in its own right, separate from comparison to misery.

    My drive to live is to be completely what I am. This concept came alive for me in martial arts. Your second paragraph makes sense and works for me. Sometimes we are encouraged to dig that hole and then are pushed in. It's like thinking that you are digging a hole to plant a tree, when it is a grave that is being dug. something along those lines.

    Last edited by Cody; 01-11-2003 at 01:28 PM.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Vancouver, B.C. Canada

    Cool Kung Fu and Religion...

    It is all part of the human experience. Viva la vita loca. Trying to control this crazy life or let this crazy life to control you is going to drive you as crazy. But that's normal to most emotional beings. Just let it be and live. That already is Buddhism. If Buddhism is really about classic scriptures, rituals, etc, it would have died long ago. There is a different between actively becoming the awaken one and academically or rather religiously studying the awaken one. The latter definitely takes forever. BTW, you are not the only one that feels life works in mysterious way. As far as I am concern things that happen in my life usually have reasons and connections. That includes join KFO. It is always a pleasure to see them unfold and enjoy even when it is bitter.

    Contraria Sunt Complementa



    CCK TCPM in Yellowknife

    TJPM Forum

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lone Star State
    quoted by Monkeyslaptoo

    But really, Eulerfan, no offense, but your response was both circular, non-sensical, and frankly egotistical. Get over it. There are no 'sages' hanging out here
    Yeah like you would know who or what a sage really is with your all american anti-everything but you attitude

    Eulerfan: check your private mesages again.

    Many respects,,,The Willow Sword
    It makes me mad when people say I turned and ran like a scared rabbit. Maybe it was like an angry rabbit, who was going to fight in another fight, away from the first fight.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    ...ok...maybe I missed it. MS2 mentioned the 9/11 terrorists in passing as something no "universal power" would condone, right? I think we would all agree with that...or is this spill-over from a thread I refused to spend hours plowing through?

    I think it's human nature to look for patterns or reasons. When we look back we say, "Well, that's a pattern my life fell into and so a higher power must be at work."

    I've decided it's all chance, infinite monkeys banging on infinite typewriters producing multiple Shakespearian masterpieces.

    Bleak, I'll admit...I think it's up to us to provide the "magic".
    Kindness, Love, Honor, Courage, and our own concept of Goodness to name a few. It's an awesome responsibility to be the order in the chaos.
    Keep it simple, stupid.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    Cody: after my last post i actually thought more about it and agree with you

    What im more interested in now, is understanding how and why things can go in a downward spiral or upwards... thats interesting to me right now as i just have come out of a long depression.

    A few days ago i just decided that i am sick of being in the mind numbing position i am in and have decided to do something about it. of course i still have the problems and pressure, but my attitude is now slowly changing. thats whats interesting to me, as now even with the problems i have, i am happier than i can remember

    mantis108: for sure i agree there buddy even me joining kfo was random, and form it i met my current partner and even learned more about islam fomr it... life is strange eh?

    Radhnoti: think it was a spill over as well as what you said.

    Peace is not the product of terror or fear.
    Peace is not the silence of cemeteries.
    Peace is not the silent result of violent repression.
    Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all.
    Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity.
    It is right and it is duty.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    I would definitely call that a fishing trip. The fish, quite SAGELY, said, "That's a suck @ss worm and I ain't hungry, anyway."
    He who establishes his argument by noise and command shows that his reason is weak. - Montaigne

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    xebby is no more, his creator dwells elsewhere
    Ok peoples, is it fate? or not? does it matter?

    Heres a thing, how i got into MA:
    In 2000 i was studying physics on uni and i remember seing on tv this anime (japanese cartoon) called Rurouni Kenshin, its basicly about a rurouni (free samurai that serves no one) that hangs out and fights and all and has a sword with the sharp part being the inside as oposed to the outside on a normal katana. Reason for it being so that when he fought he didnt kill his oponents, he used to be a killer (Hitokiri Battousai) in the past and now he let go of his old ways...
    So i quit physics, and moved back to my city to study computer science. The cool thing here, the critical point: the building where we live at is just by the side of a guns/ammo/weapons store. One day i take a look at whats displayed there and i find 2 katanas. I think katanas are so cool, what are they made off? are these the good stuff? is the price right?
    Answer -> look on the internet. And i do, A LOT. Enough to get information on swords and their respective japanese arts Kendo, Iaido, Kenjutsu... i researched for more than a month. Decided to look for a Kendo school, there are none here though. One time im talking to my bro he goes like, if it was me i wouldnt do that stuff id try that chinese kung fu thing.
    And then i found a kung fu place, did a lot of research about it on the internet too, thats also the very time i end up here on KFO. Eventually joined the school in town. The rest is history and evolution into finding out what i really wanted and if the place truly offered me that. And at last somehow, gladly finding on the internet my current teacher and being really happy with my training.

    Had i not quit physics and moved back home would i ever get into MA?
    I prefer and choose not to care
    Either way, here we all are, ENJOY
    "If you're havin girl problems i feel bad for you son
    I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one"

    "If you can't respect that your whole perspective is wack
    Maybe you'll love me when i fade to black"

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    you have such a unique way of putting things eulerfan

    Peace is not the product of terror or fear.
    Peace is not the silence of cemeteries.
    Peace is not the silent result of violent repression.
    Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all.
    Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity.
    It is right and it is duty.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    well. here goes my opinion.
    whether or not we find something to be joyous or tragic, it is a product of the universe. every single thing that happens has a reason, known or unknown. if anything, it's up to a person to find their own reason for it, their own lesson from it.
    there is a balance between everything (both known and unknown).
    there is yin, there is yang.
    even in imbalance, there is balance. as an example, some people are too yin. other people are too yang. some races of people are too yang ( too abundant), some races of people are too yin (declining). i feel it goes for everything.

    whatever. i can't explain my own thoughts.
    "heres to you as good as you are
    heres to me as bad as I am.
    But as good as you are,and as
    bad as I am,I'm as good as you are,
    as bad as I am"
    "It's too bad my friend Chad's brother wasn't there, because he totally knows t'ai chi and sh*t."

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Who stole dezehns eyebrows
    All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    you can even see the avatar clearly enough? wow they are actually there man dont worry

    Peace is not the product of terror or fear.
    Peace is not the silence of cemeteries.
    Peace is not the silent result of violent repression.
    Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all.
    Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity.
    It is right and it is duty.

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