Your post came from america so I was really hoping to meet you face to face,after seeing your web site I take it you live in the land down under.When I saw your pics I almost shiet me pants laughing so hard,man you need to buy a gun before you go out and pick fights with the Southern guys,I've met Adam Hsu,he's a nice guy,he's your sifu????,I think he'd drop you like the smoking turd you seem to be if he knew you were making such statments,Oh one more thing, to my understanding the manchus learned Southern arts and some Hakka systems,hence the red boat people put their skills together to combat the manchus with Southern skills not the Southern Monks and developed WT/WC/VC,its hard for me to buy the story that the Nun Ng Mui was responsible by her self to invent such a strong style,commits by other members are welcome,don't bother fruit bat/ mercy fighter,your ideas are worthless

[This message was edited by tnwingtsun on 02-20-01 at 11:15 PM.]