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Thread: PRC SongShan Shaolin form list

  1. #1
    r.(shaolin) Guest

    PRC SongShan Shaolin form list

    Gene can you post the names of the traditional forms used by the present day Shaolin Temple in pinyin? From your previous post you say there are
    200 +.

  2. #2
    GeneChing Guest

    Wish I could

    Like I mentioned in that e-zine article BSL vs. Shaolin, it is not standardized across masters. I've seen a few listings but none comprehensive - You might reference Shi Deqian's Shaolinsi wushu baike qian shu - that is certainly the largest. Some of the other Shaolin books, like the HK Shaolin Kungfu book and Taguo, list several dozen - of course, with little overlap. A few sources quote different numbers to the forms and they all fall in around 200, but I believe that this number is dependent upon the specific master, thus the difficulty on determining such a list. So the number, like 18 maybe largely symbolic. I'm still researching this so let me know any lists anyone else might find.

    Gene Ching
    Asst. Publisher
    Kungfu Qigong Magazine &

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