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Thread: carb/sugar ratio

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Oakland, California, USA

    carb/sugar ratio

    Does the ratio of total carbohydrates and sugar matter in a food, or should I just concern myself about the total amount of sugar in a food? For example: If there are 30 total grams of carbs in a serving of food, and 28 of those grams are sugar...should i be worried about how much of carbs in that serving is sugar, or should i take it as 28 g of sugar and worry about that alone?
    Let people make mistakes; it's the easiest way to learn and remember what not to do.

  2. #2
    Sugar is fast burning carbohydrate. You should try to eat as little sugar as possible, so I would worry about the sugar content first. Try to get your carbs from things other than sugar.

    How many times can I say sugar in a single post!

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  3. #3
    Sugar burns fast and even the complex-carbs like fiber burn a lot faster than protein and fat. Just don't eat a lot of carbs in one sitting and when you eat any carbs also eat it with some protein and/or fat.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    east coast america



    I am not an expert of diets or anything, but I think man made food products can be bad for our systems. I personally think now that sodas and what we called high fat and sugar foods aka junk food or agressive foods are poison for our system of natural health. I dont think sugar is a good thing for us to ingest except in natural foods such as fruits and veg. There are rare exceptions which you should treat yourself to desserts like pies, ice creams, and etc. You shouldn't be a diet saint, but be conscious of not solely eating bad crap that will kill ya in the long run.

    If health and developing a highly functional body is your long term goal which is mine too, then stay away from man made food products such as pasta, sugars, etc. Be simple and practical about dieting and use your common sense about your choices on what is good and bad for you. Listen to your body and your body will tell you what works and wont work. No one can tell you exactly what your unique body needs for sure. However, I would recommend that you eat natural carbs that comes from nature and dont get caught in the classical mess of ratios and cal counting in the long run this will not be effective. Can you imagine at 90 years of age thinking about of carbs/protien ratios or cals for your diet? LOL

    Personally I am on "the warrior diet" which has worked for me and I can tell you I feel more alert and stronger. Even tho sometimes I feel hungry through day light, I have a sense I am alive and willing to work harder to get my deserving big meal at the end of the day. After the the big meal, my mind, body, and spirit is at rest and ease. I sleep better and I feel good after I take a crap the next morning. LOL. Furthermore, I hate eating small little meals through the day and plus I like the detox effects on this kind of diet ; plus I like eating one big wholesome, healthy meal without looking at the cals or the ratios of protein and carbs. I used my "instinct" and listen to what My body needs at that given night and I do eat ice cream tho after my big meal sometimes, it is like a treat when I hear the calling and I know I have said not to eat sugar. But I can't stop loving green tea ice cream. But rarely do I comsume sugars throughout my days except in the day time which I consumes berries, fruits, and raw veg. No, I haven't gotten fat in fact I am getting leaner and stronger to my surprise!? LOL

    You can read or learn more about this diet or buy the book on or barnes and nobles bookstores. I hope this helps. Good luck and always use common sense and instincts about what is good and bad for yourself.
    Last edited by Mr. Bao; 02-06-2003 at 07:59 AM.
    Mr. Bao

    "A gung fu man, then, should be soft-yet not yeilding; firm-yet not hard." Lee Jan Fan

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