I could go along with limmited, basic health care assistance. But make no mistake, they have no right to it. That is part of the problem here. These people have been told they have a right to things like this just becaue they live here. They are educated to the viewpoint that it is someone elses responsibility to provide for them. There is no incentive to improve themselves, just to demand more.

We have child care vouchers and skills training for various classifications of people. There are programs in place that welfare recipients could avail themselves of in many states. And, I think Bush just proposed a massive program of this type nationally.

Concerning the practical, working rich- unemployment doesn't help them. They are investors, so they make money by putting people to work. Some might argue that unemployment keeps wages down, but I disagree. The free market ballances prices and wages when left alone.

Your Illuminate, or whatever we could call that group of ultra-ultra rich and powerful, are a different issue. At their level, it is no longer about money and proffits. It is power and influence, plain and simple.