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Thread: " Willing Possesion "

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Actually, if you guys want a taster of what channelling is like I can give you a simple walk thru on how to reach the Alpha state (used for channelling and astral projection) if you like. I was more of a projector than a channeller but my mother was more familiar with the latter due to some of our family history which I wont go into. If you like I can give you the exercise and you will see it yourself. Keep in mind that the way projection is taught, you must traditionally find what they call your "guardian angel" over MUCH practice... notice the possible parallel between channelling and projection. Both instances allow contact with "something" on the other side. Anyways you can view this as my own personal disclaimer should any of you go batty or say that Losttrak didnt warn you that weird things may happen.

    Sooo if you want to know how to see for yourself... just ask.
    Last edited by Losttrak; 02-11-2003 at 07:52 AM.
    "If you and I agree all the time, then one of us is unnecessary."

    It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
    - William G. McAdoo

    Against stupidity, even the Gods contend in vain...

  2. #62


    Yes, that could be interesting.
    Please do.

  3. #63
    This thread reminds me of Santeria. Does anyone here have any knowledge or experience of that?

  4. #64
    JMD look the southern forum, there is an interesant discussion about SHen Da, just discard the southern brawling.

  5. #65

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