Mr Bao, good come-back! I answered you incompletely. There is medical evidence that eating meat as a staple is terminal. Most cancers only happen to meat-eaters.

Sevenstar, you're probably right: vegetarian neanderthals probably did have larger brains than us omnivorous cro-magnon 'fighting monkeys'

Cheesedog, I had exactly the same experience as you when I first tried vegetarianism (not veganism). After 2 months I was so depressed and weak that I gave up and perked up. Because now I'm fine as a vegan, I think the metabolism is irrelevant - the problem I had was that I didn't then know how to be vegetarian. The only eating ideas I had were what I couldn't eat. Now, it's different. I know how to shop, cook and eat vegan and I know what I need and everything's cool.

I heard the blood-types diet has been discredited. I looked into it and then left it alone for that reason.

As various people have mentioned, in our natural state dietary selection is dependant on environmental conditions. That does not signify that eating in accordance with our environment is healthy it's just expedient, a manifestation of our adaptability. There are health/availability circumstances under which I would eat meat rather than be sick.

I've said it before, veganism is the Diet of the Future. Our level of understanding of nutrition and dietary health has more or less proven that veganism is the only way to go. Every other option has health drawbacks.

Just going vegetarian is one big step for man and one small step for mankind.

Where's BatesMotel?
