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Thread: DareDevil

  1. #16
    Originally posted by KC Elbows
    Speaking of Batman, I heard the director from Requiem for a Dream was approached to do a Batman movie, based off of the Year One comics that came out quite a while back.
    Darren Aronofsky. He and Frank Miller (writer of the Year One series, as well as the Dark Knight Returns) have been working on a script for Batman: Year One for several years now, but the project has yet to be greenlighted by any studio. Thus far, there's no news on whether it ever will be; it's pretty much languishing in limbo.
    "hey pal, you wanna do the dance of destruction with the belle of the ball, just say the word." -apoweyn

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    enough about j-lo

    What about the kung fu?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #18
    Gene, I thought the fight scenes were better than most. I also like how Yuen had Affleck use his cain alot rather than just go hand to hand all the time. Jennifer Garner was very cool as Electra even though she didn't look very Greek. The movie isn't Gone with the Wind but it was a very good adaptation of a comic book to the screen.
    I quit after getting my first black belt because the school I was a part of was in the process of lowering their standards A painfully honest KC Elbows

    The crap that many schools do is not the crap I was taught or train in or teach.

    Dam nit... it made sense when it was running through my head.


    People love Iron Crotch. They can't get enough Iron Crotch. We all ride the Iron Crotch for the exposure. Gene

    Find the safety flaw in the training. Rory Miller.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Austin TX
    Ha! The Matrix is pure nerdball wish fulfillement power fantasy gobbledegook with a thin, transparent veneer of stoner 'philosophy.' Other films have been imitating the special effects of the Matrix, not the substance. Why? Because there is no substance, Keanu! Whoah.

    On the other hand, Tolkien's books are the inspiration for an entire cottage industry of (mostly crappy, I'll admit) fantasy novels. The imitators of LotR came out years before LotR did, in the form of Dungeons and Dragons: the Movie, Dragonheart, Dragonslayer, Reign of Fire, Star Wars trilogy, etc. etc. etc. And yes, there will be more.

    And for a Matrix fan using gay as an insult...well, just count how many times Neo got 'penetrated' in the Matrix if you're interested in ****erotic subtext.
    All my fight strategy is based on deliberately injuring my opponents. -
    Crippled Avenger

    "It is the same in all wars; the soldiers do the fighting, the journalists do the shouting, and no true patriot ever get near a front-line trench, except on the briefest of propoganda visits...Perhaps when the next great war comes we may see that sight unprecendented in all history, a jingo with a bullet-hole in him."

    First you get good, then you get fast, then you get good and fast.

  5. #20
    Join Date
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    Austin TX
    Well, the first movie only came out a little over a year ago - there hasn't been much in the way of 'quotes' of say - the Balrog scene in that time because it's harder to shoehorn an underground battle into an existing plot than it is a hovering rotating freezy frame of a front kick. I said there would be more imitators, and I'm sure there will be. Of the movies, when the time has elapsed to permit such a thing.

    I'm curious what you think the movies might have offered in terms of 'something new' when they are an adaptation of a fifty or sixty year old work that is itself firmly in the tradition of the world's oldest literature.

    The theme of little people changing the world is indeed the most relevant part of the LotR, along with the corrupting nature of power - most of the other stuff implicit in the storyline I don't really care for. The emphasis on kings and pure blood and noble birth and so on strikes me as elitist in the worst way. Even Frodo is a landed gentry type among hobbits, and Sam is his devoted crush...uh, I mean servant and companion.

    As for quotability of one-liners - who cares? There's nothing interesting about "there is no spoon" or "I know kung fu" that lasts for more than a couple of minutes. One is asinine, the other is laughable. Not much to be proud of there.

    And heck yah there's gay subtext in LotR, especially between the Hobbits. It's just that I don't find gay subtext reason to be dismissive of anything.

    Oh yeah, Daredevil. To stay on topic, I'm still not interested in it.
    All my fight strategy is based on deliberately injuring my opponents. -
    Crippled Avenger

    "It is the same in all wars; the soldiers do the fighting, the journalists do the shouting, and no true patriot ever get near a front-line trench, except on the briefest of propoganda visits...Perhaps when the next great war comes we may see that sight unprecendented in all history, a jingo with a bullet-hole in him."

    First you get good, then you get fast, then you get good and fast.

  6. #21

    I Dug DD

    Moreso 'cause I saw it for free....

    Much truer to the mythos than I expected. Where it veared it help tighten the internal logic for the film... in much the same way Spiderman's web shooters worked.
    Almost too similar to BATMAN in some ways... not always good.

    Bullseye was GREAT!!! his best line...
    "I want a costume too!!!"

    Ben did a suitable MATT MURDOCK, though the movie should've spent more time in the courtroom.
    Foggy Nelson was awesome also!!!
    and a nice camio from "Karen Page"

    KINGPIN was excellent but thoroughly underused.

    The KUNGFU was good fun, stayed fairly true to the charactor, using the billy club and such. Also some creative use of the Blind Kungfu and use of abilities.

    Tons of tidbits for comic readers... Stan Lee makes his appearance as usual funny name droping and a cameo by Kevin Smith & FRANK MILLER!!!

    The movie should have stayed rated R though... but ultimatley unrealisitic eh? Wasn't to fond of the soundtrack though.... too MTV?

    Fair treatment of Elektra I suppose, lame costume. I liked how beatened & bruised DD ended up... Nice use of FX, to visualize DD's radar as well as his movement hrough the city...

    They should totally do a Spiderman meets Daredevil movie!!!

    BTW... there are 3 Batman projects in the works...

    YEAR ONE with FRANK MILLAR & Aronofsky.

    and BATMAN vs. SUPERMAN as well as BATMAN 5 with "Memento" and "Insomnia" director Chris Nolan.

    BTW... the Preview for X2 Loooks BAD @SS!!!!

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lone Star State

    Thumbs down My review of daredevil **1/2 stars

    Well i went to go see it this weekend despite my insticts to just stay away from it. Being a die hard but not obsessive comic book fan i am always skeptical of comics made in to motion picture.

    Well what can i say about daredevil? I thought that the character developement SUCKED,,,with exception to afflecks character. the supporting cast SUCKED.

    Two Major inconsistancies i noted.

    1. The KingPin, in the comics, was a real bad and sinister and HUGE white dude. we have micheal clark duncan playing the role.
    now i am not a racist by an means,,i just wish that these directors would remain consistant and ACCURATE to the portrayel of these characters ESPECIALLY the villians. Clarks role whereas he was big and i m sure they couldnt find a big enough white dude to play the role(for accuracy) really didnt intimidate me at all. i went in expecting to be really impressed by the king pin as i was in the comics and was VERY dissapointed. Clarke wasnt sinister enough or in my opinion played the role well at all. its not a black and white thing at all,,its a character thing. if clark had really put some villiany in to the role he might have been able to do the king pin of the comics justice regardless of accuracy of looks and such.

    2. Electra: electra was my favorite female comic character in the marvel genre' and they made her out to be this little priss who had alittle bit of fighting talent,,that was NOT her charatcer in the comics at all. ELECTRA was an Amer/asian woman with long JET BLACK hair and was not an easy woman to hurt at all. her focus was the KINGPIN in the comics. and they had to KILL her off in the first movie? that was equally dissapointing as it was depressing.

    fight scenes: too fast and choppy,,(they SUCKED). these actors need to take some lessons from jacky chan or jet li or somethin to better portray the vigilante good guy and the bad guy villians.
    and get in to better shape for it.

    Bullseye: WTF????? huh? whu??? thats all im gonna say about that. Collin farrel is a bettr "Recruit" than he is a villian.

    Over all the movie was entertaining to some degree,,but hardly comparable to the XMEN or Spider man ,,and whereas there was some weaknesses in those two movies they were still great to watch and the developement of the charatcers was good.

    i anxiously await XMEN2(seen the trailers,,looks awesome)
    and one of my other favorite comic characters the HULK,,from what i can tell of the trailers to the HULK it looks to be just as interesting if probably not BETTER than what we have seen with daredevil,,and in the past when they have made "the Punisher"
    and of course hahah "Batman" which is DC comics and DC comics SUCK. heh heh.
    anyway theres my take on it guys. waddaya think am i critic material,,have a found my new calling?
    Last edited by The Willow Sword; 02-17-2003 at 02:26 PM.
    It makes me mad when people say I turned and ran like a scared rabbit. Maybe it was like an angry rabbit, who was going to fight in another fight, away from the first fight.

  8. #23
    Join Date
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    Warrenville Il
    Daredevil, again which I thought was a excellent movie, showed much more respect for the source material than did Spider-Man, an example would be that spider man never had organic web shooters.

    Garner was solid as Elecktra, her acting was much better than any of the other female leads I have seen in superhero movies so far, her fight scene was dark and nasty, and I can see why she is going to get a spin-off movie.

    The movie-fu was also cool, a nice blend of different smash mouth elements, stickfighting, flexible weapons, cane, projecticles, tons of superhero gymnastics.

    I am looking forward to the next batch of marvel flicks in 04 and 05. Hulk, X2, Hellboy, Ghost Rider, Werewolf by Night, Dr. Strange, Punisher, and Iron Man by New Line.

    As well as DD2 and the Elecktra spin-off. I just wish they would come out with a Avengers movie

  9. #24
    Well, she could have left that good luck charm in place before she got herself killed...

    Besides, How are they going to have the HAND resurrect her as their undead ninja Assassin if she isn't already dead?

  10. #25
    Join Date
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    Kansas City, KS
    That's lame. IMO, the death of electra issue was the high point of the Miller Daredevil issues, and bringing her back was only cool because of stick and shaft and the rest of the characters the ninja characters in that series, which still didn't make it nearly as good as the issue where Bullseye killed her. That was like the pinnacle of Miller Daredevil.

    Lame that the movie should follow suit. However, I'll still see it, because it's got the three characters and might have a moment or two from that issue(#181, to show my geekhood).

  11. #26
    Join Date
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    Kansas City, KS
    Sorry, one of the two pinnacles of Miller Daredevil: the one where Bullseye's tumor has him seeing Daredevil's everywhere is great as well. The first adult oriented comic I ever read. I can still picture bullseye going nuts on the folk on the street.

  12. #27
    Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
    Other films have been imitating the special effects of the Matrix, not the substance.
    Which, incidentally, Blade did most of first.
    "hey pal, you wanna do the dance of destruction with the belle of the ball, just say the word." -apoweyn

  13. #28


    Daredevil's worth seeing... it was great fun & I loved seeing it onscreen.

    Excellent Design as well... and some cool extras ala organic webspinners.

    I was actually Shocked that they took the storyline as far as Elektra's death. I figured if anything they would finght, she would get slapped down and goe off to (Leaving DD behind) learn how to become a better assassin.

    Still ton's of little tidbits for the devoted reader... Keep an eye out for "swing" scenes nicked directly from pin-up art and various issues

    they did the same thing with Spiderman... wonder how many noticed the differences between the Macfarlinesque, Romatiaesque and Ditkoesque swings presented as continual sequences...

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    only our graphic artist...

    ....would analyze at spiderman swings while other talk about j-lo.
    I'm looking forward to seeing Jennifer Garner on the big screen. I've been a fan of hers from Alias. She's one of the few fight scene queens that looks somewhat convincing in battle. Buffy always looked like she was going to break her wrist when she punched...
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  15. #30

    Daredevil (spoilers)

    Anybody see it, I just saw it... it had some crazy fight scenes, and a crazy hot chick kicking ass..... wait she died never mind
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