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Thread: Vegetarian

  1. #31
    If you eat nothing but fruit and grain, you may be missing some protein from your diet. Protein is very good for building muscle. I've also noticed that people that don't eat some kind of meat seem to be more sickly and weak(no offense to any vegetarians). You need fiber in your diet to help keep things moving. Fruits and veggies give you many essential nutrients. I wouldn't reccomend cutting out meat entirely, but you shouldn't eat too much meat. Unless you do it for religious reasons.
    I will crush my enemies, see them driven before me, then hit their wimminz with a Tony Danza. - Vash

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Human Realm
    Mr Bao,

    Very true indeed. Although in the teachings, Lama has never said anything about plant life feeling pain and suffering, when asked, he simply explains that they are not considered sentient beings. It is however explained, a holy man in the past, who have vegetarian all his life, knew he could only be killed by eating grass, such is his karma. That story aside...

    Even vegetarians share their fair share of killing, from the clearing of land, to the use of insecticide, worms, roaches, grasshoppers, ants, rats, rabbits, etc... are all affected by this.... without going too far into this....

    1. The holding of the 5 precepts, one which is "not to kill" is difficult/impossible to achieve in samsara, but one needs to uphold this as much as possible, and with this, the path to escape samsara is realised

    2. Dont over-eat, just eat enough to make you healthy and strong. Yes it is a spiritual thing

    About weedy weak vegetarians, I have a story to share. I was in Thailand 4 years ago now, and went to this place called Tiger Cave. There is this high mountain and a steep stairway up, about 10 times the length of "Batu Caves" and each step is about 3 times higher. When we got up there, we could not walk down properly, our legs were all shivering. After a short stroll, a monk walks up, without so much as a puff. He is smilling and went about his own business. Being a Hinayana monk, he of course, is mostly if not entirely vegetarian.

    Some food for thought
    Sorry for absense, lots happening.

  3. #33
    I think Reel Big Fish said it best:

    she's not eatin' bacon, not
    eatin' sausage,
    and she won't eat eggs,
    not eatin' chicken
    not eatin' turkey, she
    won't have a steak,
    but i just can't help feelin'
    for this poor little lettuce head
    you know, i can't stop cryin' cause i
    know this broccoli's dead

    vegetarian? i'm not a vegetarian,
    vegetarian...she's a

    poor little cow, little sheep,
    little fish
    how can I sleep? when carrots
    are bleedin'
    plants are screamin' and tomatoes cry,
    you say "it's not so bad, they're only
    vegetables", that's what you said
    maybe i'm a murderer, but i'm hungry
    and they're better off dead.

    save a plant, eat a cow,
    i want beef, i want it now!
    i'm gonna eat it cause it's red!
    i'm gonna eat it cause it's dead!
    maybe i should eat it raw let the
    blood run down my jaw
    i'd eat people if it was legal,
    i'd eat people if it was legal!

    "Face it. People are fukked. Why would you want a career helping anyone? Go find a mountain and farm sheep for a living." - Serpent on Personal Training

    "Its a cool show, but I think this young super man is a very stupid mother ****er." - yenhoi on Smallville

    "They could have had the tagline "Watch Joe Millionaire. More stuff will happen," and they'd have been there." - eulerfan on TV watching Americans

    "Anyway, I used to pick girls up all the time in the gym when I was in college. We'd hang out until the aerobics classes ended, and then swoop in while all their endorphins were still pumping.

    It's like shooting fish in a barrel." - ghthomason on dating

    "I would say that there is a greater chance of a paper dog catching and asbestos cat in hell, while in the lost city of Atlantis, Elvis and Ghengis Khan are using butterfly nets to catch the opera-singing monkeys flying out of my butt, but that implies there's still a chance." - Starboy on optimism

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Chicago, IL
    Anybody remember the lyrics to

    Mary Mo - she's a vegetarian

    da da da

    she don't eat meat but she sure like the bone

    da da da

    Sorry if you find this offensive, it was a popular radio song a few years back.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    If you eat nothing but fruit and grain, you may be missing some protein from your diet. Protein is very good for building muscle. I've also noticed that people that don't eat some kind of meat seem to be more sickly and weak(no offense to any vegetarians).
    so wrong dude so wrong...
    u just need soyabean(as Cereal) to come up with protein
    meat/chicken gives u about 23% but soyabean gives around 41%
    (they r rounded figures from my doc watever i come to know that it gives more than meat or chicken)
    if u notice the ppl r sickly n weak then plz come down to india n see those Pure Veggetarians Indian wrestlers who don't eat Meat due to religious reasons(because they worship lord hanuman n thus abstain from smoke/liquor/gamble/non veg/ sex till they get 25 yr old).
    hell millions of ppl here don't eat meat for same reason, dunno how sick they r? cuz they arn't...
    i m almost veggeterain(chicken once in about 4-5 months) n from last 7-8 yrs i never even had a flu, i m not sick, i m not weak...
    i used to do bench press with 70-75 kgs(that time i used to weight around 82) now i weigh around 89 kgs

    anyways as u said u noticed this, then it CAN happen in West because eating habbits r not same as East(indians). so i can belive that part but u shouldn't be generlizing(sp)

    Knowledge, Like sex is better when it's free

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    I have been vegetarian ever since I have been a Buddhist.

    Not all buddhists are vegetarian, but I think it is fine and have had no problems with it.
    I have increased my lean weight and am now 10kilos heavier and not fatter. My bodyfat is stable at around 12% and I train for about 5 hours a day in total.
    May all beings live in peace and harmony,
    May all beings live wisely,
    May all beings be enlightened.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    Some interesting points here for both sides of the argument. Again TCM and Taoism Chang Ming diets certainly do include meat due to blood deficiencies. Of course from a spiritual perspective animals are seen as sentient beings, and therefore no suffering should be imposed on them. Just an interesting note on how His Holiness the Dalai Lama decided to eat meat for a period, admittedly due to dietary problems which gave him blood deficiecny problems but a comforting thought to the struggle of us lower realm mortals too.
    " Don't confuse yourself with someone who has something to say " - The Fall

    " I do not like your tone/ It has ephemeral whingeing aspects " - The Fall

    " There are twelve people in the world/ The rest are paste " - Mark E Smith

  8. #38
    Earlier in this thread (like on page one) I saw that there was a bit of a debate about "what God wanted us to eat". Had me thinking a bit, and reading, and I noticed that there are many biblical references about vegetarianism / meat eaters .

    In the book of Genesis, I recall that God did not respect Cain's offering of "fruit of the ground", and preferred Abel's offering of an animal sacrifice. Also, after Cain slew Abel, when God punished Kane He said, "When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength:"
    Genesis chapter 4

    Now, given that a lot of you are of different religions, so this may not apply to you anyways, I simply wanted to share my interperetation of the religious side of the debate. There are very likely contradictions to this in the bible, as biblical contradictions are common due to the fact that meaning often varies greatly depending on one's own interperetation of the passages. If any of you know any biblical references suggesting we should be vegetarian/ vegan, please cite them. (i'm not being sarcastic there)

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Texas, DFW
    C'mon...God was not wanting a sacrifice to EAT. He wanted the hearts of his followers. Real sacrifice. He wanted Cain's best effort, not his second best. His punishment in addition to banishment, was that the ground would not bear it's strength to Cain.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Texas, DFW
    Our society is so...I dunno, American? I am American and proud of it, but I am always amazed that considering becoming a vegetarian or vegan is akin in our society to changing religions.

    I have noticed that it is the vegans among the ranks of the PETA faction that seem to fuel this backlash in most of America. They are so confrontational and angry at us non-vegans, that they make everybody so defensive.

    My boss at work is a vegetarian. When I asked him about it, he delcared very quickly, "Oh, I'm not a vegan!" Actually he is. But he is scared to even admit it due to all the militant wacko's of which he is not affiliated.

    Somebody mentioned that red meat only provided iron? It also provides protien, and most important it provides branch chain amino acids BCAA's, which are an awesome way to build and repair muscle tissue. They reduce the protein breakdown within your muscles; and they increase testosterone and growth hormone, your bodies most important fat-fighting and muscle-building hormones. It only takes 10g of of BCAA's to have a positive effect on our bodies. Just FYI...

    The Vegan diet is not the diet of the future. Adkins is not the diet of the future. I think a balanced diet between the two is closer to the future. Besides, and I have to be honest here, just listining to an aggressive vegan, makes me want to chase down an animal and eat it. I mean, backlash is a real factor. And unless the vegans get rid of these wacko's their diet will never make it to the forefront in America.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Oh, the horror! the horror! all those poor defenseless plants dying needlessly! We should be eating synthetic foodstuffs that don't invovle any living matter! (ok, feeble attempt at some humor. )

    I am an omnivore by choice. I like to eat meat, and I like to eat vegitables and fruits as well. All have their place, nothing should be to excess.

    When it comes to meats, I prefer game animals to store bought staples. Domestic critters tend to be artifically bulked up using steriods and the like.

    I hunt & kill my own game. I actually think this has benefitted my martial arts.

    You have no idea of how precious life is until you have taken it. You don't know how fragile it really is. You may know from a philosophical stand point, but until you have experienced it, you really don't know.

    I also, really, really, like the taste of venison - especially Elk, as well as rabbit and others.

    Man is a preditor. Binocular vision, canine teeth, enzymes, etc.
    Fighting is not about who is right, it is about who is left.

    A year from now, no one will remember who used what style, or what technique, only who prevailed.

  12. #42
    I also, really, really, like the taste of venison
    That's enough of an argument to convince me.


    How about Genesis 1:12. "I give you all the seed bearing plants and herbs to use as food."
    If you're going to get all christian here, what about all the sacrificing of animals in the old testament? Believe you me, ancient Mesopotamia is no place to be if you're a lamb. So basically, it's ok to kill an animal if a burning tree tells you to, but if you're hungry then it's bad?

    I think the problem stems from Genesis 2:20, "So the man named all the birds and all the animals; but not one of them was a suitable companion to help him." See, if Adam named all the animals either Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner right from the go, we wouldn't be having this debate.

    "Face it. People are fukked. Why would you want a career helping anyone? Go find a mountain and farm sheep for a living." - Serpent on Personal Training

    "Its a cool show, but I think this young super man is a very stupid mother ****er." - yenhoi on Smallville

    "They could have had the tagline "Watch Joe Millionaire. More stuff will happen," and they'd have been there." - eulerfan on TV watching Americans

    "Anyway, I used to pick girls up all the time in the gym when I was in college. We'd hang out until the aerobics classes ended, and then swoop in while all their endorphins were still pumping.

    It's like shooting fish in a barrel." - ghthomason on dating

    "I would say that there is a greater chance of a paper dog catching and asbestos cat in hell, while in the lost city of Atlantis, Elvis and Ghengis Khan are using butterfly nets to catch the opera-singing monkeys flying out of my butt, but that implies there's still a chance." - Starboy on optimism

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    land o' sam
    anyone else hear the oscar mayer theme song in the background?
    " i wonder how many people take their post bone marrow transplant antibiotics with amberbock" -- GDA

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Asheville, NC

    **** you RTBhudda...

    That tune is stuck in my head now.

    As a supermarket hunter, I can appreciate Aslan's comment that hunting your own animal food engenders a respect that most of us have no concept of. Aside from fishing, I have not ever stalked and killed and skinned an animal for my sustenance. I know I wouldn't choose to sport hunt, but I could certainly kill to survive. I wonder though, how my diet would change if hunting was my only option for meat, and is that consideration reason enough to consider changing it now?

    GThomason makes a good point. Just because we CAN do something, doesn't always mean we SHOULD.

    If religion or ethics or any knowledge leads you to adjust your diet so you are living in line with your core beliefs, then I think that can make you a better human. It's good to walk the talk, especially when it's yours.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Originally posted by Aslan

    Man is a preditor. Binocular vision, canine teeth, enzymes, etc.

    Man is a preditor?? Take away our guns and weapons, and I don't think we'd have ANY luck catching any game! Binocular vision? What does that have to do with anything? Canine teeth??? We have dog teeth?? Enzymes ... well you got that one right!

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