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Thread: kung fu principles and techniques. (not about sex)

  1. #1

    kung fu principles and techniques. (not about sex)

    Okay, so i know that a lot of you have been bringin up some old kung fu arguments ... you know they just tend to resurface just when u think everything is resolved and calm the SAME SUBJECT pops up within a few days at the most. come on can't we all just philosophize with each other without fighting like school children? some day i was thinking about kung fu techniques and how wonderful they are with the snap and everything... how do you guys do that it boggles my mind amazing though i wanna learn how to jump up and spin like 7 times and kick 4 guys in the stomach before i land. okay i know it sounds funny but it's been done before and those guys had cool stomachs so dont tell me cause i know.
    <um insert here some formatty type thing like a ; or a ()&$ !! yeah!!! formatting RULES!!! >>> throw in a couple commas while i'm at it ,,,,,,, HAHAHA!!!
    soda makes me so happy. i love soda, especially pepsi. can pepsi make you kill people? would you kill someone for a pepsi? and would it all be worth it after all the pepsiness of pepsi to pee on someone with a nice pepsi in your hand, sipping on it, while you pee on the person, and even still gulping this pepsi down and still peeing (sort of taking in and expelling fluid from the body simultaneously) its amazing really that you can do that with just the right thinking involved one can make soda happen and turn bananas into peeled bananas... moreso like comparing apples and oranges and then going back to apples again and saying YUM... apples . and then forgetting all about the whole thing and going over to a cute girls college dorm and knocking and knocking but she still doesnt answer that little tramp she's probably in there right now making out with the dirty poolman that cleans my pool and there's nothing i can do about it because i really need that guy to clean my pool... which is frozen currently... but when it gets warm in a few months my pool will need cleaning!!! so forget her too because she doesnt give me those cute little moist pads that females use with the gel on them .. do u know the pads? well i sure do but she doesnt share them Nooooo she just shoves them all up her ... um... pillow case. yes thats where she likes it.

    <insert here a / thingy - which makes this part even more formatted than the rest. and a question mark too! ??? (keeps the reader on their toes!> okay on with my story

    never trust a girl who takes it up the pillow case because god knows where else that pillow has been and who's hair touched it and if she has that little respect for herself who's to say that she wont smack you while you're taking a pee, holding a pepsi, and you are too busy to defend youself it's all totally aweful and makes me want to assualt innocent people (but probably they did mean things to people at some point) so they deserve everything i do to them and i need more soda because soda tastes so good and puts me in a creative spike i cant even

    (%@$# , //// , se\/enstar you've taught me the beauty of formatting!!!! see -> ^$#ARRT$#Q???<><>>>> - that's there is formatting in it's rawest, purest form! formatting as it should be before all those dam n hippie college professors got their hands on it!!! $#****#$@<<<< ,,,,, , ,, , commas running free!! ,,,,

    believe it i feel so creative right now i love it and i love myself and i need to share hugs with all of you some day serious you guys we should all have a kung fu forum reuinion day where we all get together somewhere like at the mall and we hang out and flip pogs and hit on girls and get laughed and basically just sit down and argue about the same stupid stuff we read here on the forum only we do it in person and become close real friends to each other and know each other for real and meet like once every 5 years it's beautiful i love you guys
    Last edited by morbicid; 02-21-2003 at 09:38 PM.

  2. #2

    Pass the bowl...

    Share Dam_n it!

    Freakin over there hoard'n the $hit... keeping it all to yourself and won't share wit da brothers. That's how you are... Freaking bowl hog!

  3. #3
    try formatting next time...
    i'm nobody...i'm nobody. i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo... a boxcar and a jug of wine... but i'm a straight razor if you get to close to me.

    -Charles Manson

    I will punch, kick, choke, throw or joint manipulate any nationality equally without predjudice.

    - Shonie Carter

  4. #4
    its totally formatted now what are you talking about..... DUUUHHHH!!!!! FDA(E@)$*#@()$*@$@ <---- that's you throwing up pizza and nachos after smackin a trick and tearin' dat as$ up !yee sevenstar tears dat as s up. u dont mess with him, he'll smak u and yo hoe/ WUSUP!! i wouldnt introduce sevenstar to my girlie cuz he'd be like "wusup" and then when i wasnt lookin he'd tear dat as s up and she'd b like sevenstar tore my as s up yo i gotta b leavin u morbicid cuz u dont tear it up like he do bybye foo i keepin ur celly

  5. #5
    darn right.
    i'm nobody...i'm nobody. i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo... a boxcar and a jug of wine... but i'm a straight razor if you get to close to me.

    -Charles Manson

    I will punch, kick, choke, throw or joint manipulate any nationality equally without predjudice.

    - Shonie Carter

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    holy sheit! i just clicked on morbicids sig - that scared the sh|t out of me the face on the white wall was pretty well done though!

    Peace is not the product of terror or fear.
    Peace is not the silence of cemeteries.
    Peace is not the silent result of violent repression.
    Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all.
    Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity.
    It is right and it is duty.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    This guy is F@cked up, I like him
    All right now, son, I want you to get a good night's rest. And remember, I could murder you while you sleep.
    Hey son, I bought you a puppy today after work. But then I killed it and ate it! Hahah, Iīm just kidding. I would never buy you a puppy.

    "Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch watch which Swatch watch?"

    "Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches. Which switched witch watch which Swatch watch switch?."

  8. #8
    I'd tell him to "just say no", but I think it's too late for that...
    i'm nobody...i'm nobody. i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo... a boxcar and a jug of wine... but i'm a straight razor if you get to close to me.

    -Charles Manson

    I will punch, kick, choke, throw or joint manipulate any nationality equally without predjudice.

    - Shonie Carter

  9. #9

    Thumbs up morbicid

    It is going to take some time for now&again to regain your position on this board.
    The sunsetīs setting down.Lay me on the forest floor.

    I do not necessarily stand behind all of the statements I have made in the past, in this forum. Some of the statements may have appeared to support a biased view of reality, and may have been offensive. If you are a moral person and were hurt by comments that I made, you can PM me about it and I will apologize if I find your cause reasonable.
    -FC, summer of 2006-

  10. #10
    dont u thumb me... u can stick that thumb right up your but t!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Sydney, Australia
    Bahahaha! Man I love your posts. Funny ****. Though I tend to try an stay away from online expression myself when the frenzy comes on you got to do what you got to do.

  12. #12
    flattery is not going to save u... u didnt show up to my dinner party and we had macaroni salad and u werent there u ba stard

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Sydney, Australia
    I was busy...............reading KFO

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    London, UK
    Shiny Pink with fluffy bits!!!!!!!!!

    I like shiny things!
    "The cat never weeps for the mouse"

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