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Thread: Sensations?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970



    Please forgive me if I am about to ask a silly question. i have only practised Taijiquan in my current style and practised daily for about 7 months. I used to do a differnet style before and sporadically practised it.

    It seems that lately, while I am practising, (I am concentrating on my hands, the fluidity, being relaxed etc.,) I have noticed a sensation as if my finger is almost slicing through the air. ( It seems to leave a similar trace to that as if I were to do it in water)
    Another sensation of it almost not being me who is controlling the movement arises at times.
    This seems strange, as when I train most qigong, I statically hold a pose so this has never arisen before.

    Is this a normal by product of taiji, or am I not concentrating on what I should be doing and allowing myself to be distracted by sensations? I see my taiji shifu on odd occasions, and he doesn't speak English, so it is hard for me to ask him.

    May all beings live in peace and harmony,
    May all beings live wisely,
    May all beings be enlightened.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Pennsylvania, USA
    It seems that lately, while I am practising, (I am concentrating on my hands, the fluidity, being relaxed etc.,) I have noticed a sensation as if my finger is almost slicing through the air. ( It seems to leave a similar trace to that as if I were to do it in water).

    That’s Qi/Chi my friend.

    Another sensation of it almost not being me who is controlling the movement arises at times.

    After doing the form numerous times, your body is getting accustomed to the postures in the form. It’s like riding a bike. After a while, you don’t think about trying to keep yourself from falling off the bike. You just ride the bike.

    “If you open yourself to loss, you are at one with loss, and you can accept it completely.”
    - Lao-tzu, Tao Te Ching Chapter 23

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Hiya Harry

    Too be honest mate even though you are experiencing this feeling in your hands its best not to concentrate on your hands that much because this will detract from the normal course of qi and your intent will be stuck in your hands and not evenly spaced out arounf the whole body. Saying thsat though, well done on your tentative steps into a broader and more deeper world.
    When movement becomes of itself this is to be more accurate not so much cos you've done it loads of times its eventually due to the fact that ypou have dissolved blockages and the qi can move unhindered and therefore has a more and more guiding effect upon your actions, again all because it guided by the intent of a person.
    When you have full mastery it will be your intent which initiates moves and qi that mobilisize the Jing in the limbs.
    Welcome to a new world, its the same as the old one only just that it allows to experience more and see more, aswell as get closer to the source??!!....
    " Don't confuse yourself with someone who has something to say " - The Fall

    " I do not like your tone/ It has ephemeral whingeing aspects " - The Fall

    " There are twelve people in the world/ The rest are paste " - Mark E Smith

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Thankyou for your replies they have helped greatly

    May all beings live in peace and harmony,
    May all beings live wisely,
    May all beings be enlightened.

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