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Thread: neck pain

  1. #1

    neck pain

    I feel a dull pain occasionally when I tilt my head back. I think it started after an instance where I fell asleep reading in a chair with my head tilted forward. That was almost a week ago. Anyway, it's in the sore on the left side of my upper back, especially the upper trap / levator scapulae area. This picture here that I found pretty much hits it on the head:

    It feels tight and almost like muscular soreness, but not quite the same. It's hard to explain. And only on the left side.

    Has anyone else experienced this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Your trap is probably inflamed, sored, and over-stretched from the isometric contraction you place it in while incorrectly sleeping in your bloodly chair. Doing standing cable pullovers or classical db pull overs, will lessen the pain in your trap. Of course using the RICE methods and pls stay away from heat treatments for now. As always it's often wise to see your doctor when shYt is going far worst than the next day. Best of luck.

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