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Thread: To MonkeyMind: Do Forget

  1. #1
    dre_doggX Guest

    To MonkeyMind: Do Forget

    Most of the orignal forms of Karate came for Kungfu infact the 5 Pinan were broken done from a complex Kungfu form(quan,kata) the Istou (a teacher of Gichin Funakoshi), learn from Chinese immirgrant. some of the advance moves in the advance katas that were not watered down or Changed from orginal styles. show strong resemblense to Kungfu postures and even lohan and
    Yoga postures. The founder of the Goju ryu system studied in China when he wanted to be as good as his teacher who also studied in China.

    Andre Lashley

  2. #2
    dre_doggX Guest


    I also know a karate stylist who isnt even a black belt but hyas a deep understanding of kata and karate. He was taught by people from Japan(I dont think these were ordinary people because: the oneof students (in Trinadad) were world Champs and they other demonstrate strong ki gong like pushing Walls and stuff like that.

    Andre Lashley

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