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Thread: Legitamate Shaolin

  1. #1
    Shaolindynasty Guest

    Legitamate Shaolin

    I have been noticing a change in what peoples opinons are of true history and techniques in just about every aspect on Shaolin Kungfu. My question is how can a person be identified as legitamate Shaolin nowadays? Alot of styles that were practiced in the temple in the old days are said to be lost and styles that are considered to have evolved from the temple are now under question and old stories that were excepted up until recently are under suspition. Shaolin has a 1500 year history why do some people believe they can be an athority on what is and what isn't Shaolin. The way my Sifu describes Shaolin Kungfu is that it relies on similar sets of principles and the only real difference between Shaolin styles is the sequence of movements. If this is true why do people believe that they can say what is and what isn't Shaolin. If the principles are the same I say take their word for it after all history books(especially burnt ones) don't tell everything right?

    Now that I am through speaking giberish why do you guys think that recently there has been a big shift in the way people define styles( such as consulting history books and avoiding unheard of styles) do you guys think this is because of the impact of frauds alone or is there somthing else there.

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  2. #2
    inpho Guest
    Ahh, I can see this is gonna turn into a huge debate. Here's my two cents...

    Shaolin martial arts were founded on the principles of Chan buddhism. Martial arts are a very effective way to meditate (active meditation). When put into the environment of a monastery martial arts flourish. The type of discipline and concentration necessary to excel in martial arts are often found in religious institutions. Because of this Shaolin has become famous for it's kung fu and since its popularity has become world wide the martial arts have become less about Chan and more about martial arts.

    So now I think Shaolin has become a method of learning. There are forms which are famous in their connections to Shaolin, Lohan Chuan, Da Hong Chuan etc, but they're really superfluous. Shi Yan Ming teaches a lot of WuShu, Shi Goulin teaches a little less, but it's really all the same. It's just arrogance to mock someone for doing WuShu, they're amazing acrobats. So what if they don't punch to the center or their ma bu is too low to be effective. It's a type of discipline, it's an outlook or a way of life. You can learn boxing, knitting or kung fu the Shaolin way. It's just an effective way to study.

    I'm afraid I haven't made myself very clear but I haven't slept in a day so *shrug* perhaps I'll say it better later.

  3. #3
    ShaolinTiger00 Guest
    Shawn's sanshou is Excellent and I have yet to see a kungfu sudent of his perform any form that could be described as "flowery"

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