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Thread: Anyone want to meet and fight in PA/MD? Serious replies only

  1. #166
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    D/FW, Texas.
    Ralek, there are other Kung Fu boards to try.

    And we can't check IP Addresses, only admins (and maybe mods) can.

    Wait...SevenStar and rubthebuddah are mods...


    And shaolin kung fu, I know of one respected person on these boards who said him playing UFC video games actually improved his ground fighting ability.
    I have a signature.

  2. #167
    I will crush my enemies, see them driven before me, then hit their wimminz with a Tony Danza. - Vash

  3. #168
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    D/FW, Texas.
    That is classified.
    I have a signature.

  4. #169
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Plymouth, UK

    Wink undefeated yeah!

    Ralek, admit it - you're only back because Jack Springer doesn't post like he used to...


  5. #170
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    He's E-mailing me. Last one I got was this morning. He's still trying to get the address of the gym. He wants to fight only on Friday though, and I have buisness on Friday. I need to do it on Saturday, Sunday or Monday. Anytime will be good.
    Work? Who me??????????

  6. #171
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Alexandria, VA
    ben gash,

    Apoweyn, you mean bare-breasted and carrying an 8lb baby?
    a fellow macadder fan, i see. i can't believe anyone actually got that reference. well played.

    When you assume, you make an ass out of... pretty much just you, really.

  7. #172
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Alexandria, VA
    nope. never met shaolintiger AND ralek. never met no_know AND ralek. never met ralek.


    i have met with no_know AND shaolintiger on several occassions each. and i've got it on relatively good authority that they're not the same person. (seeing as how, when i met them, they were occupying two different places in time and space)


    ralek cannot be both shaolintiger AND no_know.

    he could, however, be a ninja. and, as oso assures us, ninja suck.

    stuart b.

    p.s. 'figment' is spelled with an 'e.' if shaolin kungfu is going to make that some sort of official nickname for ralek, take pity on the resident copyeditor and spell it properly.
    When you assume, you make an ass out of... pretty much just you, really.

  8. #173
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Thumbs up

    Ralek is not an entity that is made up of our thoughts. He is a higher being that has reached enlightenment and figured out the root of true martial prowess.... video games! Everyone knows all the great old martial artists learned kungfu from superstreetfighter turbo II.
    Your only limitations are the ones you set for yourself.

    "Me, I always tell the truth... even when I lie. " - Scarface

    "It's about the energy, about concentrating on a single point in time." - Chen Zhen

    "Playing video games does not make strong muscles. However it builds lighting fast eye to hand cooridantion and reflexes that allowed me to defeated the former heavy wight san shou champion of the world." - Ralek

  9. #174
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Tulsa, OK
    Nick that has been Ralek's MO since day one. I will fight you,,,,,on Friday,,,,no wait saturday,,,,my mom wont let me use the cat on friday,,,,,can you pick me up,,,,,I'll meet you at the gym,,,no wait at the park,,,,,you must jump through all my many hoops,,,,,then only after you have proved yourself worthey and made it to the top floor, then you may have the honor of my presence, and may fight me,,after all I will fight anybody, anywhere,,just not this week, or there. Ralek has his own fighting style, much like Bruce in ETD, it is the art of fighting without fighting.
    At a boy Luther!!!!

  10. #175
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Alexandria, VA
    my mom wont let me use the cat
    sweet baby jesus, tell me this is a typo. poor cat.

    stuart "completely in favour of typos when they're funny" b.
    When you assume, you make an ass out of... pretty much just you, really.

  11. #176
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Kansas City, KS
    The darn cat needs a day off too.

  12. #177
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Tulsa, OK
    cat,,car,,whatever floats his boat, Reminds me of an old SNL skit with Kelsey Grahmer were his line is "never mind the mint julip just bring me the cats a.s.s. Ralek always warms up with a good old cat fight, before a challenge match,,you know what they say about p ussy (cats) before a fight.
    Last edited by Taomonkey; 03-06-2003 at 09:14 AM.
    At a boy Luther!!!!

  13. #178
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Alexandria, VA
    thankfully, i have no earthly idea what they say about ***** cats before a fight.
    When you assume, you make an ass out of... pretty much just you, really.

  14. #179
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Kansas City, KS
    Apoweyn, you just got revenge for all the times you spewed a pop on your monitor from one of my posts. You've made me waste my precious mountain dew- For clarification, that is not a quaint ozark saying.

    BTW, you DO know what they say about seeing Cats before a fight, right?

  15. #180
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Alexandria, VA
    Originally posted by KC Elbows
    Apoweyn, you just got revenge for all the times you spewed a pop on your monitor from one of my posts.
    Then my work here is done.

    You've made me waste my precious mountain dew- For clarification, that is not a quaint ozark saying.
    And again, the balance of power shifts back in KC's direction. (Thankfully, I have no drink.)

    BTW, you DO know what they say about seeing Cats before a fight, right?
    Er, no. You telling me that there is a saying about cats and fights?

    Stuart B.
    When you assume, you make an ass out of... pretty much just you, really.

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