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Thread: Calcium deficiency

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    London, UK

    Calcium deficiency

    I've been told before that I have a Calcium deficiency (by the doctor when I was younger) and I dont think I've ever shook it off. I used to have these facial bumps when I was 7-9 and the doctor said it is most probably this and just said drink lotsa milk....I dont have them anymore


    I have that thing that you get on your skin - where you get light(er) patches (mostly on my lower back) - shows up more with darker skin and this is supposed to be a calicium deficiency too....I dont think I ever shook it.

    Does anyone know a good way to increase my bodies calcium levels? I've tried the concentrated tablets for a while but they didnt seem to make much difference. Has Anyone had this light skin patching thing like me and gotten rid of it? How?

    thanks for any help

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  2. #2
    Sorry to hear about your problem.

    There are a variety of foods with calcium in them. Obviously, milk, yogurt, cheese. Also, dark green leafy veggies.

    Hey, veggetarians. Where are you? They can help out in this.

    One thing to be sure of when you get calcium is to get enough Vitamin D to go with it--helps the body absorb calcium.
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  3. #3
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    Feb 2003
    Mr. Gao is correct and I personally used a product called "Natural Calm" a magesium supreme supplement which is in powder form that you drink. I perfer this kind of supplementation over pills because this way the magnesium can absorb faster and completely into your system. The Mag pills dont absorb quickly and you may not even absorb enough of it. There are many fillers and by products in pill form which are useless and even harmful to your body. Personally, for the past three months, I have devotely taken one serving of "Natural Calm" every night. I have noticed better sleep, better immunity, and strength. This one of the most important supplements I take along with designer whey, L glumine, multi vits, and ZMA.

    16 oz of Natural Calm, if taken one teaspoon a day can last you 2.5 months. But with your condition, you might need more servings than me. It probably last you two months. Natural Calm is quite easy to prepare. You boil water. Add the hot water into a mug and then add a teaspoon of Naural Calm and then it sizzles, disolves quickly into the water. I drink it hot and plain, some people dont like the taste. It is actually tasteless to me. You may add it with another drink like OJ or cranberry juice or whatever healthy. I dont know exactly your conditons is, but pls do research the information site of natural calm, it might help?

    Pls check it on on why magnesium is needed and nor cal. I hope this helps and I wouldn't recommend something I haven't tried myself or even have my own mother on this product for her back and her age related problems.
    Last edited by DuLayLoMo; 02-25-2003 at 12:35 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    London, UK
    Thanks for the help guys I'll check them out...

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    London, UK
    so i dont have to stick to calcium doses and I should try magnesium supplements?
    The sun exposure thing may not be possible here in london, though it has been getting brighter.....
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    ky, usa
    You need calcium and magnesium both. But don't take them at the same time, they will fight for absorbtion and much of the magnesium will be wasted. The best time to take magnesium is on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning or at night.
    A good plan is to take your calcium in the morning at or before breakfast; most people drink some milk or have it on cereal in the morning, this will get you your calcium and vitamen D. Then at night right before bed when your stomach is empty take your magnesium (this is also a good time to take zinc, they help each other to be absorbed).

    If you are deficient you may need 1 gram of calcium a day and 500 mg. of magnesium a day. (Or even a little more.) The proper ratio is about 2:1.

    If you are getting alot of calcium but are still deficient you may have a problem with not enough stomach acid, if so you can take your minerals with enzyme tablets you can get at any health food store.

    Hope this helps! Good luck.

    Cheese Dog
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  7. #7
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    east coast america

    Bob Barefoot's Coral Calcium


    I came across something that might interest you. I heard from many people of the benefits of coral calcium and many people have recommended Robert Barefoot's coral calcium ( I have not try it out yet, but I have read up on the Barefoot's body of work and it sounds promising. I thought this information is going to be useful to you. When I tested it out, I will post up my experience with Barefoot's Coral Calicum, ok.

    This is not your average man made calcium but mother's nature calcium and do read up on this natural products. It does have a long history of results. I wouldn't buy any copy cats products either, remember that Barefoot was the first dude to research, write a book, and publically come out with this product to the west.

    Best of luck.
    Last edited by Mr. Bao; 02-28-2003 at 07:13 AM.
    Mr. Bao

    "A gung fu man, then, should be soft-yet not yeilding; firm-yet not hard." Lee Jan Fan

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Mr. Bao's recommendation of coral calcium seem promising and i also heard great things about Bruce Barefoot and his coral calcium formula. I would also get a pH test papers to test your pH level which TriMedica, Inc. makes ( The more
    alkaline your blood is the better health you have, i would suggest testing your pH level to see if your body is acidic or not.

  9. #9
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    Jun 2002
    I am vegetrian and dont have milk, and I find the best kind of supplement for all minerals is these tablets named MAGNEZIE..They have 100% recommended daily calcuim, magnesium, iron etc. Get them from health food shop. You have to take it every day.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    where the unconscious speaks
    hi Souljah,

    I believe what you are referring to is Vitiligo. Haven't been doing as much medical topic reading as I used to, so I don't own the necessary references. However,

    I would advise you check Medline plus to get info. I looked it up there, and couldn't figure whether mucked up Calcium absorption is involved. They indicated that the cause is largely unknown. They also said V. can be seen especially associated with pernicious anemia, hypterthyroidism, or Addison's disease.

    In children (when you were younger?), CA (calcium) deficiency can be result of simple Vit. D deficiency, rickets, or as a result of diseases you would have known you had.

    As you are not sure whether you are deficient in CA at this time, it seems you should get a professional opinion and tests. See, CA supplements are things you CAN overdose on. Better to know for sure whether you are, and also whether you do have Vitiligo.

    take care,

  11. #11
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    east coast america

    I have read Robert Barefoot's two best selling books: "Calcium Factor" and "Death by Diet". I have greatly learned much about the role of Calcium plays in preventive medicine and holistic health. I totally agree with Barefoot's body of work and his knowledge on calcium and its role in health. With millions of people who have benefited from his formula and scienctific research behind this supplement it is hard to see why anyone can not benefit from authentic coral calcium. I really think if you are seriously about knowing what exactly calcium is or how it functions, then pls read Barefoot's books.

    Before starting Supreme Coral Calcium, my pH was 5.5 and after taken the supplement my my pH is 8.0. That means my blood is at neutral and non-acidic and my body is in optimally function and I now have an optimal enironment which no virus or god forbid cancer can strive inside my body.

    You can take the rest of the recommended calcium which people have mentioned, but test your pH balance before and taking these calcium supplements.
    Mr. Bao

    "A gung fu man, then, should be soft-yet not yeilding; firm-yet not hard." Lee Jan Fan

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    London, UK
    I believe what you are referring to is Vitiligo. Haven't been doing as much medical topic reading as I used to, so I don't own the necessary references.
    No I dont think it is, thats the thing MJ has isnt it?
    Its not a straight loss of pigment. I think I described it wrong sorry, probably because it sounds abit gross, I found out about it a couple of days ago - the lightness is caused by a type of fungus i think - sorry, I know it sounds disgusting, but apparently its due to a lack of calcium, and magnesium also by the sound of it.....

    I went to get some magnesium tablets today, MAN theyr EXPENSIVE! Like almost £20 for 60.....
    Last edited by Souljah; 03-06-2003 at 04:59 PM.
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  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    where the unconscious speaks
    oh, okay. Another possibility is a fungal infection, which you said is the cause. That could be Tinea Versicolor, and is common and curable. seems to be basically a yeast infection. I didn't see mineral treatment as part of the cure, or deficiency as part of the cause, for that matter, in what I read. Better you should see a doctor I think because antifungal medication is needed if this is what you have..

    Don't know about MJ. It might be he said so, but I don't know what the facts are.


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