Histories and origins differ but the art is the same

whether Malaysian, Singaporean, Taiwanese, Phillipino or Fujianese ...they are all brothers(and sisters).

The wuzu family is a great one and lucky for the non-mainland propagation of the art that the mainland has been able to re-consolidate and unify wuzuquan again.

Chee Kim Thong'sschools should be influenced by his training and background. As us the singaporean schools are influenced by the crane aspect and luohan predominately depending if they were from Lin's or Gao Can'slineages respectively.

History question is :
Did Chua Giok Beng develop, compose reorganise the art or was passed down from the 5 ancestor legend as susggested by the Chee KIm Thong's ? Since all lineages including Grandmaster Chee have Cai Yu Ming in the lineage tree it is dfficult to distinguish. In singapore it is known as CaiYuMing Pai (ChuaGiok Beng's) as to acknowledge his role.
it is not important but always a topic.