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Thread: Punching with heavy bag or punching without bags?

  1. #1
    jackiech Guest

    Punching with heavy bag or punching without bags?

    Which is better choice if I want faster hands: Punching with heavy bag or punching without bags?

  2. #2
    Kung Lek Guest
    force training you can do with a bag, heavy bag, or other devices designed for it.

    speed training is done with no bag or with a speed bag or focus mitt. Actual tech combo training help your speed also. and of course forms, sets.


    Kung Lek

    Martial Arts Links

  3. #3
    shaolinboxer Guest
    Both are necessary. Sometime you swing and catch air, sometimes you swing and catch 180lbs of sparring partner. Training both ways will help you see the true speed and effective range of your punch,

    "She ain't got no muscles in her teeth."
    - Cat

  4. #4
    GLW Guest
    Lyle has it...

    Training air you know how and what to do when you catch air. Common problem if you don't do this is that you catch air, dislocate or hyperextend an arm or lose balance.

    Hitting a focus mit with a training partner - trains connecting and going after a moving target. With a good partner, you can also add in some evasion, blocking, different moving methods, and lots other stuff.

    Hitting a bag...if you never connect with something you don't know how it moves, how the compression affects your balance, arm, wrist, kicking foot, etc... And it is closer to a human in feel and size...dead weight can be a wonderful thing.

  5. #5
    lotusleaf Guest

    bags or no bags

    shadowbox then work on the bag

  6. #6
    Jimbo Guest
    I would also add that air punching done correctly can help to stretch and make elastic muscles and tendons in the punching actions.

    Punching a bag in important because although you may use similar mechanics of power generation, you also use muscles and a balance point that are different from air punching, not to mention as was stated in a previous post that you must know how your alignment, hand, wrist, feet, etc., respond to the shock of impact. Your body may be able to deliver tremendous hit power, but if your body is not accustomed or conditioned to that impact shock, and distancing, your own power AND the target could hurt you.

  7. #7
    HuangKaiVun Guest
    I smack stone columns because I don't have access to a regular heavy bag.

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