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Thread: Complimentary Art to Wing Chun

  1. #106
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    Is everything in wing chun, or is wing chun in everything?
    Only in my lineage

    Try telling that to one of the old time Choy Li Fut guys. I suggest only attempting it while you have him at gunpoint.

    Re: Mario Sperry

    He WON the first Australian UFC in Sydney, from a field including Elvis Sinosic and Chris Haseman. Submission by chin to the eye socket over Haseman IIRC (a tactic which Haseman also defeated Elvis with - the rules allowed it).

    The quality of these events has improved exponentially since those days, which is not to disrespect the fighters mentioned.

    Catch - it might be great, but you can't learn it in Oz (unless you buy Furey's tapes, I guess, which I have no plans to).

    Most sensible highranking BJJ'ers here crosstrain in Greco or Freestyle Wrestling, and would almost certainly jump at the chance to pick up Sambo, Catch or anything else that came along. Those guys all crosstrain striking as well.

    Sakuraba as a poster boy for catch probably has some validity, about the same as using Bruce Lee as a WC poster boy. Both moved on and expanded beyond the boundaries of these arts, as much as their "purist" followers might argue or wish it otherwise.

    The sound of one hand clapping? Go to a mangrove swamp full of mosquitoes - you'll hear it soon enough.
    "Once you reject experience, and begin looking for the mysterious, then you are caught!" - Krishnamurti
    "We are all one" - Genki Sudo
    "We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion" - Tool, Parabol/Parabola
    "Bro, you f***ed up a long time ago" - Kurt Osiander

    WC Academy BJJ/MMA Academy Surviving Violent Crime TCM Info
    Don't like my posts? Challenge me!

  2. #107

    Catch Wrestling

    If you're not happy with Matt Furey he's not the only game in town...Tony I have researched recently...seems to be by all accounts way beyond Furey.

    His website is

  3. #108
    there is an article/interview with matt furey in this months
    copy of martial arts illustrated in the uk

  4. #109
    Heard much better things about him than Furey, and would check out his tapes if I had the chance (wouldn't buy them blind, though).

    Most sensible highranking BJJ'ers here crosstrain in Greco or Freestyle Wrestling
    Same here. MTL, unlike with MA, is lucky to have 2 Olympic level wrestling coaches, as well as a Sambo school. Lots of MT seems to be included, and boxing.

    Sakuraba as a poster boy for catch probably has some validity
    He won a lot of his high profile matches with classic Judo/Jujitsu like Jujigatame and Ude Garame. As Judo is taught in school in Japan, it probably deserves as much credit as what he learned at Takada Dojo. His striking has also become a factor, especially those low kicks. I will give the Mogolian Chop to wrasslin, along with the mask and the hindu squat. 8P

  5. #110
    I've been to a seminar put on by Tony Cecchine, he is awesome, in regard to both skill and personality. Never seen his videos though.

  6. #111
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Tempe. Arizona
    Cecchine's website looks interesting. So does the one shoet video that I saw.

    BTW, somewhat irrelevant now- since he passed away- but I knew a great wrestling coach who also was a friend
    Joe Begala who coached at Kent State University for years.
    He was great on self defense and wrote a standard book for navy fliers stranded behind the lines. It was full of very practical
    catch, twist, throw, strangle, hit techniques. Some libraries may still have that book. He used to give self defense seminars including on the ground in the 60s.

    But I am not sure that Cecchine's stuff or Joe Begala's stuff would help a small person or a woman against a big strong fellow.

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