The answer is that the chi they are feeling isn't really 'there' in their physical body. It exists only in a mental construct of their body that lives in their minds.This is what MC meant by Chi Kung being 'BS". It is often 'claimed', but cannot be demonstrated.

I can see you've never been around a true Qi Gong Master and have never felt another's Qi. I have and therefore absolutely dismiss your above statement. I have seen a lot of Masters who didn't own up to what they should but on the other hand, when you are around a true Master you can see the difference.

What's sad is those who blindly follow such statements and never look for themselves probably because they are suppressed from doing so (may get kicked out). In addition, to have someone of prominence in the Martial Arts community put it down in front of students. I would rather he say, maybe or let's check it out. Also, I've seen him sponsor a lady Qi Gong Master from China whom I never met but I heard her qi was strong. Also, I heard from other students while visiting China at a Chen Taiji camp they could see the qi moving up and down the practioner's legs. And opening and closing pore breathing. From a WL student.

I have no answer to Hua Lin's question.