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Thread: fixed step is a yang thing?

  1. #1

    fixed step is a yang thing?

    Chen style does not traditionaly have free style fixed step push hands right ?

  2. #2
    No Chen stylist here know the answer to this question?

  3. #3
    Since you getting no reply, here is a short response from someone who know noooothing about the question.

    Who care. Fixed step PH is a good start to get your hip moving.
    Engrish does not mine strong point.

  4. #4

    Chen style fixed step

    I train Chen style and have learned a fixed step push hands drill from Chen Yin Jun, son of Master Chen Xiao Wang. All my Chen style teacher allows us beginners to do is fixed step (either in push hands patterns or in "free style"). Hope that helps.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Tokyo, Meguro-ku, Japan

    fixed step push hands....

    As I understand it, and correct me if I'm wrong. Fixed step push hands came through Yang Chen Fu.
    In Guang Ping Yang we are taught moving push hands and fixed push hands. Additionally, I've noticed that the fixed push hands methods taught through the Chin Man Ching line keeps the front toe on the ground in lu with an emphasis on the front feet being spaced apart between two practitioners. This approach seems to allow for a person to get a basic feel for his hip and waist play limitations.
    In Guang Ping we lift the toe in lu which allows for backward moving steps to come into play and for protection against ankle locking or ones toes from being stepped on.
    The lifting of the toe in lu forces a person to really explore root.

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