I am lucky enough to live about 40 mins
away from Sifu Williams and I train with
one of his top students 2 times a week . If anyone in the
area (Northeastern, PA) is interested, I believe Sifu Williams
is going to be offering classes on Thursday nights.
I will still being training with my current Sifu, but will
take an extra class on Thursdays. I have trained
with Sifu Williams numerous times, and he is by far
the best martial arts instructor of any style that
I've come across. He told us the whole story about
him and Sifu Fong, and it's really not important. What
matters is that out of all the fighting styles I've seen and/or
trained in, his is actually practical. He also incorporates
things such as grappling and groundfighting which many
Wing Chun sifus see as untraditional.
I'll find out about this Thursday night class tomorrow night, e-mail me at valken83@hotmail.com if you're interested.