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Thread: Some questions

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  1. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    I hear your words and I agree 100%. Time is precious and I hate the bickering. Although I am confused about how you fight and defend your sifu as this was your first post, or did you have another handle? Anyways, I have asked questions. I even asked Gee sifu himself some others. He was very interested in answering questions, even ones I did not bring up. I have NOT tried to discredit Gee sifu anytime, anywhere, anyhow! I HAVE asked questions. If information is presented, then it should be OK to ask. If it is sensitive, then it has no business being put out there to start with. If you see me attacking or discrediting HFY at all, please let me know. Tell me both in person and privately. I find it hard to believe that every one knows my motives better than I. Think. Please. I am not an enemy, just currious. And if you put out bad info, it will be noticed by someone and in turn it will be questioned. I have taken heat by many people over the years, but few can honestly claim that I am disingenious. I love martial arts of all flavors with my favorite being the southern hands, which HFY claims to be.

    Thanks for pointing out the errors of my words. I often word things incorrectly. LOL. Indeed that was not my intent at all. When I said the western world, I meant in the broadest sense. But I suppose even that is to narrow. I am only familiar with a small bit of knowledge, so I am not even going to imply the eastern POV. LOL. But my point is that we shouldn't stop thinking critically just because some one tells us something or others don't like what is said.

    As for disagreeing, LOL that is OK and healthy. Your far more experienced and wiser than I am, and I respect that. But I will still challenge... and eat my words most of the time. LOL. both (Tesla and Edison) and (Jefferson and Adams) were always disagreeing, but all are well respected. So I guess we are in good company. LOL.

    Threesome Blonde
    Last edited by tparkerkfo; 04-04-2011 at 06:11 PM.

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