
Thank you for upping the hit count!

If any direct HFY claims (as opposed to VTM claims, as this is a HFY and not VTM thread) are made about being the most original, it would only be a drop in the great waterfall of original WCK claims. With only the fewest of exceptions, I'm hard pressed to find *any* branch that hasn't at some point, under some practitioner, who hasn't claimed to be "the original" (not to mention all the other arts like wumei, fut ga, mui fa, etc. that have claimed to be the original, more complete versions of WCK). So, like PFL's "Northern Internal" orginal claim, or some of the others, all without any evidence but with the faith of their practitioners, we can simply view this as part of the culture, and not at all unique.

As for Chan and SMK, as this is a martial arts and not a religious forum, I respecfully request we stick to the martial aspects of the discussion, and anything else be redirected to the appropriate religous forums.

Bight eyes on bushy tails, etc.