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Thread: Rene - HFY Champion!

  1. #376
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    San Diego

    I apologize to you.

    To my dear friends in the WC an HFY community I apologize, with the exception of Tony who has insulted me from his first post and who I have playfully insulted back.

    At any rate, HFY, Chi Sim and several main land branches use key words. The key words describe methods and so would be a wonderful way to begin dialogue. Because methods are much easier to discuss then the differences in individual techniques, this would be a great way to get the thread back on track.

    Any takers?


  2. #377
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    San Francisco

    Rene's soapbox


    I doubt you will see this post since I'm on your "Ignore" list....

    I believe the only reason you started this thread in the beginning is because you didn't like being grouped with the likes of Terence, and Hendrik as HFY haters and thugs. You wanted a way to make "YOUR" image look better and concocted this veiled attempt at civility. You will be the only one to know your true motivation for starting this thread but I can read right through you.

    Why haven't you put Terence, Mckind or Weiland/Grendel on ignore? You speak out of both sides of your mouth.

    What makes you think this is YOUR thread? You've accomplished NOTHING in 26 pages except for some underhanded comments veiled in humor. HFY does not need RENE as it's champion plain and simple. Why don't you be the champion of the style of wing chun YOU study and leave mine alone?

    A wolf in sheeps clothing is still a wolf.

    William E.
    Last edited by William E; 05-21-2003 at 09:03 AM.

  3. Wow

    26 whole pages of dull

  4. #379
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Whittier, Ca
    He began broadening his skills and knowledge with Tae Kwon Do training in 1974 under Grand Master Y.C. Kim (9th Dan, WTF) in the United States. .....Beginning in 1981, Benny Meng embarked on an extended study of martial arts that took him to: ..... Taiwan (1985-Shaolin, Chi Kung).

    Benny Meng began his Wing Chun Kung Fu training in Hong Kong in 1982 under the movie star Sifu Lee Hoi Sang, a student of Jiu Wan ..... training under Lee Hoi Sang was interrupted after 1½ years of intense study by his return to the United States. He resumed full time training under Sifu Moy Yat in New York City in 1985.

    Wing Chun ....
    1982 - mid '83 1.5 yrs
    1985 - 2003 18 years
    That's d*mn near 20 years.

    Tae Kwon Do ...
    1974 - 1985 minus 1.5 years
    Thats 9.5 years

    "Benny makes his living teaching tae kwon do. He's been doing it longer, practicing it more, than anything else. His own "credentials" demonstrate that." - TN

    20 years vs. 9.5 years

    "The ultimate nature of survival is maintaining your balance"

  5. #380
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    the Temple

    26 pages of ?

    Rene, does not seem to be as fond of the truth as yourself. As someone else on his long list of people to ignore I hear your words loud and clear.

    My last post to you was very sincere in helping improve your kung fu and you declined. In the past I have answered your questions my kung fu family has answered your questions and even allowed you to participate in our seminars HFY has given you a lot in the past, presently on this forum and most likely that will continue in the future. May I ask what you have done for HFY?
    Tony Jacobs

    ng doh luk mun fa kin kwan

    "...Therefore the truly great man dwells on what is real
    and not what is on the surface,
    On the fruit and not the flower.
    Therefore accept the one and reject the other. "

    World Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun Kung Fu Association
    Southern Shaolin Kung Fu Global Discussion Forum

  6. #381

    Wink David

    It doesn't matter how clear the information is, those that have no desire to see never will!!!!


  7. #382


    Too many of my posts on this thread have been deleted also...Since when does the originator of a thread (and those who back him) decide that the "IGNORE LIST" will be determined by them.. by influencing their "friends in higher places" - the censors of the threads?

    Rene....You're behavior in this regard has been a major disappointment to me...I don't care about "how many hits" this thread has gotten...lest I remind you and the Sandman that it is QUALITY that counts more than quantity.

    And Sandman...double that disappointment !

  8. #383

    Question Sifu Victor

    Seeing as you have "Sifu Victor Parlati" as your signature is it required we refer to you as such????.......Sifu Victor


  9. #384
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Whittier, Ca
    Originally posted by Mckind13

    I apologize to you.

    To my dear friends in the WC an HFY community I apologize .....

    At any rate, HFY, Chi Sim and several main land branches use key words. The key words describe methods and so would be a wonderful way to begin dialogue.

    Any takers?

    Pookie, less than twelve hours ago you said ......

    "I really don't need any answers from you or anyone in the HFY family." - Dave Mcinnon

    Man take your own advice and put down tha pipe!


    P.S. In your back handed apology why did you seperate Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun from the Wing Chun community? I know that choy li fut wing chun people have attempted the same thing but why you? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and call it a grammatical error. boy oh boy ....
    "The ultimate nature of survival is maintaining your balance"

  10. #385
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    the Temple
    Parlati, Sifu,

    Welcome back does your return mean you have an answer to my question.

    I think its obvious that pookie just likes the look of Rene's type because as you point out he himself states he doesn't really need answers.
    Tony Jacobs

    ng doh luk mun fa kin kwan

    "...Therefore the truly great man dwells on what is real
    and not what is on the surface,
    On the fruit and not the flower.
    Therefore accept the one and reject the other. "

    World Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun Kung Fu Association
    Southern Shaolin Kung Fu Global Discussion Forum

  11. #386
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Whittier, Ca

    Re: David

    Originally posted by Geezer
    It doesn't matter how clear the information is, those that have no desire to see never will!!!!

    Sheldon, I bet the clerks at 7-11 love it when Terence comes in. It seems possible that when he pays with a $20 for $9.50 worth of stuff, he probably leaves without his change!!

    Last edited by desertwingchun2; 05-21-2003 at 02:00 PM.
    "The ultimate nature of survival is maintaining your balance"

  12. #387
    Tony Jacobs;

    It's been so long since I last had the patience to even bother with this thread... (they deleted too many of my posts)...that I don't even remember what your question was...!?

    Perhaps they deleted the answer?

    Try again...And if they (Rene & Sandman Inc.) delete me again ...I won't grace this "incredible" thread with my insightful presence anymore...Unfortunately...I'm beginning to sound like Rene...

    I BETTER stay off this thread!

  13. #388
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Kenner, LA
    Originally posted by William E
    Compound that with the fact that there are also three perspectives from which material is presented and it can get confusing. HFY is not a simple system to explain over the internet.

    First I've trained mostly with guys of various Yip Man families, the most influential being from the Yip Ching family. I haven't finished all the way through under one Sifu because of moving to go to school and then to jobs at unfortunate times. But will someday when I get more stability. So now that's out of the way.

    Are you saying that explaining the difference between directional and dimensional is too complicated to put into words? I'm not trying to be sarcastic, just disappointed. What if I narrow the question. Take don chi sau. How would those two ideas be used there?

    Barring that, how about from the "focus" level. You're standing there in bai jong and your opponent tries to cross the distance with a right side kick straight down your center (he's not too bright ). What would be a directional way of dealing with that precise instant, and what would be the dimensional?

    If that's not specific enough, feel free to add whatever you need to narrow the circumstance. Just describe it and I'll catch on


  14. #389
    Amazing. Simply amazing. It's hopeless Rene. I suggest you cut your losses.

    Zhuge Liang

  15. #390

    I haven't, and can't delete any posts from this thread. I'm not a moderator here, just a poster like most everyone else. As far as I know, only Gene and Sandman can delete posts, and they'll do so only when your post violates the forum rules *you* agreed to follow when you joined the forum. If you did not read them, do not remember them, or will not follow them, you have only yourself to blame. Along with courage, another very important attribute is responsibility. I've had posts deleted too, I just don't b!tch about it.

    BTW- If you've ever had me as a moderator (and I began internet moderation professionally over 10 years ago as a Sysop on Compuserve) you'll know I allow an *incredible* freedom of expression (basically only worry about excessive profanity or illegal activities). Basically, I believe if someone is acting like a moron, its apparent, and editing them (consorship and editorial control are two different things) only does them a favor. Better people see them as they truly are, warts and all.

    But (wait for it...) this thread isn't about you, your posts, Sandman, his deletion of anything inappropriate you were silly enough to post, etc. It's about HFY. You mentioned several times no one was answering your questions. Please post them in a polite, respectful way and they will be answered.

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