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Thread: Friend in trouble

  1. #1
    ope Guest

    Friend in trouble

    If lets say a friend of yours is in a fight would you guys jump in regardless of how or who started the fight? fight first ask questions later?

    my i would probly jump in espacialy if there taking advantage of my friend like 2 on 1 or 3 on 1 or sumtin becuase i hate people who take advantage in fights with other people i would want to see them try that with me...

    A witness has the dilemma of justice, therefore, one should be a warrior or blind...

  2. #2
    briantimps Guest
    If the fight broke out because of my friend being the aggressor or being in the wrong, then I would try and pull them apart and simply remove my friend from the venue. If the fight was started by the other guy, then I would jump in, especially if my friend was out-numbered. But there is also a difference between a good buddy, and an aquaintance. Another thing is what do you do if you bump into a person you've seen around at work and just say "hi" and next thing he's involved in a fight and you are about as friendly with him as the person who is beating him up. But I guess jumping in there would depend on your mood at the time, more than wanting to defent the person.

    One must learn how to fight, in order to learn how not to fight!

  3. #3
    JWTAYLOR Guest
    As a general rule as Sting says, "love is stronger than justice", so I jump in for my friends. However, I have a friend that was a hard core alchoholic and would get drunk and try to pick up girls that were obviously with someone else. He would get in fight after fight because of this with myself and another friend of mine always having to jump in and save his a$$.
    Eventually, we got tired of it and just let him get beat down. We had to stop a guy from actually killing him once, but anything less we just let em go.
    Needless to say, my friend's behavior didn't last much longer.

    If you pr!ck us, do we not bleed? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that the villany you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction. MOV

  4. #4
    stormy Guest

    Friend in trouble

    :confused: This is certainly a dillema. I would not mike to be put in the situation to have to make the choice, but:
    I would have to say that I would jump in, in either case. However, my intentions would certainly be different, depending on who the aggressor was. If it were my friend acting as the aggressor I would jump in with the intent of pulling him/her off before they, or the other individual was injured, and try to resolve the situation in a non-violent manner. There are several tactics for this, of course, such as retreat, comprimise, notification of proper authorities, etc.
    However, if it were the other individual acting as the aggressor, and he/she had the upper hand, I would certainly try to either distract, calm, or if the situation needed it, incapacitate them. The last action would, of course, be my last choice as well, because I do not think harming another person will really solve anything. This is my own opinion, however I believe that it should also be that of any self-respecting martial artist of any kind.

    "To win without doing battle is best" -Sun Tzu

  5. #5
    rogue Guest
    If the fight is underway I'd back my friend up. If he started it I'd then kick the crap out of him for being stupid.

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