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Thread: Ignore List

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Brooklyn NY

    Question Ignore List


    I'm truying to understand the ignor list in the context of this forum. Please correct my understanding.

    As a filter I can put a forum member on my personal ignore list from my personal profile setting. right? This means that when I view messages, any messages from someone on the ignore/ban list won't be displayed for ME. right?

    Is there topic/thread ignore-list concept where a thread-starter can ban who can and cacn't particpate in a thread?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Western NY, USA
    Don't we wish.
    - kj

  3. #3

    Re: Ignore List

    Originally posted by drac12a1

    I'm truying to understand the ignor list in the context of this forum. Please correct my understanding.

    As a filter I can put a forum member on my personal ignore list from my personal profile setting. right? This means that when I view messages, any messages from someone on the ignore/ban list won't be displayed for ME. right?

    Is there topic/thread ignore-list concept where a thread-starter can ban who can and cacn't particpate in a thread?

    The ignore feature allows you to not recieve posts by users that you wish to ignore. Instead of seeing their post, you see a little message that is something to the effect of "this person is on your ignore list".

    There is no feature to limit who can participate in a thread that you create.
    Sandman[Wing Chun]

    "Learning is not compulsory ... neither is survival."

    -W. Edwards Derning

    A thought on Civil Discourse:

    “Democracy is a means of living together despite our differences. Democratic deliberation is an alternative to physical violence. It is predicated on the assumption that it’s possible to disagree agreeably, that it’s better to laugh than cry, that one can vigorously contest the positions of one’s adversary without questioning his or her personal integrity or motivation, and that parties to a debate are entitled to the presumption that their views are legitimate if not correct.” -Thomas Mann

  4. What if you put someone on ignore, just before s/he is about to offer you... One Billion Dollars?

    Won't you feel like an idiot.

  5. #5

    Thumbs up I Prefer........

    the "Buddy List"


  6. #6

    I the name of sharing info!

    I too perfer the buddy list!!

  7. #7
    Can I place myself on other people's ignore list?

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