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Thread: What would you do?

  1. #1
    Drunken Monkey Guest

    What would you do?

    What would you do if a group of "punks" walked up and just started something, would you run, knock in their faces, or ?

    What if they were armed?

    well, whatever you have to say is welcomed.

  2. #2
    Martial Joe Guest
    I would talk to them...and protect myself if needed.(off topic) But if you smell alchohal on there breath be very careful.

  3. #3
    Budokan Guest
    Try to get away. If that doesn't work vocalize my feelings and intentions, trying to diffuse the situation. And if that doesn't work...

    Throw down for war!

    And if I get my tail whipped, hire a couple of goons from Chi Town to feed each and every one of them "buckwheats" when he least expects it....

    K. Mark Hoover

  4. #4
    joedoe Guest
    I guess it depends on the size of the group and the age of the punks, but my first instinct would be to talk my way out of it.

    I only fight if I absolutely have to ;)

    Guns don't kill people, I kill people

  5. #5
    Vankuen Guest

    Yes I agree with most of the people thus far.

    Many things have to be taken into account.

    Being a skilled martial artist puts upon you a huge responsibility to act with haste. Meaning that you in all honestly possess information that puts the people who try fight with you in danger whether they know it or not. Also the legal ramifications of the subsequent actions involved should be considered. Yes there is a group of punks there about to attack you, but given your skills were you justified in killing one of them? What if the punk, was only a 17 year old kid? What will the jury think? Will they think that since there was a large group on you that you were justified? Or will they think that because you knew martial arts that you should have enough control to dissolve the situation without having to kill someone? Ive seen it go both ways, and the thought of other people deciding the rest of my life based on a matter that they were not there to see is pretty scary.

    Personally, anything more than one person coming upon me, I consider my life to be in danger and act accordingly. You will not know who these people are, what skills they possess, or what weapons they might have (which puts you at a major disadvantage, as we as martial artists arent invincable).

    Of course any skilled martial artist, will always try to dissolve before acting, as this is the way. Just keep in mind that large groups of punks, often time have a premeditated reason for choosing to target you. Keep your eyes open. If something goes down, get the hell outta dodge as soon as you get an opening, because things can only get worse. Even kids have the ability to kill, just take a look at our nice suburban high schools full of yuppie "do no wrong" kids!

    Sorry for drawing this out, Im killing time till my BJJ class in an hour or so. Just my thoughts man...take care

    "From one thing know ten thousand things" - Miyomato Musashi, Book of five rings

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