
>>what makes them effective

>>isnt longfist a form of modernized demonstrative wushu?
most can be found in this article:
another good read on traditional wushu forms and how they work:

I personally like Lohan, since is very basic and incredibly effective for self defense. I like the continious attacks, it's like a train that runs over you and drags you along for a couple of miles. The break-free techniques are quite powerful as well..... My instructor broke my thumb at a demonstration once with 'em

I personally like Long Fist, since it goes to extremes. Fast in, fast out. The streched out punches give you so mauch reach, and the flow of the routines will teach you how to get back in your center after each attack. It's like a wave of attack and retrive.

Then put some Eagle Claw and Yang style Taijiquan in it and there are my roots...
