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Thread: Worst Martial Arts Movie Ever!!!!!

  1. #61
    Code of the dragon is pretty bad!!!
    But at the same time funny as hell!!!
    At the end when the ninja chick falls off the roof her fake hair goes into the air with the water, and during the credits a legless guy gets attacked by two guys and kicks there ass's!!!
    Its so bad but so funny!!!
    I'm gonna dl all of these movies now!!!
    Last edited by Surferdude; 06-22-2003 at 02:47 PM.
    Go Surf!
    Train hard and work hard to gain mastery.
    Do not train and you gain nothing.
    Spread good karma!!! Because if you dont, you get hit by bad karma!!!
    Then you will step in dog crap!!!=)
    Karate's better!!!

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Ghost Dog was pretty bad, but obviously not so bad that I even remembered it. (No) Thanks for the reminder!
    "I'll use my bare hands...against any weapon!"

    We are trained in wushu. We must defend the Temple!

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Richland, MS, USA
    "Fist of Fear, Touch of Death" is about as bad as they come. It's not even in the "so bad it's good category" but in the "so bad you're ashamed" category. It professes to examine Bruce Lee's life through film clips. Unfortunately, it uses old stock footage with new dubbing and pretends that we're watching true life events in Lee's life. One hilarious scene has the narrator saying, "Let's see an exciting scene from this movie" and then proceeds to show about a 3 second clip. It even has most of the history about Lee wrong, and shows "interviews" where someone is asking Lee questions off screen and, again, old film clips of Lee, badly dubbed, provide the answers.

    Bad, embarrassing, inept, only begin to describe this complete hashwork. Check it out if you ever get the chance, but prepare to be offended. (Even Bruce Lee haters will cringe at the complete rewrite of history and downright bad film making techniques).
    K. Mark Hoover

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Richland, MS, USA


    Yeah, I remember "Firecracker". Pretty bad, but the heroine had pretty nice t*ts from what I remember....
    K. Mark Hoover

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Austin TX
    Silum Kid is insane. Ghost Dog is a brilliant movie. Much better than most MA movies, in fact, since it isn't really an MA movie at all.
    All my fight strategy is based on deliberately injuring my opponents. -
    Crippled Avenger

    "It is the same in all wars; the soldiers do the fighting, the journalists do the shouting, and no true patriot ever get near a front-line trench, except on the briefest of propoganda visits...Perhaps when the next great war comes we may see that sight unprecendented in all history, a jingo with a bullet-hole in him."

    First you get good, then you get fast, then you get good and fast.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Welcome to the boards, bonetone!
    I don't see The Big Boss as one of the best BL movies, but it is definately not one of the worst KF movies of all time. One of the good things about it is that BL does'nt do those screaming chicken-noises in it, imo, always hated that.
    But it is ok.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    36th Chamber
    Silum Kid is insane. Ghost Dog is a brilliant movie. Much better than most MA movies, in fact, since it isn't really an MA movie at all.
    Ghost Dog was good.
    He most honors my style who learns under it to destroy the teacher. -- Walt Whitman

    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    As a mod, I don't have to explain myself to you.

  8. #68
    Guess you guys haven't seen the new Charlies Angels movie, but that would be the worlds worst movie ever.
    I quit after getting my first black belt because the school I was a part of was in the process of lowering their standards A painfully honest KC Elbows

    The crap that many schools do is not the crap I was taught or train in or teach.

    Dam nit... it made sense when it was running through my head.


    People love Iron Crotch. They can't get enough Iron Crotch. We all ride the Iron Crotch for the exposure. Gene

    Find the safety flaw in the training. Rory Miller.

  9. #69
    No my movie that i made is really bad!!! Its so bad, for stuntmen i use dummys and me and my friends just have the worst acting!!!
    Go Surf!
    Train hard and work hard to gain mastery.
    Do not train and you gain nothing.
    Spread good karma!!! Because if you dont, you get hit by bad karma!!!
    Then you will step in dog crap!!!=)
    Karate's better!!!

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Davis, CA
    Did anybody see the Streetfighter movie? Van Damme as Guile...


  11. #71
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Austin TX
    My favorite moment in "The Big Boss" (or "Fists of Fury" or whatever title you manage to rent it under) is when Bruce side-kicks the some random henchman through the wall of the warehouse, and the dude leaves a henchman-shaped hole in the wall, like it was a Tex Avery cartoon or something.
    All my fight strategy is based on deliberately injuring my opponents. -
    Crippled Avenger

    "It is the same in all wars; the soldiers do the fighting, the journalists do the shouting, and no true patriot ever get near a front-line trench, except on the briefest of propoganda visits...Perhaps when the next great war comes we may see that sight unprecendented in all history, a jingo with a bullet-hole in him."

    First you get good, then you get fast, then you get good and fast.

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    My favourite (odd-) moment in Fists of Fury/chinese conn., is when Bruce, a.k.a. Chen zhen() enters the room of the chefs who killed Master Huo, and the camera suddenly zooms in on the chef's nipples. wtf?!

    anyone noticed that?

    And the other: where Bruce fights the Russian Karateka, and BL does this high inside crescent-kick to the ruskies head (why does'nt he duck?!), and then follows it with a hook to his face when he's downed, with a look on his face like he just does'nt care/is drunk(). I always goes ROFL when I see it..

  13. #73
    yea why does it zoom on his nipples???
    Go Surf!
    Train hard and work hard to gain mastery.
    Do not train and you gain nothing.
    Spread good karma!!! Because if you dont, you get hit by bad karma!!!
    Then you will step in dog crap!!!=)
    Karate's better!!!

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Alexandria, VA
    Originally posted by Sasha
    Kickfighter, without question.
    The Richard Norton flick? Where he fights Benny Urquidez at the end?

    Word of advice to moviemakers: When your hero is bigger, taller, and more built than the nemesis, it doesn't really work. Yeah, it's Benny Urquidez, but visually, it makes no sense. And it ain't like Norton's a slouch.

    Stuart B.
    When you assume, you make an ass out of... pretty much just you, really.

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Austin TX
    It worked okay in Jackie Chan's "Gorgeous", but the nemesis was like half his age, so there is that.
    All my fight strategy is based on deliberately injuring my opponents. -
    Crippled Avenger

    "It is the same in all wars; the soldiers do the fighting, the journalists do the shouting, and no true patriot ever get near a front-line trench, except on the briefest of propoganda visits...Perhaps when the next great war comes we may see that sight unprecendented in all history, a jingo with a bullet-hole in him."

    First you get good, then you get fast, then you get good and fast.

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