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Thread: Karate Assault!

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    sticky -

    I am a hardcore Kf person.
    Though I am a private practitioner, it is the methodology of martial practice that I personally prefer.
    I have also studied Karate and Taekwondo, amongst others in the last 27 or so trips around the sun.

    It is my perspective that these types of statements are generally the musings of peeps who have been at it for less than five years.

    I find that the range of techniques and exercises that are offered in Chinese martial arts has much depth and breadth. But the achievable results in a human being is different entirely than what the system they study has to offer. Ergo, I do not see the offerings as being any better than other systems based mainly on how it manifests itself.

    Kung Fu is good for you.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Thumbs up

    Milia Macerusk

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    I am a die-hard KF guy and I went to this tournament in Shreveport once... The guy who won Grandchampion was a VERY sharp karate fighter. He was crisp and meant business when he moved. His reverse punch was like a frikkin rocket and he never missed with it. I had alot of respect for his spirit. Very intense. So I guess in his case karate would be quite effective.
    "If you and I agree all the time, then one of us is unnecessary."

    It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
    - William G. McAdoo

    Against stupidity, even the Gods contend in vain...

  4. #49
    Yeah, well if i had to choose form Karate or TaeKwonDo, then i'd probably choose Karate...but i dont have to choose, cos KungFu rules them both

  5. #50
    Originally posted by Losttrak
    His reverse punch was like a frikkin rocket and he never missed with it. I had alot of respect for his spirit. Very intense. So I guess in his case karate would be quite effective.
    See what i mean? thats only a reverse punch!!!
    Go Surf!
    Train hard and work hard to gain mastery.
    Do not train and you gain nothing.
    Spread good karma!!! Because if you dont, you get hit by bad karma!!!
    Then you will step in dog crap!!!=)
    Karate's better!!!

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Chicago, IL

    Re: Shuul Vis

    "Understand, techniques like the classic chambered, reverse punch to the chest were designed to penetrate samurai armor. Being without armor themselves gave them the mobility and time in comparison to their enemies to consider chambered attacks with proper rotation as thier main form of power generation. "

    I'm calling BS on that one. If the Samurai was armored, wouldn't he have a sword as well? And if the Karate-stylist was not armed (empty-hand strike) would he not get sliced up fast? I can just see the Sensei teaching this punch "oh yes, master so-and-so successfully used this punch in the street, against an armed and armored Samurai. He only lost one nut in the engagement"

    I'm putting this in the same class as "Taekwon Do jumping kicks were used to knock horsemen off of their saddles"

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    They were! From the tops of buildings 40 feet away!

    I only have 30 minutes till I have to go back to work. Time to start smoking.

    Actually, Ive read some very good things about real karate. (shotokan for the most part) Id like a book on it... but all Karate books I have found are crap. I have books on all kinds of MA... gives you insight to their methodology.

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    My aikido gym shared space with a high dan (7 or 8) Karate guy. He to date is still one of the top 5 scariest people I have ever seen move..He made Silva look like a chump. Plus..on the nights when his students would not show up for class..he would sit in the horse stance facing a huge support beam in the center of the room and just hit it for an hour before he did his forms. This guy seriously mowed over people like a semi truck, and he was around 55 or so. Also, just as fluid, smart about stances, and able to issue power as my current sifu, and better than many other kung fu practitioners I have seen. I will always respect karate because of that sensei, and Mas Oyama...He was a beast too.
    -Golden Arms-

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Warrenville Il
    Good post KL.

    Good karate-jutsu is wicked nasty.

    I don't know if the last post by RD was goofing around....I hope so....but it is and always has been about the man and not the system.

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    San Antonio, TX
    Oh Wow! Sevenstar just punked Royal Dragon on KFO...again.

  11. #56
    Fa_jing: If a samurai had armor on,It doesnt always mean he had a sword. In some places the samurai couldn't have his sword with him, or maybe he just wasn't quick as the karate-ka who attacked him, Samurai weren't always chivilrous knights, they would sometimes be outright bullies.
    But those karate attacks can do some real damage.

    Shaolin-Do: A good book is "Secrets of Shotokan Karate" my sensei wrote it has like 5 or 7 kata in it and history of ancient fuedal Japan.
    Go Surf!
    Train hard and work hard to gain mastery.
    Do not train and you gain nothing.
    Spread good karma!!! Because if you dont, you get hit by bad karma!!!
    Then you will step in dog crap!!!=)
    Karate's better!!!

  12. #57
    Hmmm, two words.

    Kyokushin karate.
    Engrish does not mine strong point.

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Don't give into the hype that okinawan MA were used/developed by the peasants, proof exists plenty that the practicioners were upper middle-class and above.

    Your average peasant did not have strength, energy, time or desire to take away from their work and risk being kicked of their farms, plus their landlords also protected them from invaders and robbers.

    If you ever see Samurai armour you will see that they are VERY tough.
    Foot Soldiers used 3~5 meter spears to poke into cracks of that armor to wound a Samurai. Any closer range and they were chopped into little cubes.

    Those words are 1 1/2 hand, meaning they can be used with one-hand or two, actually one hand guides the other provides the power.


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