Originally posted by Former castleva
Anyway,what you say about nobody being there,that´s true while it does not mean it can´t and would not have been worked on.Since biological (not cosmic that astroscientists study) evolution is the case,it has little to say about the "creation" itself,what that ever means to one.To assume it is concerned with that is a common fallacy,if you´re concerned with that,cosmology would be a better pick of interest.Many,many people are still very ignorant of basic science (not actually referring to anyone in particular) [/B]
Sure evolution exists. No doubt about it. Adaptions occur in biological systems that either help or hurt the species. The ones that help advance themselves and live on. That's easy.

My point is that the appearence of life, and the evolution of different species from a single cell formed in a primordial soup is only a best educated guess (Irregardess if one believes that it was divinly inspired or a random biological occurance). All the evidence that science has to support its theories still rely, to some degree, on extrapolation. Whenever one connects two "dots" they have to assume that there is not another point between the two that won't change the plot of the line. That, in essence, is faith.