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Thread: Nothing is Real Anymore

  1. #1

    Nothing is Real Anymore

    Like professional wrestling, its all about the story line, its about the dialogue. I would bet my net worth that in the up comming Women's Worlds Champiomship boxing match will be about as real as their little staged news conference fight. Leila Ali will defeat Christy Martin. Not so much because she is a better boxer or outweighs Mrs Martin by nearly 30lbs or is six inches taller or ten years younger. Ms Ali will win because shes more marketable. She is tall and thin with fashion model good looks and it don't hurt that her last name is Ali. As opposed to Mrs Martin who's a self proclaimed little red neck girl from WV. But it s nothing new The so called reality shows Surrvvior, Big Brother, Tough Enough.etc,etc.etc, are much the same who's going to win is going to boil down to whose going to get the networks the best ratings. Not who can survive has the best stategy. If you watch them close enough you can even see professional wresting story lines evolve. I'm just wating to see what the unreality shows will come up with next.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Denver, CO
    A kung fu discussion show, where they debate style v. style, religion, creation, comic book art, lineage, and acrobatics in martial arts.
    practice wu de

    Actually I bored everyone to death. Even Buddhist and Taoist monks fell asleep.....SPJ

    Forums are no fun if I can't mess with your head. Or your colon...
    uh-oh, I hope no one quotes me on that....Gene Ching

    I'm not Normal.... RD on his crying my b!tch left me thread

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Austin TX
    I'm tuning in!
    All my fight strategy is based on deliberately injuring my opponents. -
    Crippled Avenger

    "It is the same in all wars; the soldiers do the fighting, the journalists do the shouting, and no true patriot ever get near a front-line trench, except on the briefest of propoganda visits...Perhaps when the next great war comes we may see that sight unprecendented in all history, a jingo with a bullet-hole in him."

    First you get good, then you get fast, then you get good and fast.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Oakland, CA
    Nah. I really don't think things are rigged as much as we'd like to think. Otherwise, Lennox Lewis never would have stayed champ. He's boring as hell to watch.
    "In the world of martial arts, respect is often a given. In the real world, it must be earned."

    "A stupid man's report of what a clever man says is never accurate because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand. "--Bertrand Russell

    "Liberals - Cosmopolitan critics, men who are the friends of every country save their own. "--Benjamin Disraeli

    "A conservative government is an organised hypocrisy."--Benjamin Disraeli

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    If our forum was a reality show....

    ...we'd have more buxom got qi girls.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #6
    What brought up this rant?
    i'm nobody...i'm nobody. i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo... a boxcar and a jug of wine... but i'm a straight razor if you get to close to me.

    -Charles Manson

    I will punch, kick, choke, throw or joint manipulate any nationality equally without predjudice.

    - Shonie Carter

  7. #7
    ah yes, the got qi girls are real...
    i'm nobody...i'm nobody. i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo... a boxcar and a jug of wine... but i'm a straight razor if you get to close to me.

    -Charles Manson

    I will punch, kick, choke, throw or joint manipulate any nationality equally without predjudice.

    - Shonie Carter

  8. #8
    Had you used the word "even" I suspect you would'nt be slapped.

  9. #9
    Actually, I heared something a while back, about a new so called reality show to find America's next great action star. It will feature different martial artists doing their stuff. it might be worth watching. Personally I'm waiting on the one, where the women mud wrestle, to determine who gets to mary the millionaire or whatever.

  10. #10
    I heard that theres one where, if you cut off your arm, eat monkey testicles, hold your pee for 90 days and, live on a deserted island for 6 years.. you get a $25 gift certificate to your local pound for some dog food!!!
    But the thing is, the people on the show are told,"if you do all these tasks you get to own an island in Indonesia!!"
    Go Surf!
    Train hard and work hard to gain mastery.
    Do not train and you gain nothing.
    Spread good karma!!! Because if you dont, you get hit by bad karma!!!
    Then you will step in dog crap!!!=)
    Karate's better!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lakeland Fl USA
    Strawberry fields,
    nothing is real,
    and nothing to get hung about,
    strawberry fields forever,
    strawberry fields forever,
    strawberry fields forever

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    For me reality shows are as real as the WWE.

    And than we got some great shows like Sasuke or Muscle ranking which are as real as it gets. Not much you can fake in there.

    When it comes to pro-sports a lot is staged, hyped and over-emphasized to draw the crowd, this doesn't mean the fights or matches are staged.

    But than I guess fixing matches and bid-rigging are as old as the sports themselves.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    With repsonse to your initial staement "Nothing is real anymore"
    all I can say is when was it ever????
    " Don't confuse yourself with someone who has something to say " - The Fall

    " I do not like your tone/ It has ephemeral whingeing aspects " - The Fall

    " There are twelve people in the world/ The rest are paste " - Mark E Smith

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    minneapolis, mn
    I'm pretty sure someone is setting up my sparring matches before hand. I can't figure out who it is but whoever they are they keep convincing me to get my a$$ kicked when I am not around.
    I'd tell you to go to hell, but I work there and don't want to see you everyday.

  15. #15
    I just don't like being lied to. I don't think any one dose. I think that's pretty much what TV dose these days, with their reality shows and their staged fights. But, Sifu Able has the best idea, just kick back and listen to some old Beetles tunes.

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