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Thread: Mai Gei Wong WCK mpeg of form

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Mai Gei Wong WCK mpeg of form

    This footage was new to me!

    Interesting clip of Mai Gei Wong Wing Chun... also a bl**dy huge clip (25 megs)!

    I believe this lineage of Wing Chun is a little more in line with Sum Nung Wing Chun, rather than Yip Man Wing Chun... but very interesting. (Rene almost certainly knows more on this than me , and probably knows the form too)

    If you're not playing with a fast connection, don't even attempt to download - you'll be online all day

    *There is no Rene. Understand that, then bend yourself.* Rene Ritchie

    *I just meet what I would be if I wasd a hot women attracted to me* - Unity (posted on Kung Fu forum)

    * You want more fight? (Jackie Chan)

  2. #2
    Could be gu lao/ but it is wing chun and its a good demo.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. #3
    Mai Gei Wongˇ± Wing Chun is derived from the nickname of 9th generation Wing Chun Master Wong Wu Fan, from Guangzhou, China. ˇ°Mai Gei Wongˇ± graduated from the Commerce Department of Zhong Shan University after the liberation of China. Influenced by his father he studied the ˇ° Southern 13 stylesˇ± for over 10 years. Then he met 8th generation Wing Chun master Wong Jing who Mai Gei Wong followed for the next 7 years. Mai Gei Wong never lost a fight in over 300 matches. Mai Gei Wong passed on his knowledge of Wing Chun to his eldest son Wong NimYi who has become a 10th generation Wing Chun master. Wong ( Nim Yi) Sifu began his Wing Chun training at about the age of 4

  4. #4
    I only manage to get about 5megs or so before the connection cuts out, but the first demo is different than what I've seen before. It's not at all (choreographically) like SNWCK, and not like the MGW To Lo I've seen before. Maybe Ivan can clarify.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Praha, Czech rep.

    Mai Gei Wong

    this is "Sap Yee Lo" - twelve techniques - performed by my sidai Omar (in Namhoi, 2001) from Malta (at this time i think two months practice), currently living in Guangzhou, China. "Sap Yee Lo" is the basic practice for beginers in Mai Gei Wong Wing Chun (more here : )
    Last edited by YiWan; 07-22-2003 at 01:34 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    dancehall Wing chun

    interesting. looks lose and full of holes. is it a firm base like siu nim tau?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    North Carolina
    Anyone ever manage to download the whole thing? I too only got the first 5+Megs

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Ottawa, Canada
    Originally posted by teazer
    Anyone ever manage to download the whole thing? I too only got the first 5+Megs

    yup, got the whole thing. One guy going through the routine slowly and methodically. Then someone who seems to have been training much longer comes out and rips through it. The second demonstrator is smaller framed, has some snappy hips that guy. There seems to be a lot of Kwai-Sat type stuff going on in the beginning, I wonder if this element is stressed a lot in their system.
    Neat video.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Thumbs up

    It took three attempts to get the whole thing, but was well worth the wait. I'm sure the second guy demo'ing is a real handful!

    Will try and get myself to Praha later this year to meet the fellas!
    *There is no Rene. Understand that, then bend yourself.* Rene Ritchie

    *I just meet what I would be if I wasd a hot women attracted to me* - Unity (posted on Kung Fu forum)

    * You want more fight? (Jackie Chan)

  10. #10

    GuangZhou Wing Chun MGW

    I also have MGW's 4 video CDs and seen all of it.
    All I can say is it more soft and flowing than much Wing Chun I've seen. I'm always exploring other wing chun branches and when I came upon Pan Nam I was impressed with its soft flowing movements and then GuangZhou MGW looks even better or at least IMO demonstrated better. Some of the movements in the forms are much more circular and efficient than the more linear Yip Man derivatives but thats just my opinion.

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