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Thread: Shaolin-Do answers challenge.

  1. #391
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Denver, CO
    Ah, my bad.... my mistake, I thought mulan fan was around longer than that....
    practice wu de

    Actually I bored everyone to death. Even Buddhist and Taoist monks fell asleep.....SPJ

    Forums are no fun if I can't mess with your head. Or your colon...
    uh-oh, I hope no one quotes me on that....Gene Ching

    I'm not Normal.... RD on his crying my b!tch left me thread

  2. #392
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Fear the 10000 bees attacking.
    I will sting your face.....
    I am interested to see that.

  3. #393
    Well I will be attending the seminar and will report back on what it looks like. I am more interested in the monkey fist ... not too interested in waving a fan around. But I could be pleasantly surprised. I need to go buy a couple of fans before though. (Wonder how long it takes for an advertisment for fans on )

    They are having a Master's division at the tourny in Ky as well. I'll be taping it and will see about posting it to the web. I have to purchase the equipment to do that before, though.
    themeecer actually shares a lot of the passion that Bruce Lee had about adopting techniques into your own way of 'expressing yourself.'
    (Nicest thing ever said about me on these boards.)

  4. #394
    Grandmaster Sin Kwang Thé will teach a praying mantis form seen by few people in the world
    Yeah, except for the copyright holder on the video it was "borrowed" from.

    Dillman, anyone?
    Fun is my Chinese neighbors middle name...

  5. #395
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Worthington, OH, USA

    Fear the 10000 bees attacking.
    I will sting your face.....
    I am interested to see that.
    My guess is he either pokes you a whole lot thus annoying you to death... or shoots you with a nail gun. What do you think?

  6. #396
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    He was teaching seven star praying mantis forms at one time. The same forms that could be found on videos in more than one place, and these were different than the praying mantis forms him and Hiang learned in Indonesia.
    No telling what kinds of videos he can uncover out in California to help 'refresh' his memory of the 950 forms he learned.

  7. #397
    Glad to see things don't change much when I get to busy to visit for a week.
    We don't need no stinking badges!

  8. #398
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Denver, CO
    THESE are nice, I use one for my fan form... They are a little bit shorter than the others I use, however, but I still really like 'em.

    yeah, didn't last too long..
    practice wu de

    Actually I bored everyone to death. Even Buddhist and Taoist monks fell asleep.....SPJ

    Forums are no fun if I can't mess with your head. Or your colon...
    uh-oh, I hope no one quotes me on that....Gene Ching

    I'm not Normal.... RD on his crying my b!tch left me thread

  9. #399
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Parts Unknown
    The ALMIGHTY ground dra-goon and Kuen (how original), know-it-alls in the martial arts guys are a bunch of a$$-grubbing guys are probably a couple of b!tche$ around the office, stuffing socks in your drawers and gossiping by the water fountain like the girlies you are...thanks for the enlightenment, toyboys...

  10. #400
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Philadelphia, Pa
    Originally posted by Brad
    And why the hell can I say HELL and not f art?!!!!! Frickin censors, lol
    I am 110% behind you there Brad.
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    like that old japanese zen monk that grabs white woman student titties to awaken them to zen, i grab titties of kung fu people to awaken them to truth.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sal Canzonieri View Post
    You can discuss discrepancies and so on in people's posts without ripping them apart. So easy to do sitting behind a computer screen anonymously, but in person I'm sure you'd be very different, unless you're a total misanthrope without any friends.

  11. #401
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Originally posted by crazymaddrunk
    The ALMIGHTY ground dra-goon and Kuen (how original), know-it-alls in the martial arts guys are a bunch of a$$-grubbing guys are probably a couple of b!tche$ around the office, stuffing socks in your drawers and gossiping by the water fountain like the girlies you are...thanks for the enlightenment, toyboys...
    At the risk of feeding the trolls...

    Nah, on second though not worth the trouble. Glad you've found a place you're happy with.
    Not really constructive to personally attack someone you know nothing about though. Just my 2 cents.

  12. #402
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Parts Unknown
    No, I won't let it go, or let you off the hook just because you want to reply to me and "act" mature all about it. How mature is down-grading another martial art? Just because YOU think it's fouled up or fake, let's make sure everyone else believes as you do, for if they don't they're ALL wrong. Who died and made you the all knowing master of martial arts? Where's the time machine that you used to go back and gives you the right to downgrade ANY Grandmaster? Does YOUR teacher condone this behavior? What do you study? Name it and I guarantee I would have heard something negative about it. But you don't care, as long as you can go into a chat room and downgrade someone else's martial art you can satisfy your insecurities. You're not even proud enough to list which martial art you study. You prolly train at the Living Room Temple and practice "Enter the Dragon" kung fu while imitating Bruce Lee. If I were jumping on the bandwagon and bashing SD like you, you would agree and call me a hero. But since I'm bashing you, you call me a troll. So be it.

  13. #403
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lone Star State


    HAHAHAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! HHHhhuhuhuhhuhuhheeeeheeehahahahahahahahahahahaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa

    It makes me mad when people say I turned and ran like a scared rabbit. Maybe it was like an angry rabbit, who was going to fight in another fight, away from the first fight.

  14. #404
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Originally posted by crazymaddrunk
    No, I won't let it go, or let you off the hook just because you want to reply to me and "act" mature all about it. How mature is down-grading another martial art? Just because YOU think it's fouled up or fake, let's make sure everyone else believes as you do, for if they don't they're ALL wrong. Who died and made you the all knowing master of martial arts? Where's the time machine that you used to go back and gives you the right to downgrade ANY Grandmaster? Does YOUR teacher condone this behavior? What do you study? Name it and I guarantee I would have heard something negative about it. But you don't care, as long as you can go into a chat room and downgrade someone else's martial art you can satisfy your insecurities. You're not even proud enough to list which martial art you study. You prolly train at the Living Room Temple and practice "Enter the Dragon" kung fu while imitating Bruce Lee. If I were jumping on the bandwagon and bashing SD like you, you would agree and call me a hero. But since I'm bashing you, you call me a troll. So be it.
    I study chung yen shaolin, under Hiang The' (Sin's brother) but my main teacher is a student of HIang's. Well, I haven't been to that class for a while now though. I decided to crosstrain with different people and arts including some local bujinkan folks and a friend of mine that does tkd. I had been doing bjj exclusively for a while now, which I have been doing off and on for the past few years, but not consistent enough (until now) to really build on anything.
    I'm not really knocking sd at all, that would be kind of crazy of me. I don't think sd is fake. I'm knocking Sin The. Yes, I've met him and he was very nice so I can't say he's a jerk or anything like that. For all I know he is the nicest guy in the world. That's not that point, he has lied about what he knows, what he can do, and the history of the art you study. That is the only thing I'm saying about him.
    I have had conversations with other sd folks over the last couple of years, most of the people were pretty cool, and most of them admit that they don't buy into everything Sin says. Even they admit he's lying. Oh well.
    And I don't really care for all of the sd bashing. I wish these stupid threads would never pop up to be honest. I called you a troll because you lashed out at me personally instead of trying to refute what I was saying. You seemed to be trolling to get an angry response from me and possibly others.
    I've really said enough, if you are happy studying sd go for it. I'm confident you cen get out of it what you want.

  15. #405
    Ummmmmmm ....... chung yen shaolin = shaolin do.

    It is the same art. When I started training the brothers had not split yet. In fact Master Hiang The' signed my yellow belt certificate. I've seen some chung yen shaolin students and they teach exactly how we teach at my school.

    he has lied about what he knows
    Now, how the heck do you know this? Have you sat down and asked him to do 900 forms and caught him when he stopped at 835? The discussion on how 900 forms could be known has been beat to death, but I will add my little argument. Myself I have over 240 forms. How is that possible? Well, contained in that are the 30 short forms, the 20 sparring techniques, 12 Hsing I animals, all the live/dead and shien tien, and so on. Do all of them take as long to do as our Yang Tai Chi, 20 minutes? No, some of them take a little over a few seconds to do. The point is, I can count my material as 240 distinct forms. So for marketing reasons, it is no stretch of the imagination to believe Sin The' has 900 forms.
    Last edited by themeecer; 07-29-2003 at 12:00 AM.
    themeecer actually shares a lot of the passion that Bruce Lee had about adopting techniques into your own way of 'expressing yourself.'
    (Nicest thing ever said about me on these boards.)

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