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Thread: Redirection of force/energy

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    checked your past threads/trolling days are numbered

    see your teaching in Phoenix and its called Huangs style, funny I didnt find anything remotely close to this listed:

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    lol it gets better

    from information you posted on another thread you gave this as your school address:

    "Huang's Kung Fu Academy
    2058 W. Warner Road
    Chandler AZ 85224"

    And using a reverse address directory I came up with:

    "Your search returned no results.
    Please verify your information was entered correctly."

    Pretty funny how you've trolled for so long here and it takes me about 2 minutes to verify your trolling or very delusional/phychotic or probably all of the above.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Orlando, Florida



    I am no longer affiliated with the Wah Lum Kung Fu Temple in Orlando, Florida.. (political differences).. This was where i trained whenever the invitation was "cordially" offered.. now you may contact me at:

    Extreme Harmony Martial Arts Academy
    3206 Scallion Ct.
    Orlando, Fl.

    I will PM you with a phone number for precise directions to the school.. (currently a private residence until we negotiate terms for our building)..

    or, visit our Website, (under construction)..

    You are welcome any time, but please confirm someone will be there..

    Aside from that.. You are welcome to bring your "ugly" self-inflated "Huang" style to be tested at whatever level you can withstand.. at your convenience.. The disagreement you speak of between you and i is one of experience.. you are at the level of "ugly".. be patient, it gets better.. Please don't embarass yourself further by insinuating that i accused you of refusing to visit my school.. no such comment or implication was ever made.. I didn't write back because you said it would be a year or more before you could make the journey (i can retrieve the PM if necessary).. i am patient and just wait for you to actually state time and date.. I have made no challenge to you, only offered to cross-hands in a friendly learning exchange.. i had thought we were able to communicate like adults, but......

    You have routinely antagonized and insulted nearly everyone on these forums.. so, counter to my normal mellow character.. i say to you.. put up, shut up or (hopefully) grow up... Nothing more need be said, you will either show up, shut up, or.. if you are interested in improving yourself, Grow up.. start acting like a responsible Martial Artist rather than some bully braggart kid.. it's your choice..

    Be well.. (be wise)..
    TaiChiBob.. "the teacher that is not also a student is neither"

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Orlando, Florida



    I have tried to PM you with a phone number.. your box is full..
    TaiChiBob.. "the teacher that is not also a student is neither"

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Chandler (Phoenix), Arizona
    You're a total idiot, brassmonkey.

    Come to Phoenix. You can FIND this location. Real students, real sifu, real kung fu. No website yet, though.

    I can even give you and your buddies exact directions from Sky Harbor International Airport. Bring your sifu.

    I'll be in the September edition of the East Valley Yellow Pages, brassmonkey. Then we'll all see how STUPID you are.

    The gloves are off, TaiChiBob.

    You've been after me for months, and you've been trying to trash my business in public simply because I'm younger (but no less experienced) than you. It's time to put your slander to the test.

    Now I have your real contact information, and we'll meet one day. Let's see how big you talk after you touch my hands.

    We shall meet at a neutral location of mutual agreement one day. There will be spectators involved, probably videotape as well. It doesn't have to be unfriendly, though I could easily be so if you push me further. Bring your best students.

    Thank you for your contact information. I respect your willingness to stand behind your barbs. In due time, we'll make this happen.
    Last edited by HuangKaiVun; 07-29-2003 at 12:11 PM.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    taken from Sharp Phil's guide to trolls

    "Look at Me, Look at Me

    The VTG likes to start things off quickly. He'll introduce himself to a forum by telling everyone things he assumes they must know, since obviously everyone is interested in his personal style and statistics. No one has asked, but the VTG is more than happy to march in and announce his credentials to those assembled.
    Unverifiable Style

    A known, quantifiable style is the mortal enemy of the VTG. Most self-defense and martial arts enthusiasts are familiar with the specifics of a variety of known styles and techniques. If the VTG were to construct his ficticious background from these, his lack of real knowledge would quickly become obvious, and posters who tried to pin him down would be able to talk him into a corner from which he could not escape.

    No, the VTG only rarely admits to a specific style background -- and if he does, the more obscure it is, the better. He may claim to have been taught by a single individual, a Wise Old Asian Master to rival the legendary greats of ancient Japan or China. Most often, though, he'll just tell you that his personal style is an eclectic mix of things he's picked up in his travels. For a lot of genuine martial artists and self-defense enthusiasts, this is true -- but VTGs only very rarely will be able to point to specific component styles. One in a thousand VTGs can try to explain how certain techniques from component styles would work together, but this, too, is rare.

    Those Who Can't Do...

    In rare cases, VTGs will actually claim to be paid instructors actively teaching self-defense or the martial arts in some physical location. They normally will be very circumspect about this, for obvious reasons.

    Its Only a Flesh Wound

    Your average VTG has been there and done that, man. He's been shot, he's been stabbed, he's been cut. He's won countless fights and lost a few, too

    Questionable Information

    The average VTG loves to be the center of attention, and he wants you to believe he's an expert. To that end he's constantly telling you what he thinks he knows. The problem is that he's basically ignorant -- and, as a result, he'll contradict himself. Apart from contradictions, he'll often dispense information that's just plain false or based on misconceptions. When this happens, other forum members are quick to smell blood.

    Legends in Their Own Minds

    A VTG can't help but create fanciful stories that are increasingly over the top. As a result, he or she will describe behavior so absurd as to border on self-parody. This is easily spotted, and sometimes sounds the beginning of the spiral of self-destruction that is a VTG who has been caught in his or her web of tall tales.

    The Deceptive or "Classic" Troll. More sophisticated but often easily identified and exposed, the Classic Troll gratifies his ego by pretending to be someone or something he or she is not. Classics make up elaborate stories about themselves, sometimes weaving some amounts of truth into their lies. As a web of lies is difficult to build with consistency, however, Classics are often "outed" by other forumites."

    any of this look familiar Huang?
    Last edited by brassmonkey; 07-29-2003 at 08:43 PM.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    "You're a total idiot, brassmonkey.

    Come to Phoenix. You can FIND this location. Real students, real sifu, real kung fu. No website yet, though.

    I can even give you and your buddies exact directions from Sky Harbor International Airport. Bring your sifu.

    I'll be in the September edition of the East Valley Yellow Pages, brassmonkey. Then we'll all see how STUPID you are"

    Riight. I wouldnt waste my time if I wer ein Phoenix even if you gave me a real address which will never happen. Its not like I would make a name for myself by beating you up nor do I take anything you say seriously to remember when I am good. I might as well challenge the ARizona National Guard verus me as this challenge would be as unreal as all yours you've posted on here. I've seen your posts in the past and thought almost all of it was bs but I keep that to myself in the past, I have to give you credit you've trolled a long while b4 someone called you out on it. Time to change your name and take some lessons from the folks over at fightsport because you are the dregs of the trolling society.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Originally posted by HuangKaiVun
    You're a total idiot, brassmonkey.

    Come to Phoenix. You can FIND this location. Real students, real sifu, real kung fu. No website yet, though.

    I can even give you and your buddies exact directions from Sky Harbor International Airport. Bring your sifu.

    I'll be in the September edition of the East Valley Yellow Pages, brassmonkey. Then we'll all see how STUPID you are.

    The gloves are off, TaiChiBob.

    You've been after me for months, and you've been trying to trash my business in public simply because I'm younger (but no less experienced) than you. It's time to put your slander to the test.

    Now I have your real contact information, and we'll meet one day. Let's see how big you talk after you touch my hands.

    We shall meet at a neutral location of mutual agreement one day. There will be spectators involved, probably videotape as well. It doesn't have to be unfriendly, though I could easily be so if you push me further. Bring your best students.

    Thank you for your contact information. I respect your willingness to stand behind your barbs. In due time, we'll make this happen.
    You had your own opinion and Tai Chi Bob had his, after this one post, you're just another insecured egotistical 7 year old playground chubsy bully.... trying to prove he's a bad ass... embarassing. Man you made a total fool out of yourself, TaichiBob was after you, ruining the reputation of your MA school???? Are you sure you are not paranoid? Wait, you said "business".... ahhh now I know your MA proficiency and why your perception was so askewd and childish.... business.... hmmmm.... can I get some fries with that McDojo, McKwoon?
    Last edited by StickyHands; 07-30-2003 at 01:42 PM.
    Milia Macerusk

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Orlando, Florida

    To be clear.. i have never "been after" HKV, period.. if his insecurities give him that perception, i can't help it.. in fact, i had assumed i was one of the few people willing to "try" to communicate with him.. i do not know where the animosity originates, i have tried to be respectful.. to have differences of opinion is expected, even appropriate (it would be boring if we all thought alike).. but, to call someone out because they have differing opinions deviates from normal rational behavior and hints of personality disorders..

    I have no personal quarrel with HKV, and i apologize for letting him provoke my previous response.. however, the situation remains as it is, an open invitation.. unlike HKV, i do not assume i am superior to anyone, i approach each opportunity to cross-hands with complete respect for the other combatant.. the fact that someone is willing to test their Art is worthy of respect, HKV included.. however, the brash and disrespectful attitude with which HKV approaches these issues is a poor example of a true Martial Artist.. it is not my intention to beat somebody up, it has never been so.. i will look for an honorable way out for BOTH parties rather than engage in actual violence.. that being said, if violence is unavoidable i have trained most of my life to respond decisively and without malice (emotion is a disadvantage when crossing-hands..).

    Since my good-intentions have been misinterpreted by HKV, i will no longer respond to remarks by him.. if he is foolish enough to spend the money and risk the embarassment to engage an old coot like me for the purpose of enhancing his own ego, our next conversation will be face to face.. To the rest of you guys, i apologize for my uncharacteristic behavior in this matter.. I am, and always remain, deeply respectful of all those people that make this journey with honor and dignity..

    Be well..
    TaiChiBob.. "the teacher that is not also a student is neither"

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Upstate NY
    I tried looking up evidence of what TCB is accused of- going waaay back to 2/2002, the closest I can find is a thread entitled "Keyboard Warriors" and in there HKV jumps all over TCB for perceived slights, not anything he actually said. HKV was also given info in a previous thread before, so when he writes "now that I have your real info", that's a crock.

    Nowhere has TCB slandered HKV for any reason that I can find, yet HKV has consistently badgered TCB. Sorry, facts speak for themselves.

    I believe at least one sifu [yuanfen] has visited HKV, but no discussion came from that. I think he does have a school, brassmonkey.

    And no, HKV, I'm not attacking you- I'm trying to understand the history of what's going on here. I'm giving you your due, wherever I can find it. If there's a particular post or thread that sticks out in your mind where TCB has attacked you, I would be willing to read it.
    Last edited by ZIM; 07-30-2003 at 07:05 AM.
    -Thos. Zinn

    "Children, never fuss or fret
    Nor let unreason'd tempers rise
    Your little hands were never meant
    To pluck out one anothers eyes"
    -McGuffey's Reader

    “We are at a crossroads. One path leads to despair and the other to total extinction. I pray I have the wisdom to choose wisely.”

    ستّة أيّام يا كلب

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Chandler (Phoenix), Arizona
    Well made points, ZIM.

    Usually, TaiChiBob will pick a point like what I made about the REALITY of Tai Chi combat and pontificate about how wrong I am.

    That much I accept without rancor. It's this questioning of my character (because I actually FIGHT) that I never took a liking to.

    Besides, my challenges to him don't necessarily mean that I want to fight him. It would be nice to meet him, touch hands, and then have a nice time afterwards.

    His immature response to this proves his inability to control his feelings of superiority and fear.

    The gap widens.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Upstate NY
    OK, so it's both a general and specific misunderstanding.

    On edit:
    HKV- i think at one point you mentioned that you had a relative [brother?] who also taught Kung fu in the upstate NY area, IIRC. Does he teach the same style as you? Would you mind terribly providing an address to his school, if I am remembering this correctly? I'll admit I'm somewhat curious to see what seng men, huang style is. Thanks.
    Last edited by ZIM; 07-30-2003 at 05:05 PM.
    -Thos. Zinn

    "Children, never fuss or fret
    Nor let unreason'd tempers rise
    Your little hands were never meant
    To pluck out one anothers eyes"
    -McGuffey's Reader

    “We are at a crossroads. One path leads to despair and the other to total extinction. I pray I have the wisdom to choose wisely.”

    ستّة أيّام يا كلب

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia

    There is no shame in standing up for what you believe in.

    There is a stupid old phrase im rather fond of.

    "stand it till you cant stand it any longer, then when you cant stand it any longer... dont"

    In short trust in your own judgement and reason and acknowledge that when you decide that enough is enough you have made the right decision.

    I guess all im trying to say is that you shouldnt feel like you have done the wrong thing just becouse you have called a spade a spade.

    Anyway be well and happy playing
    Up and down, forward and backward, left and right, its all the same. All of this is done with the mind, not externaly.
    Shaped dragon and looking monkey, sitting tiger and turning eagle.

    "I wonder how they would do against jon's no-tension fu. I bet they'd do REALLY WELL."
    - Huang Kai Vun

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    San Diego, California, USA

    Re: taken from Sharp Phil's guide to trolls



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