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Thread: Martial Arts and common sense

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Los Angeles

    Martial Arts and common sense

    These 2 emails were sent to me after I informed some students of the Alex Gong tragedy.

    "This is tragic.
    When I was a teenager I studied karate with a group of guys that were very
    hardcore. They started in the late 60's early 70's and believed the only way to
    test your ability was real fighting. They would do full contact, no protection
    sparring and many of them (ex bikers and gang members), seemed to get into
    fights every other weekend. They were actually very nice guys and didn't look
    for trouble, but the didn't shy away from an opportunity to test themselves
    Anyway, my instructor was very good. He constantly told us not to go out into
    the world with a chip on your shoulder because you know a martial art, that in
    the real world so many things can go wrong. They may have a gun or knife, three
    of their buddies might join in, you could slip on some gravel in the street, or
    the individual simply may be strong, aggressive, and enjoys violence and over
    powers you. That kind of person can still beat a well trained martial artist.
    Martial arts prepares us for violence buts does not make us invincible. Never
    underestimate your opponents abilities.
    The best defense for a confrontation is to avoid the confrontation. A true
    martial arts understands this, the value of self-confidence and humility."

    "I agree with John. Especially with the scenario. Based on what I learned
    from you and previous instructors, we are not invincible. There are always
    things that can go wrong and the consequences can be just as damaging.
    According to one of the stories....he broke the guys window and then was
    shot. That could have happened if it was a little old lady. Plain and
    simple..somethings are better handled by the law, and vigilantism is not a
    good thing at times.
    What if the guy didn't have a gun. What would he have done...beat him up?
    Then who goes to jail. Who serves felonious battery with intent to commit
    extreme bodily harm. I guess this is a good lesson to all of us that
    control over your emotions and thinking about the consequences of your
    actions is an important aspect of what we learn."
    Sifu Phillip Redmond
    Traditional Wing Chun Academy NYC/L.A.


  2. #2
    Your primary self defence tool should be your brain, regardless of whether or not you have an ability to fight. I view WC as my emergency back up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    near Albany, NY
    if you never get into a fight, you can never be defeated
    if you can never be defeated, you're invincible.


    structure in motion

  4. #4
    Great Post Phil.

    Alex cases is a tragic.
    Because alots of time we assume people will not go that far.....
    In a normal day, Alex cases is just a qualer in parking lot?

    IMHO. The reality is simple:

    do one has the intention to drop one's opponent? Yes or no? if not walk away because one has already lost. if yes will one prepare to live with the consequence?

  5. #5
    Originally posted by KingMonkey
    Your primary self defence tool should be your brain, regardless of whether or not you have an ability to fight. I view WC as my emergency back up.
    A different view,

    The primary self defence is to develop a habit of not to get into trouble.

    HABIT yes HABIT is the one control the karma.

    At emergency,
    Whether or not one have an ablility to fight means not much. the question is does one determine to drop other with any cost? WCK is just a tool it is not a back up.

    Just my two cents. I might be wrong.

    I rather sitting at home chanting OH MaNi pad me Hum and hope that everyone safe and happy. No body win with fighting and hurting others.
    Last edited by Phenix; 08-05-2003 at 11:30 AM.

  6. #6
    Hendrik Wrote>
    WCK is just a tool it is not a back up.
    survival of the fittest noun
    the principle that animals and plants suited to the conditions they live in are more likely to stay alive and produce other animals and plants than those which are not suited

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Tempe. Arizona
    "survival of the fittest"?

    Not so simple....

    ((Two entirely different and conflicting interpreataions...

    1. Herbert Spencer in Social Statics

    2. Charles Darwin in Origin of the Species.

    The first is more conflictual(within the species). The second more cooperative and
    adaptive as a species. Two quite different lessons.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    re alan

    it is very sad news: to hear about this peace and respect to his , family , russell sherry

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    what a waste

    big love to all his family.

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